GeoDepths Technologies, Materials & Upgrades

GeoDepths upgrades will allow you to dig deeper to find more types of ore. So what are the upgrades? What are the materials that will help you progress in the game, what are the technologies that will make your job easier? Here we have put together a list of technologies, materials, upgrades and more in this GeoDepths Technologies, Materials & Upgrades guide. Check out for details!

This is the guide Knuks it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

GeoDepths Technologies, Materials & Upgrades

If you are looking for a summary of technologies, materials, upgrades, producible items, drilling technology and an encyclopedia, you are in the right place! We have put together a list of technologies, materials, upgrades and more in this GeoDepths Technologies, Materials & Upgrades guide, so you can have a list of items on 1 screen while playing on another, and then you can keep track of what is needed.


The following table shows the technologies that can be unlocked over time, usually by gaining enough research points from scanning new ores at base, or by scanning items found in the caves.

The list below is presented in numeric order. This is NOT the order that they are unlocked. I will leave that as something for the reader to find out.

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.


The tables below show:

  • The ores that can be mined
  • The ingots that can be produced
  • The alloys that can be created

Ores can only be mined if you have the appropriate drill toughness technology applied to your drill. The technologies are upgraded over time as you research items (such as lower tier ore)

The tables below are not sorted in any special way, except to make the following sections easier to follow (subjective of course).

Table 1

Shows a summary of how materials can be refined or alloyed
List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Table 2

Shows all the mine-able items, and how many are used to produce the next item in the chain.

  • 1 x Copper (B13) is refined from refining 1 x Malachite (C13)
  • 1 x Steel (B19) is made by alloying 1 x Carbonide (H20) and 1 x Iron (M20)

Note: There are some ores that do not get refined (Bionite, Feverite), but these ores are used in other processes.
List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Drill Upgrades

The following tables show the drill upgrades that are available throughout the game, and the costs to apply them. Upgrades are made available when enough research points are generated, and can be applied to your drill once the correct resources have been created.

Note 1: I may have listed some Tier 2 items incorrectly (Marked with ‘?’ as screenshots lost)
Note 2: You must go through each tier of upgrade in sequence.
Note 3: Once the research is available, you can create the technology by building it with the appropriate ingots and alloys (EG, when Tier 7 Navigation speed is unlocked, build it using 20 Copper, and 20 Mantorium)

Drill Navigation Speed

This affects how fast your rig can travel through open ground, not how quickly it can mine.
Note: Level 8 is the max speed.

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Drill Storage Capacity

This affects how many ores and manually collected biomass can be stored inside your rig combined. If you have 10 ores in a tier 1 drill, you can only collect a further 5 biomass.
Note 1: Level 8 is the max capacity
Note 2: A large capacity + lots of drones effectively allows you to stay out indefinitely – Load up your drones (or get them to mine), then send them home while you drill some more.
List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Drill Mining Shape

This affects the shape and size of the mining recical. (1×1, 2×1, 2×2, 3×2, 4×2, 3×3)
Note 1: Level 5 is the max size
Note 2: Use ‘R’ to rotate the shape when appropriate.
List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Rock Drilling Strength

This affects which rock tiers you can drill through in your rig. As your drill strength increases:

  • You can start to drill through harder rock
  • The speed at which you drill through softer rock increases

Note 1: Level 8 is the max toughness. This does NOT allow you to drill through everything. Some ground is still too tough to drill through

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Mining Drone Count

This affects how many drones your rig can carry, and is only available once the appropriate drill tech has been found. (Hint, it is in one of the caves)
Note 1: Level 11 is the max strength (and the highest tier item)
Note 2: A large capacity + lots of drones effectively allows you to stay out indefinitely – Load up your drones (or get them to mine), then send them home while you drill some more.

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.


This section lists the items that can be crafted within (or just outside) your base. Each item also shows its resource costs. The sections listed correspond to the order they appear in your crafting device.


Press 1 when holding the crafting gun.
Note: To place a door, place the corridoor first, then the door over it

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Machines / Terminals

Press 2 when holding the crafting gun.
Note: Not all items are available immediately, they need research
List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.


