GBF Relink: How to Recruit All Companions

In GBF Relink, companions are characters that you can add to your party and are controlled by the NPC. In the game, there are companions with different roles that you can recruit. In this guide, we have detailed all recruitable companions, along with their features and roles. You can also get help from GBF Relink tier list to learn about the most powerful characters and companions in the meta. These lists are created according to the current patch.

All Recruitable Companions in GBF Relink

Allies in Granblue Fantasy Relink, referred to as companions, are integral members of the party, operating as A.I.-controlled entities that autonomously engage in combat to offer crucial support. These non-playable characters play a pivotal role in battles, providing buffs to allies, inflicting debuffs on enemies, dealing supplementary damage, and offering a range of utility skills.

This comprehensive guide endeavors to delve deeper into the realm of companions, shedding light on their origins, intricate backstories, underlying motives, and overarching goals. By exploring the intricacies of these characters, players can gain a richer understanding of their significance within the narrative and the valuable contributions they bring to the overall gaming experience.


How to recruit lyria in gbf relink

Lyria is a character who debuted during the 3rd Anniversary of Granblue Fantasy, released almost 7 years ago. Players can choose to complete a side story called “What Makes the Sky Blue” to unlock Lyria, who provides support in combat. In the original game, she excels in strong Charge Attack damage, capable of boosting her own Charge Bar. What makes Lyria exceptional in combat is her adaptive feature, where her element is determined by the Main Character.

As a companion in Granblue Fantasy Relink, Lyria joins the party as a guest companion. Her icon does not have an HP bar, unlike other playable characters or allies. This means players have little control over her, and she automatically participates in combat. Lyria supports parties by creating a giant bubble to deflect damage, as well as summoning primal beasts like Bahamut.

HOW TO RECRUIT LYRIA IN GBF RELINK: Lyria automatically joins the party at the beginning of the game, and for most of the main campaign chapters, she remains in the group as a guest companion.


How to recruit rolan in gbf relink

Rolan is a new addition to the Granblue Fantasy franchise, serving as a vicar and a “Mr. Fix-It” handling various odd jobs within and beyond Folca. The townsfolk trust him with personal problems, broken furniture, and other requests. A skilled swordsman, Rolan is capable of exterminating threats. Despite being treated like a longtime neighbor, the townsfolk are unaware of his life before Folca.

In GBF Relink, Rolan is a guest companion, providing insights and verbal support in combat. In some chapters of the main campaign, Rolan actively participates in combat, attacking and providing moves that benefit the party.

HOW TO RECRUIT ROLAN IN GBF RELINK: Players first encounter Rolan in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier, and he simultaneously joins the party as a guest companion in various story chapters.


How to recruit vyrn in gbf relink

Vyrn is a character from the original game, introduced in 2014. With wings resembling a small dragon and often seen carrying a magical book or a backpack, Vyrn serves as a guide in the original game, leading the Main Character to fulfill their destiny.

In GBF Relink, Vyrn can coordinate with Lyria to unleash support skills in combat. Primarily, he acts as a waypoint for Main Quests or Side Quests, flying towards an objective marker and shining a light to indicate the next destination. Vyrn also provides verbal support, offering combat tips in certain situations.

HOW TO RECRUIT VYRN IN GBF RELINK: Vyrn automatically joins the party at the start of the game and consistently accompanies The Captain through exploration and combat.


How to recruit katalina in gbf relink

Katalina is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. She is one of the early allies automatically recruited in the game, known for her balanced combat style, healing, and defensive skills. Allies or Companions in GBF Relink are recruitable characters that join The Captain’s party in both exploration and combat.

Each character in GBF Relink has unique traits, including the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance. Players can form a party of four, with the leftmost slot being the one controlled by the player. However, The Captain must be part of the party for the main story, while in other instances, players can play as any character they like.

HOW TO RECRUIT KATALINA IN GBF RELINK: Katalina is automatically added to the list of party members at the beginning of the main campaign in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


How to recruit rackam in gbf relink

Rackam is another early ally in Granblue Fantasy Relink, automatically recruited in the game. He specializes in long-range attacks, inflicting critical damage, learning melee moves, and using fire-based skills. Like other allies, Rackam joins The Captain’s party in both exploration and combat.

