If you need a way to follow in this game where you can communicate and flirt with men, the information in our guide will help you. In this From Madness with Love Walkthrough and All Endings guide you can find information on how to achieve all eight ends and 58CGs.
This is the guide kaninn it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.
From Madness with Love Walkthrough and All Endings
This is a complete From Madness with Love Walkthrough and All Endings guide, step by step walkthrough for obtaining all CGs & endings in: From Madness with Love. There are four love interests: Saeki Yuusuke, Arakawa Shuji, Tamura Marshmallow & Aorta. Each has 2 endings for a total of 8.
There are 58 unique CGs, labelled within my guide in order of gallery appearance for the character.
This walkthrough follows the text choices which elicit the most favourable character reactions in each route.
My recommended route order is: Yuusuke > Aorta > Shuuji > Marshmallow.
Saeki Yuusuke

-Start a new game (input first and last name)
- Courtyard
- Do nothing
- Sure is
- Nay
- Aye
-Optional Save Point (Early April)
- Classroom
- Eat
- What do you do in your free time?
- Go to the Gaming Club (⭐Yuusuke CG #1)
–Optional Save Point (Late April)
- Saeki Yuusuke (⭐Yuusuke CG #2)
- You’re f*cking amazing!
- Just go home
–Optional Save Point (Early May)
- Don’t go
- Join the Occult Research Club
–Optional Save Point (mid May)
- Troll the internet
-Optional Save Point (late May)
- Fire (⭐Yuusuke CG #3)
- Just go home
-Optional Save Point (Early June)
- It’s trash-burning day!!!!
- Don’t call out to him
-Optional Save Point (Late June)
- Saeki Yuusuke
- (⭐Shuuji CG #4)
-Optional Save Point (Early July)
- It’s Saeki’s birthday!
- Give him a pacifier (⭐Yuusuke CG #4)
- Don’t help
-Optional Save Point (Late July)
- Let’s go! (⭐Yuusuke CG #5)
- Forgive
-Optional Save Point (Early August)
- Go to the park
- Take a bath
-Optional Save Point (Late August)
- (⭐Shuuji CG #6)
- Throw the lunch away
-Optional Save Point (Early September)
- My classroom (⭐Yuusuke CG #6)
- It’s delicious
-Optional Save Point (Late September)
- Time to air out my futon!
- Calm Aorta-senpai down
- Let’s eat lunch together!
-Optional Save Point (Early October)
- Saeki Yuusuke (⭐Yuusuke CG #7)
- Take him on!
-Optional Save Point (Late October)
- Two-legged race (⭐Yuusuke CG #8)
-Optional Save Point (Early November)
- Ask for a tissue
- Go home with Saeki
-Optional Save Point (Late November)
- That blond playboy
- Uh-huh!
-Optional Save Point (Early December)
- Dress down
- (⭐Yuusuke CG #9)
- Because I wanted to be with you
-Optional Save Point (Late December)
- Pound some mochi (⭐Yuusuke CG #10)
-Optional Save Point (Early January)
- Go look for Saeki (⭐Yuusuke CG #11)
- Opabinia set
- Oh god, what if it’s contagious?!
-Optional Save Point (Late January)
- Confess to him
- Catch you later!
- Catch you later!
- Catch you later!
- Ask about his tastes
- Super-sweet white chocolate
- A giant, massive heart!
- Money
- Tabasco
-Optional Save Point (Early February)
- Saeki Yuusuke (⭐Yuusuke CG #12)
-Optional Save Point (Late February)
1. I want you to use it to pay off the settlement (⭐Yuusuke CG #13) YUUSUKE ED1
2. I want us to take this and elope (⭐Yuusuke CG #14) YUUSUKE ED2

*Optional: check the log to de-gibberish Aorta’s text 🙂
–Start a new game (input first and last name)
- Central Hall
- You’ve got the wrong person
- Nay
- Aye
-Optional Save Point (Early April)
- Central Hall
- I’ll eat alone…
- Go to the Occult Research Club
-Optional Save Point (Late April)
- Aorta-senpai (⭐Aorta CG #1)
- You were really cute!