Press 3 when holding the crafting gun.
Note 1: Not all items are available immediately, they need research
Note 2: Some items need to be found and scanned before you can create them

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.


Press 4 when holding the crafting gun.
Note 1: Not all scannable flora can be planted
Note 2: To plant flora, you require 2 Bionite per item
Note 3: To plant outside, you need to be near the glowing pool by your base
List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.


The following list shows the items that can appear in the encyclopedia (console) once you have researched / discovered them. I considered placing them behind a spoiler block, but if yoiu have read this far I assume:

  • You have read everything else here, and spoilers are not something you are interested in
  • You want to check what you may have missed
  • Lantern Bulb
  • Trapdoor Spire
  • Antenna Pod
  • Crimson Stool
  • Vaporspit
  • Pyrodrip
  • Titanshroom
  • Neoncap
  • Magishroom
  • Sentinal Fungus
  • Emberheart Enclosure
  • Amber Lumisphere
  • Puffstem
  • Roundroot Melon
  • Meanderthorn
  • Thorny Frond
  • Tangle Bulb
  • Fossilised Arbor
  • Crystalflora
  • Ivory Spindles

Drill Tech and Other Technologies

This section lists some of the technologies that can be found / unlocked / applied to your rig.
I have 100%’d the game, but I may have missed an item or two off this list (due to screenshots getting corrupted).
This section also needs rewriting to be a little clearer.

Drill Tech

Drill Overdrive

Unlocks the ability for the rig to increase speed for a short period, then it needs to cool down

Drill Autopilot Home

Unlocks the ability to instruct the rig to head home by the shortest path, drilling if necessary (same pathing algorithm as drones use)

Drone Tech

Drone Capacity

Allows a previous cap on number of drones to be increased.

Drone Mining

Unlocks the ability to instruct a drone to start mining rock to uncover resources.

  • Line (1) – A drone starts mining in front of the drill. Each deployment sends another drone
  • Cone (3) – Drones start mining in small triangle in front of drill
  • Cone (5) – Drones start mining in larger triangle in front of drill
  • Circle (>=4) – Drones start drilling from all points of drill
Drone Mine Resources

Drones will start mining nearby resources. When sent, the drill identifies the resource pile and the maximum number of ores it can mine, and the rigs inventory is updated immediately. Drones choose the nearest ore, you cannot select which ore. Once up to 4 ores have been mined, the drone will return to the rig. Each press sends 1 more drone (up to 15 drones, and 60 resources)

Drone Return Home

Allows drones to take up to 4 resources from the rig, navigate home, drop them off, then return to your rig. Each deployment sends another drone and up to 4 more resources (up to 15 drones, and 60 resources)


Hidden within the cave systems are six Geoworms. Collecting all six completes a Steam trophy but otherwise does not affect any of the game-play.

Some are quite easy to find, popping out at you as you search a cave. Others are more tricky to find as they are more carefully hidden and need you to search even more carefully. None are especially difficult, but one did require a couple of attempts.

Location hint : (The colours of the worms identifies the sort of biome / cave system it came from – See the screen shot below)

When enough research has been gained, you can even gain the ability to build a Geoworm terrarium for your base.

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.

Artifacts – Final Spoilers

This section has some extra spoilers…

To complete the main quest, three artifacts need to be created and delivered to an appropriate location. The artifacts can be created using the “Artifact Fabricator” and it takes a fair amount of high tier resources to do so.

List of Technologies, Materials, Upgrades, and More.
What is not obvious in the game (even though there is some text displayed on the fabricator) …

  • Once an artifact is created, pick it up and carry it to your rig.
  • As you enter the rig, the cupboard to the left of the main door console will open up allowing you to deposit it onto one of the shelves.
  • Repeat this for each of the three artifacts.
  • You can only build 1 artifact and store it at a time.

Take the rig to the aliens cave. Take each artifact in turn and place it onto the matching coloured pedestal. When all three are placed the doorway to the chamber will open.

Note: There are two possible endings and both are triggered from this room. I am adding this here as I spent an hour trying to search for the means to trigger the 2nd ending (I though I had to deposit the artifacts elsewhere…. You do not).

Written by Knuks

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