Welcome to our Goose Goose Duck Achievements Guide. This guide includes descriptions and tips for 100% of the Achievements and all of the achievements in game.
Goose Goose Duck Achievements Guide
This guide includes descriptions and tips for 100% of the Achievements and all of the achievements in game. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Goose Goose Duck game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Goose Goose Duck guide.
Standard Steam Achievements
All of these achievements are cumulative in nature. I would rate the first achievement in each set as *, the second as **, and so on.

Achievements for Completing Games
Earned for completing 1, 10, 100, 1000, and 5000 games. My best tips would be to try and make sure games do not drag on by leading chat discussions if alive, and by not leaving the game early if you can avoid it.

Achievements for Winning Games
Earned for winning 1, 5, 75, 500, and 2500 games. Each role has its own win conditions (Goose, Duck, neutral roles) see THIS roles guide for more information), learn the best ways to complete these conditions quickly and make sure to use them. Alternatively, if you’re the host, you can avoid having neutral roles on at all.

Achievements for Completing Tasks
Earned for completing 10, 50, 500, 5000, and 25000 tasks. Just try to do your tasks quickly each game so that you have completed as many as possible even if the round is short, and do your tasks as a ghost if you die (fake tasks and activating sabotages count). Feel free to encourage lobby hosts to increase the number of tasks if they’re below 7-8 so you can do more tasks per round.

Achievements for Killing Geese
Earned for killing 1, 10, 75, 500, and 2500 geese (all non-map kills count). Make sure to be killing as Duck or Falcon whenever feasibly possible. You can even encourage skipping so you can kill geese instead of voting them out (this also helps you avoid the Dodo).

Achievements for Sabotaging as Duck
Earned for calling sabotages 1, 10, 100, 750, and 2500 times. Make sure to activate sabotages early in the game so that you can call a few even if the round is short. Make sure to be calling sabotages as a duck ghost to help your partner. Keep in mind you can still activate additional sabotages as a duck ghost.