- Call out to him
-Optional Save Point (Early May)
- Go see the nurse
- I think I’m okay
- Join the Occult Research Club
-Optional Save Point (mid May)
- Study in the library
- Stylish! (⭐Aorta CG #2)
-Optional Save Point (late May)
- Food prep
- Just go home
-Optional Save Point (Early June)
- It’s Aorta-senpai’s birthday!
- Give him some crayons (⭐Aorta CG #3)
- Don’t call out to him
-Optional Save Point (Late June)
- Aorta-senpai
- (⭐Shuuji CG #4)
-Optional Save Point (Early July)
- It’s newspaper collection day!
- Don’t help
-Optional Save Point (Late July)
- Let’s go!
- You were so cool! (⭐Aorta CG #4)
-Optional Save Point (Early August)
- Go to the library
- Get homework done
- Let Senpai take shelter here ⭐(Aorta CG #5)
-Optional Save Point (Late August)
- (⭐Shuuji CG #6)
- Throw the lunch away
-Optional Save Point (Early September)
- First year’s classroom
- Let’s go together! (⭐Aorta CG #6)
-Optional Save Point (Late September)
- Time to air out my futon!
- Encourage Saeki to apologize
- Let’s eat lunch together!
-Optional Save Point (Early October)
- Aorta-senpai (⭐Aorta CG #7)
- Feel up his ears
-Optional Save Point (Late October)
- Folk dancing (⭐Aorta CG #8)
-Optional Save Point (Early November)
- Ask for a tissue
- Go home alone
-Optional Save Point (Late November)
- That sanpaku four-eyes
- Uh-huh!
-Optional Save Point (Early December)
- Dress up
- (⭐Aorta CG #9)
- Offer a handkerchief
-Optional Save Point (Late December)
- Play hanetsuki (⭐Aorta CG #10)
-Optional Save Point (Early January)
- Let it be
- Super popular baked hallucigenia (⭐Aorta CG #11)
- Give him a piggyback ride to the nurse’s office
-Optional Save Point (Late January)
- Confess to him
- Ask about his tastes
- Catch you later!
- Catch you later!
- Catch you later!
- Dark chocolate for a mature palate
- Something small and easy to eat
- Nothing
- Nothing
-Optional Save Point (Early February)
- Aorta-senpai (⭐Aorta CG #12)
-Optional Save Point (Late February)
1. Take back my confession (⭐Aorta CG #13) AORTA ED1
2. Want to confess again (⭐Aorta CG #14) AORTA ED2
Arakawa Shuuji

Start a new game (input first and last name)
- Nurse’s Office
- You’ve got the wrong person
- Nay
- Aye
-Optional Save Point (Early April)
- Central hall
- Why don’t we eat together?
- Favourite animals (⭐Shuuji CG #1)
- Just go home
-Optional Save Point (Late April)
- Mr. Arakawa
- Are you any good at sports?
- Just go home
-Optional Save Point (Early May)
- Go see the nurse
- I’ll lie down (⭐Shuuji CG #2)
- Join the Occult Research Club
-Optional Save Point (mid May)
- Troll the internet
-Optional Save Point (late May)
- Food prep
- Call out to him (⭐Shuuji CG #3)
-Optional Save Point (Early June)
- It’s trash-burning day!!!!
- Don’t call out to him
-Optional Save Point (Late June)
- Mr. Arakawa
- (⭐Shuuji CG #4)
-Optional Save Point (Early July)
- It’s newspaper collection day!
- Help look
- In the desk drawer
-Optional Save Point (Late July)
- Let’s go! (⭐Shuuji CG #5)
- You got it!
-Optional Save Point (Early August)
- Go to the library
- Get reading done
-Optional Save Point (Late August)
- (⭐Shuuji CG #6)
- Eat the lunch
-Optional Save Point (Early September)
- The gym (⭐Shuuji CG #7)
- That was off the chain!
-Optional Save Point (Late September)
- It’s Mr. Arakawa’s birthday!
- Give him a porno (⭐Shuuji CG #8)
- Calm Aorta-senpai down
- I think a teacher wanted to talk to you
-Optional Save Point (Early October)
- Mr. Arakawa
- Then I’ll have to trick you! (⭐Shuuji CG #9)
- Optional Save Point (Late October)
- Tagalong race
-Optional Save Point (Early November)
- Go to the nurse’s office(⭐Shuuji CG #10)
- Go home alone
-Optional Save Point (Late November)
- That seahorse guy
- Uh-huh!