HOW TO RECRUIT RACKAM IN GBF RELINK: Rackam is automatically added to the list of party members at the beginning of the main campaign in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


How to recruit io in gbf relink

Io is an early ally in GBF Relink, automatically recruited at the start of the game. She is a mage-type character, utilizing magical spells to hinder enemies from afar while providing support to her team. With enough focus, Io can apply destructive damage to enemies.

HOW TO RECRUIT IO IN GBF RELINK: Io is automatically added to the list of party members at the beginning of the main campaign in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


How to recruit eugen in gbf relink

Eugen is another early ally in Granblue Fantasy Relink, automatically recruited in the game. Unlike Rackam, Eugen excels when fighting from a distance, aiming at specific weak points for higher damage. Eugen can be a valuable asset in battles.

HOW TO RECRUIT EUGEN IN GBF RELINK: Eugen is automatically added to the list of party members at the beginning of the main campaign in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


How to recruit rosetta in gbf relink

Rosetta is an early ally in Granblue Fantasy Relink, automatically recruited in the game. She is a balanced-type character, capable of keeping enemies at bay from mid-range. Rosetta plants roses across the battlefield to provide various supportive effects to the team.

HOW TO RECRUIT ROSETTA IN GBF RELINK: Rosetta is automatically added to the list of party members at the beginning of the main campaign in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


How to recruit lancelot in gbf relink

Lancelot is a dual-wielding master swordsman, serving as the captain of the Order of White Dragons in the Feendrache Kingdom. Known for his agility, Lancelot specializes in evasion and overwhelming his foes with fast attacks.

HOW TO RECRUIT LANCELOT IN GBF RELINK: Lancelot can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town’s “Quest Counter.”


How to recruit vane in gbf relink

Vane is a knight who excels in both offensive and defensive skills. He can unleash deadly swings with his grand halberd and protect his allies with formidable defense when needed.

HOW TO RECRUIT VANE IN GBF RELINK: Vane can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town’s “Quest Counter.”


How to recruit percival in gbf relink

Percival is a lordly knight specializing in wielding a blade and harnessing the element of fire. He charges and strikes through his foes with increased power.

HOW TO RECRUIT PERCIVAL IN GBF RELINK: Percival can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town.


How to recruit charlotta in gbf relink

Charlotta is a small but powerful knight who wields a giant sword. Despite her size, she is agile and quick in battle.

HOW TO RECRUIT CHARLOTTA IN GBF RELINK: Charlotta can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town’s “Quest Counter.”


How to recruit narmaya in gbf relink

Narmaya is a skilled swordswoman who can transform her blade into different forms, each with unique abilities.

HOW TO RECRUIT NARMAYA IN GBF RELINK: Narmaya can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town’s “Quest Counter.”


How to recruit zeta in gbf relink

Zeta is a fierce and agile warrior who wields a spear. She can deal powerful attacks and control the battlefield with her speed.

HOW TO RECRUIT ZETA IN GBF RELINK: Zeta can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town’s “Quest Counter.”


How to recruit vaseraga in gbf relink

Vaseraga is a stoic and powerful warrior who wields a colossal scythe. He is known for his defensive capabilities and ability to control the battlefield.

HOW TO RECRUIT VASERAGA IN GBF RELINK: Vaseraga can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack, with the Character Recruitment feature becoming available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards are acquired by progressing through specific chapters in the main campaign, and they can also be obtained as rewards for completing side quests at a town’s “Quest Counter.”


How to recruit siegfried in gbf relink

Siegfried is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. As a special-type character, he stands out as one of the heaviest allies in the game, specializing in strong swings that can lead to devastating attacks when perfectly timed. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, allies or companions are recruitable characters that join the player’s party in both exploration and combat. Each character is unique in terms of the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance.

How to Recruit Siegfried in GBF Relink: Siegfried can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack. The Character Recruitment feature becomes available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Players can acquire Crewmate Cards from Siero by progressing through the main campaign or story. Crewmate Cards can also be obtained as rewards for completing specific side quests from a town’s “Quest Counter.”

Players can obtain Crewmate Cards at the following chapters:

  • Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 6: In Search of Hope: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 8: Relink: x1 Crewmate Card


How to recruit yodarha in gbf relink

Yodarha is another Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Despite being one of the smallest characters, he utilizes his size advantage to move swiftly and shred foes with his dual katanas.