Achievements for Using the Intercom
Earned for using the intercom 3, 10, 100, 750, and 3500 times (MG/BS/NC, see THIS maps guide for the location of the intercom on each map). My best tips for this are to stay alive, check the intercom frequently until you know it is activated, and make a beeline for the intercom once you see someone using it.
Hidden Steam Achievements – One Time
These achievements are all for a specific event happening one time. Several are RNG based and one can be done purposefully.
Dapper (MG/BS/NC) *
Eject everything but the diamond ring while attempting the Eject Garbage Task. This one is not hard, but it takes some patience. See this video for how it looks.
Directions: Pull the lever and tap the button a few times to move the ring up and then immediately hold the button to let some trash out, letting go just before the ring gets ejected. Rinse and repeat, ejecting the bits of trash little by little. Once it’s just the ring, let it sit for several seconds, then eject it. If you eject the ring with other trash, you can always close the task and reopen it to reset it.
I’m Going to Burn this Place (MG/BS/NC) ***
Fail to scan your ID card more than 10 times in one game while attempting the Swipe Card task. This one is mostly RNG, as the only consistency is that the card will always be accepted on the third swipe attempt for each time the task is opened, but it can be accepted on the first or second swipe as well. The most consistent method for attempting this one is to open the task, swipe twice, interact with or complete another task, then come back and swipe two more times. I have also confirmed with a dev that nothing about how you swipe the card changes whether or not it accepts or fails (direction of movement, speed, etc).
Warp 9 Engaged (MG/BS/NC) *
Engage warp 9 while completing the Initiate Warp Sequence task. When you complete the task, it will activate a random warp from 1-9, so you have to keep completing the task until you get warp 9.
Written Out of the Script (MG/BS) *
Get ejected out of the airlock while playing a goose or neutral. Just hang out in Cargo Bay to get ejected. You can also try telling the ducks in meeting or via the intercom that you would like to be ejected, and that you’ll be waiting in Cargo Bay.
Hidden Steam Achievements – Cumulative
These achievements are cumulative counters of more specific actions and events. Just play the game and try to do these tasks if you have them; fake tasks count too.
A Day at the Spa (MG/BS/NC/MM) ****
Complete the Test Hot Water or Draw a Bath task 250 times.
R-ejected (MG/BS/NC) ***
Get voted out and thrown into space 100 times.
The Cleanup Crew (MG/BS/NC) ****
Complete the Sort Waste or Eject Garbage task a total of 500 times.
We Need More Lemon Pledge (MG/BS/NC) ****
Complete the Clean Manifolds or Disinfect Showers task a total of 500 times.
In-Game ??? – One Time
These achievements are for doing something one time. Unless otherwise noted, the achievements are for the Classic or Draft game modes and trigger at the end of the game. For information about which of these achievements unlock cosmetics, check out this guide.
Couldn’t Leaf it Alone (MM) *
Jump into the pile of leaves on Mallard Manor as the Engineer.
Double Tap **
Successfully assassinate Lovers while playing Assassin CLASSIC MODE ONLY.
Exterminator (NC/GC) *
Complete the Squash Bugs task without any ants going off screen. I thought I had earned this one several times before I finally got it; it might be a bit bugged (pun intended).
The Hidden Lair (BS) *
Vent into the secret room on Blackswan. This one should work with Engineer, Pigeon, and venting Duck roles.
Hunter Becomes the Hunted **
Kill the Falcon during the Falcon Hunt. You can earn this one as Vigilante, Sheriff, Avenger, or a Duck.
I am the Law *****
Successfully shoot 5 or more players as Sheriff in a single game. Must be earned in a public lobby.
I Just Need to Vent (MG/BS/NC/GC) *
Get killed as Engineer while your vent ability is on cooldown.
I’m the Morphling? **
Win a game as Morphling without morphing into another player. Just don’t morph into anyone when you get Morphling until you get this one.
It’s Alive! *
As the Morphling, Morph into a player who is already dead and kill while morphed as the dead player. This one has been buggy and inconsistent; it seems to work best if there is a meeting or two between when the player died and when you use their DNA to kill. This is easiest to earn if you take the DNA of your first victim before killing them.
Millions of Tiny Pieces (NC) *
Kill a player with the Teleporter on Nexus Colony.
No Chandelier? (MM) ****
Win a game by sabotaging the water pump on Mallard Manor. Any and all ducks in the winning game should earn the achievement, but I’ve heard it sometimes only triggers for the player who called the sabotage.
Over my Dead Body **
As Mortician, have your ability be interrupted by a Vulture or Cannibal eating the body. You pretty much want to get this one while playing with Prox chat. Basically, you can ask around to find the Vulture, and then ask them to eat the body while you’re using your ability, in exchange for not revealing their role.
This is Bullying ***
Silence the same player 3 times in a single game as Silencer Duck. This is almost easier if you let the person know you’re going to be doing it, and you can even call a meeting after silencing them the 2nd or 3rd time to help ensure you get it.
True Cannibal ***** – Goose Goose Duck Achievements Guide
Win the game after eating the body of another duck as the Cannibal. This one is extremely hard to get in a real game, but all you can do is try to win after killing and eating your partner with Mimic on, as it’s rare to come across the body of your dead partner.
Worth It **
Successfully identify a Duck or Falcon as Detective AND have them get voted out in the next meeting AND get assassinated (the assassination can happen in a later meeting). This one triggers immediately after the meeting where all three conditions are met.
Where’s the Body? (BS) **
Get killed in the secret room on Blackswan. Try to get this one when you’re Engineer or Pigeon. You can even let the ducks know that you will be there and ask them to come kill you, via meeting or intercom.
Zug Zug **
Complete 15 tasks in a single game of Trick or Treat. Each part of a multi-part task counts as one task, so keep checking your map to see what is closest, and just try to stay alive. Mallard Manor is one of the best maps because it has a lot of quick tasks.
In-Game ??? – Cumulative – Goose Goose Duck Achievements Guide
These tasks or actions must be completed a certain number of times. Some of them you can do multiple times per game; others you cannot. For information about which of these achievements unlock cosmetics, check out this guide.
Age Restricted (GC) **
Complete the Print Money task 50 times.
Almost Wrong Place Almost Wrong Time (MM) ***
Be nearly touching the chandelier when it drops without dying 100 times. If you stand in the right spot, this one is easy. You can even be duck and call it just to make progress towards this achievement. You can make progress multiple times per game. Running under the chandelier and having it drop behind you usually doesn’t trigger this one.
Cat-Like Reflexes (MM/GC/JT/TB/AS) **
Complete the Knockout Mouse task 100 times. You do NOT need to do the task perfectly to make progress towards this achievement.
Flawless Trickery **
Win as Dodo while being the first player voted out 10 times. This should work with both regular Dodo and Dueling Dodos, so long as no one else has been voted out. The number of dead players is irrelevant.
Hard Knock Life (MG/GC) *****
Get sent to jail 500 times.
I See Dead Geese ** – Goose Goose Duck Achievements Guide
Use the Medium’s ability at least 5 times in a game in 15 games. This one should be easy as long as you use the ability whenever you can. If you’re worried about dying, you can stick with a group until you’ve used your ability 5 times.
Just Asking for Directions (GC) **
Speak with the Courtesan 20 times.
Keys to the City (MG/GC) ***
Pick up a jail cell key 100 times. You do NOT need to actually unlock the cell door.
My Own Worst Enemy ***
Kill other players while morphed as them 100 times (Morphling Duck)
Sorry, Not Sorry **
Kill the Canadian goose as the Professional duck 25 times.
That’s Racist (GC) **
While completing the Stamp Paperwork task, deny an applicant based on the color of their feathers 20 times. You do have to complete the task, but you can close and reopen the task until you get a matching applicant.
Wrong Place Wrong Time (MM) ***
Die to the chandelier on Mallard Manor 100 times. Just stand on the rug if you want to die to the chandelier.
In-Game – Possibly Confusing
While most of the achievement descriptions are very straightforward, a few are a bit vague, or how you make progress differs slightly from what one might expect.
Beam me Over Scottie! (NC) ****
Description: Teleport 2000 times
Actual: Use the teleporter on Nexus Colony 2000 times; the transporter on The Basement does NOT count.
Cleave (JT) ****
Description: Perform 250 double kills.
Actual: Kill as the Ninja 250 times (you make progress even if only one player dies).
Just a Couple of Love Birds **
Description: Win as Lovers 50 times.
Actual: Win while playing as a Lover 50 times (winning with the geese or ducks, respectively, will give you progress, but true Lovers wins also count) CLASSIC MODE ONLY.
Tick Tick Tick… ***
Description: Plant 200 bombs
Actual: Plant 200 bombs as the Demolitionist (initially giving a player a bomb is the only thing that counts; whether the bomb actually activates is irrelevant, and passing bombs does not count).