Field of Glory Empires – Rome Total War Soundtrack Mod

Rome Total War Soundtrack Mod


Click the following link to download the mod, it is a relatively small download and shouldn’t take long.


Click the link, wait for the free download prompt and download.


Once you have downloaded the mod you need to unzip the folder and place the files in:

‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Field of Glory Empires\Data\Music’

Note: If you have installed Steam/the game to a custom install path the above path may not be correct for you.

NOTE – By default the original main theme from Field of Glory Empires will play. If you wish to hear the main theme from Rome Total War play on the main menu, rename the original ‘MainTheme’ to something like ‘MainThemeOld’ and remove the [ROME TW] tag from the RTW main theme file name.


This mod is easy to install and shouldn’t cause any problems however I am not responsible for any issues caused by the mod.

A word of advice is to make a copy of the default ‘Music’ folder and name it something like ‘Music Original’ so you can always revert back to the vanilla soundtrack if you want/need to.

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