How to Recruit Yodarha in GBF Relink: Yodarha, like Siegfried, can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack. The Character Recruitment feature becomes available at the beginning of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. The acquisition of Crewmate Cards follows a similar pattern:

  • Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 6: In Search of Hope: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 8: Relink: x1 Crewmate Card


How to recruit ferry in gbf relink

Ferry is a special-type character in Granblue Fantasy Relink, using a whip to attack at mid-range. She can summon spirit pets to provide various supportive effects to the team while applying pressure to enemies.

How to Recruit Ferry in GBF Relink: Ferry, like other characters, can be recruited using a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack. The Character Recruitment feature is accessible from the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Crewmate Cards can be obtained as rewards for completing side quests from a town’s “Quest Counter” in the following chapters:

  • Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 6: In Search of Hope: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 8: Relink: x1 Crewmate Card


How to recruit ghandagoza in gbf relink

Ghandagoza is a warrior in Granblue Fantasy Relink who relies on the power of his fists. He excels in close-range combat, overwhelming foes with his raging thrusts.

How to Recruit Ghandagoza in GBF Relink: To recruit Ghandagoza, players need to use a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack. The Character Recruitment feature becomes available at the start of Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Obtain Crewmate Cards as rewards for completing specific side quests from a town’s “Quest Counter” in the following chapters:

  • Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 6: In Search of Hope: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 8: Relink: x1 Crewmate Card


How to recruit cagliostro in gbf relink

Cagliostro is an alchemist in Granblue Fantasy Relink, manipulating the element of earth. She excels in supporting the team and providing buffs.

How to Recruit Cagliostro in GBF Relink: To recruit Cagliostro, players need to use a Crewmate Card at Siero’s Knickknack Shack. The Character Recruitment feature is accessible starting from Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue. Obtain Crewmate Cards as rewards for completing side quests from a town’s “Quest Counter” in the following chapters:

  • Chapter 4: Skies Forever Blue: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 6: In Search of Hope: x1 Crewmate Card
  • Chapter 8: Relink: x1 Crewmate Card


How to recruit id in gbf relink

Id is a special character in Granblue Fantasy Relink, able to shift between human and dragon forms. He specializes in wide attacks and is equipped with Dark-type skills.

How to Recruit Id in GBF Relink: Id initially joins as a temporary member in Chapter 9: Opposing Wills. He later becomes a mandatory playable character in Chapter 0: Skybound Heart and is permanently added to the party as players progress through Chapter 0. Access to Chapter 0 is available after completing “Final Chapter: Id.”

Allies and Crewmate Cards for Recruit

  1. Initial Allies:

When you begin the game, you control either Gran or Djeeta, with the support of Lyria. Shortly after, Katalina, Rackam, and Io join your party, followed by Rosetta and Eugen for the final blow in an early boss battle.

These characters form the main Skyfarer Group initially. Lyria and Vyrn accompany you, providing additional support.

  1. Recruiting More Allies:

In the fourth chapter, you encounter Sierokarte, the all-around merchant, who gives you your first Crewmate Card.

Crewmate Cards are exchanged to recruit new allies. These playable characters bring unique skills and growth to your crew.

  1. Obtaining Crewmate Cards:

Four Crewmate Cards are given automatically as you progress through the game. Siero grants two in Chapters 6 and 8, and two more are rewarded upon reaching the Veteran Skyfarer Grade and defeating a certain Key Quest post-game.

Additional Crewmate Cards can be earned as First-Clear Rewards in specific quests at the Quest Center.

  1. Finding Hidden Crewmate Cards:

Unlock higher difficulties like Maniac post-game to discover more Crewmate Cards.

Utilize the Wish List system to mark Crewmate Cards you’re seeking, making it easier to track them among numerous quests.

  1. Starting Level and Development:

Newly recruited allies do not start at level zero; they are already leveled close to your current characters.

Weapon and Masteries of new recruits are developed to a point that scales with your existing characters, saving time and resources.

Building a formidable crew in Granblue Fantasy Relink involves a strategic approach to recruiting allies. Utilize Crewmate Cards, explore quests, and take advantage of the Wish List system to efficiently expand and enhance your roster.

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