From The Depths Committing War Crimes

Welcome to our From The Depths Committing War Crimes guide. Ever wanted to commit unethical first strikes on wooden boats, but your submarine capzises even though its literally underwater? Well you have come to the right place.

From The Depths Committing War Crimes

This guide will teach you how to build a submarine!

Making a Hull

Since you’re probaly new to the game, making a hull may be hard. Thats why i recomend you to go for a blueprint one, specifically the “Metal hull”.

From The Depths Committing War Crimes
From The Depths Committing War Crimes

You’ll know its the right one if it has nuts on the front.

Basic Hull Improvments

Congrats, now you have a basic hull. But you’re gonna want to make it more like a submarine. To start off, add a deck. Make it metal and autofill the top surface of the ship with F. Moving on, you might notice that the sub sinks like a rock when placed in water. This might sound good, but its not as you cannot control the sub (you want it to stay passive in water). You’ll want to find the part that sticks out at the side of the ship, turn on mirror mode and replace those blocks with alloy. Example:

Committing War Crimes
Committing War Crimes

(If you want cool factors you can colour the alloy red, i didnt bc im too lazy but yeah)

AI and Engine – From The Depths Committing War Crimes

For engine and AI, use prefabs or make your own if you know how to. You can put them bascially anywhere as long as it isnt wasting too much space, example of how it can look:

Committing War Crimes
Committing War Crimes


We will not be making any RTG or similair for this ship, so it will rely on other ships for materials.

Now, for material storage about 30 ammo barrels, 20 fuel tanks and 50 material storage should be enough. (make sure to add armour to the ammo barrels because they like to explode violently)
This doesnt have to be exact, but generally this should be enough if you’re running near base or supply ships.

From The Depths - Resources
From The Depths – Resources


Now, this ship will NOT feature AI driving, which means you will have to control is manually during fights (note that AI firing will still work). If you want your submarine to go up or down, you need propellers. This ship will use the complex driver (do not let the name fool you, it is very simple) to move the ship. It is viable to use the vehicle controller with ACBs but frankly, i do not have the willpower to do a tutorial with that, additionaly it may be hard for a begginer.

Alright so to start of, add 4 large propellers on the bottom which the arrow facing up,two at the front of the ship and two at the end. (make sure they are level). Once you’re done, press Q on the propeller. Click the propulsion control button and press the up arrow once, and the down arrow twice (should look like this).

From The Depths - Resources
From The Depths – Resources

Repeat on the other propellers. You can now control the ship going up/down with the arrows on your keyboard.

Propulsion Of The Ship And Turning – From The Depths Committing War Crimes

So for the propulsion and turning, just do it like any normal ship. You can use hydrofoils for turning but we’ll just use a rudder for this one. Add 2 large propellers and a rudder in the posistions we made.

Propulsion Of The Ship And Turning
Propulsion Of The Ship And Turning


Since the sub is running on complex controller, you need to add custom controls to all the propellers / rudders.

Propulsion Of The Ship And Turning
Propulsion Of The Ship And Turning

Do this to all the propellers, then set the rudder to red H and green K.

Adding Weapons

This submarine will only run on missiles. To start of you will want to make a basic shape with connectors. The missile system will be at the end of the ship and will contain 24 medium launchers. (Any image of large missiles should be ignored, its accidental.)

Adding Weapons
Adding Weapons

Add 1 ejector add on to every launch pad, then build gantries until you reach the deck. Remove pieces of the deck to allow for the missiles to leave, and add aerodynamic hatches to replace the metal.

Adding Weapons
Adding Weapons

To use the missiles, you want to add a missile controler and some compoments. You will need a all in 1 weapons controller, staggered fire and detect friend or foe.

Adding Weapons
Adding Weapons

If missile not working, make sure controller is facing the right direction.

As for the missile design, press Q on a launchpad and copy mine.

Adding Weapons
Adding Weapons

Detection Components – From The Depths Committing War Crimes

As for this sub, the detection will rely on you staying in the surface for the first seconds of the fight before diving to use the AI. You will want to turn on mirror mode for this and place an AI connector block with a wireless reciever and a 360 camera. place about 2 on each side of the ship and then a sonar pretty much anywhere.

Detection Components
Detection Components

Finishing It Up

For step 9 you just need to do some general things to finish it up. If the ship is unbalanced, add some lead to balance it out, make a hole in the top of the ship and put a hatch to enter the sub where you need to add a complex controler, chair and weapon controller (feel free to decorate it if you fancy), and then you should be pretty done! Thank you for reading this guide, I hope the sub works well.

Finishing It Up
Finishing It Up

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