Half-Life 2 Episode One – Achievements with Cheats

Achievements with Cheats

Cheats and Achievements

  • For “the one free bullet achievement” you need to play the full game so start at the beginning.
  • Go to your settings, keyboard, advanced (at the bottom), and check the “enable developer console” button.
  • Next press the `/~ button. Its next to the 1 key. Type “sv_cheats 1” and then “bind v noclip” then “god”
  • This will let you toggle on/off going through walls and have unlimited health. Note- you cant go through loading screens while on noclip, you need to turn it off before passing them.
  • Before you want to do an achievement disable noclip and type sv_cheats 0. Save your game and close to desktop/steam. Relaunch the app and load the save. This will keep your god mode but let you earn achievements.


If you want the one free bullet achievement you can get civilians, noclip to the exit, and they cant die because of you not being there. Repeat until the end of the game. BEFORE ON THE TRAIN disable noclip and type sv_cheats 0. Save your game and close to desktop/steam. Relaunch the app and load the save.

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