Mount & Blade: Warband – Floris Companions Guide

Floris Companions Guide

Intellect/Party Stat Companions

This is a very basic stat companion combination that i use for my intellect skills. and again, i’m sure there will be a better way of doing this to maximise the stat outcome but this is just what i use.

  • Lezalit: Cost: 400 Skill: Engineer
  • Nardia: Cost: Free. Skill: Tracker
  • Ymira: Cost: Free. Skill: Medic

You may be thinking why i have Lezalit as a permanent companion because he is of noble blood.
That is because in Floris, he has a bad reputation for being a vassal and granting him a fief will upset other kings just like recruting commoners such as Klethi for an example will.

Party 1. Nobles/Early Game Companions

These are the noble companions of which you will want to recruit as vassals to your kingdom.

  • Alayen: Cost: 300 Reputation: Marshal lord.
  • Firentiss: Cost: Free Reputation: Good natured lord.
  • Floris: Cost: 20k (Yes, I know) Reputation: Good standing lord.
  • Ghazwan: Cost: 400 Reputation: Marshal lord.
  • Matheld: Cost: 500 Reputation: Marshal lord.
  • Baheshtur: Cost: 400 Reputation: Cunning lord.
  • Rolf: Cost: 300 Reputation: Cunning lord.

All of these companions are of noble blood and are safe to have as vassals of your kingdom.

Party 2. Commoners. Mid/Late Game Companions

These are the companions you will recruit once you have given all the previous noble companions fiefs.You will find while gathering these companions you will have morale/friendship problems within your party, but alas, all of these problems will go away once you have gathered all of these companions. This is because they will all have someone they dislike and like in the party so this will even it out.

Note: Reputations are irrelevant because you won’t be needing this guys as vassals.

  •  Cost: 200
  • Katrin: Cost: 100
  • Edwyn: Cost: 300
  • Artimenner: Cost: 300
  • Deshavi: Cost: 300
  • Borcha: Cost: 300
  • Marnid: Cost: Free

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