Field of Glory Empires – Century Gothic Font Change

Century Gothic Font Change

All it really does is replacing three font files. As there is no Steam Workshop integration yet the mod has to be installed manually.

Github page here

Dowland Link

Installation with JSGME (JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler)

The release package contains the JSGME executable which makes installing/uninstalling mods very easy.

  • Copy JSGME.exe and the JSGME directory to the root directory of the game, e.g. C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Field of Glory Empires\
  • Start JSGME.exe and choose the JSGME directory as your mod source directory
  • Activate the mod in JSGME

If you don’t want to use JSGME you can also install the mod manually, see section below.

Manual Installation

  • Copy the three font files from JSGME\[Font] Century Gothic (1.x.x)\Core\ to C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Field of Glory Empires\Core overwriting any existing files. It is recommended to backup the original files first.

Example Screenshot

Field of Glory Empires Century Gothic Font Change

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