Harry Potter Wizards Unite – Spells & Skills

Professor Spells & Skills

List of Skills and Spells

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  • Ideal Exchange – increased power against enemies;
  • N.E.W.T.S Preparation – increased stamina;
  • Situational Understanding – increased power;
  • The Deterioration Hex – weakens enemies;
  • A New Perspective – increased defense;
  • From seed to tree – enhances hero’s stamina;
  • Book Mates – increases damage;
  • Room of Requirement – increased damage;
  • Restricted Section – heals a teammate;
  • Improved Deterioration Hex – increases spell power;
  • The Mending Charm – increased defense against enemies;
  • Strength in numbers – you have more power near your allies;
  • Sparring specifics – increased power against larger group of enemies;
  • Binns mode – increased precision;
  • Summer Reading – increases the power of proficiency;
  • Mending charm Maxima – doubles the power of regeneration spell;
  • Light Reading – increases critical power;
  • Teamwork makes the dream work – gain more power near your allies;
  • Confidence – you have more power near your allies;
  • The art of the stance – increased stamina;
  • The protection charm – increases defense of one of your teammates;
  • Wand Wizardry – increased power;
  • Attention to detail – increases precision;
  • Divinating Details – increases the level of focus;
  • Poppy’s Prescription – increases stamina;
  • Nearly Headless Nick – increases stamina;
  • Deterioration hex Maxima – increases the strength of a damaging spell twice;
  • Subliminal understanding – increases precision;
  • Enhanced Protection Charm – increases the strength of a defensive spell for an ally;
  • Falling for Quidditch – increased stamina;
  • Pronunciation Proclamation – increases hero’s strength;
  • Problem Solving – increases chances to break through enemy defense;
  • Master Mind – increases maximum focus;
  • Flight of Fancy – increases accuracy;
  • Legendary Lesson – higher defense in case of weakness;
  • Team Teaching – increased defense in a party;
  • The Proficiency Charm – increases team’s strength;
  • The Dark Forces – increased defense in case of weakness;
  • Fly of the Wall – increases hero’s strength;
  • Star Power – increases hero’s strength;
  • Protection Theory Analysis – increases the power of Protego;
  • The Lost Masterpiece – enhances critical power;
  • The Open Mind – get maximum focus;
  • Perfected Proficiency Charm – increases the level of proficiency of the team;
  • Perfected Protection Charm – increases team’s defense and resistances;
  • American Ingenuity – enhances critical power;
  • Deterioration Hex Mastery – weakens the enemy so it becomes easy target for your team;
  • Dementors – increased power of proficiency;
  • Confronting the Faceless – increases the power of Protego;
  • Advanced Proficiency Charm – maximum enhancement of spell’s power;
  • On Sabbatical – increases power against enemies who are in a larger group than 3;
  • Pesky Pixies – maximum accuracy;
  • The Living Textbook – increases defense;
  • Student Teaching – maximum stamina;
  • Full Moon Hunter – breaks defense of werewolves.

Best Skills and Spells

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When you play as a Professor, you have to focus mainly on learning spells. Your spells – damaging, defensive and regenerating – will be perfect for both independent combat and teamwork. Thanks to the development of these skills you will be able to cope with any situation that stands in your way.

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Additionally, if you often fight together with your team, bet on skills that strengthen you in a group, e.g. gameplay is better when you work in a team. This way you will be a good companion who not only heals, but also deals a lot of damage to enemies.

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