-Optional Save Point (Early December)
- Dress up
- (⭐Shuuji CG #11)
- A special person…
-Optional Save Point (Late December)
- Pray
- Success in love!
-Optional Save Point (Early January)
- Let it be
- Opabinia set
- Help him back to the nurse’s office (⭐Shuuji CG #12)
-Optional Save Point (Late January)
- Confess to him
- Catch you later!
- Catch you later!
- Ask about his tastes
- Catch you later!
- Plain milk chocolate
- Something small and easy to eat
- Nothing
- Silver dragees
-Optional Save Point (Early February)
- Mr. Arakawa(⭐Shuuji CG #13)
-Optional Save Point (Late February)
- (⭐Shuuji CG #4)
1. Yes (⭐Shuuji CG #14) SHUUJI ED1
2. Stay silent (⭐Shuuji CG #15) SHUUJI ED2
Tamura Marshmallow

Start a new game (input first and last name)
- Courtyard
- Call out to him
- Tap him on the shoulder
- You’ve got the wrong person
- Aye
-Optional Save Point (Early April)
- Courtyard
- Split the lunchbox
- Talk about food
- Go to the Occult Research Club
-Optional Save Point (Late April)
- That kid whose name I don’t know
- Then let’s get outta here! (⭐Marshmallow CG #1)
- Just go home
-Optional Save Point (Early May)
- Go see the nurse
- I think I’m okay
- Join the Occult Research Club
-Optional Save Point (mid May)
- Troll the internet
-Optional Save Point (late May)
- Food prep
- Go to my club(⭐Marshmallow CG #3)
-Optional Save Point (Early June)
- It’s trash-burning day!!!!
- Call out to him (⭐Marshmallow CG #2)
-Optional Save Point (Late June)
- Marshmallow-kun
- (⭐Shuuji CG #4)
-Optional Save Point (Early July)
- It’s newspaper collection day!
- Don’t help
- Join in on club activities (⭐Marshmallow CG #4)
-Optional Save Point (Late July)
- Let’s go! (⭐Marshmallow CG #5)
-Optional Save Point (Early August)
- Go to the park
- Chase after him
- Take it home
- Offer to let him stay
-Optional Save Point (Late August)
- (⭐Shuuji CG #6)
- Throw the lunch away
- Go to my club
- Follow Marshmallow-kun (⭐Marshmallow CG #6)
-Optional Save Point (Early September)
- First year’s classroom
- Let’s go together! (⭐Aorta CG #6)
-Optional Save Point (Late September)
- Time to air out my futon!
- Encourage Saeki to apologize
- You’ve got something on your clothes
- Go to my club
- Hide in a locker (⭐Marshmallow CG #7)
-Optional Save Point (Early October)
- Marshmallow-kun
- Follow him! (⭐Marshmallow CG #8)
-Optional Save Point (Late October)
- Folk dancing (⭐Aorta CG #8)
-Optional Save Point (Early November)
- Ask for a tissue
- Go to the club
-Optional Save Point (Late November)
- Marshmallow-sama
- Uh-huh!
- Join in on club activities
- Hot dog (⭐Marshmallow CG #9)
-Optional Save Point (Early December)
- Dress down
- (⭐Marshmallow CG #10)
- I love it!
-Optional Save Point (Late December)
- Pray
- Cold hard cash!
-Optional Save Point (Early January)
- Let it be
- Super popular baked hallucigenia (⭐Aorta CG #11)
- Wish the pain away!
- Go to my club
-Optional Save Point (Late January)
- Confess to him
- Catch you later!
- Ask about his tastes
- Catch you later!
- Catch you later!
- Super-sweet white chocolate
- Something so small you can’t even see it
- Nothing
- Nothing
-Optional Save Point (Early February)
- Marshmallow-kun (⭐Marshmallow CG #11) (⭐Marshmallow CG #13)
-Optional Save Point (Late February)
- (⭐Marshmallow CG #12)
1. Bury the dead (⭐Marshmallow CG #14) MARSHMALLOW ED1
2. Don’t bury the dead (⭐Marshmallow CG #15) MARSHMALLOW ED2