Helldivers 2: Enemy Weakspots

Knowing the weak points of your enemies who want to destroy you in the game will destroy them. In this guide, we explained the best ways to destroy your enemies and their weak points.

Best Way to Eliminate the Enemies

With no Beastiary in the game to properly tell you the best way to dispatch your enemies, I thought it pertinent to tell you the best way to take democracy’s enemies out.

Cause sometimes, its not always about the head.

Terminids (The Bugs)

Terminids that are weak to headshots from light armor penetrating weapons:


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

In Depth:

All of these bugs can be effectively dispatched using headshots from your standard, light armor penetrating weapons like the Liberator, your sidearm, etc. You dont need to really worry about headshots for the scavengers and spewers, but the hunter and warrior bug can take a beating if you dont put a few directly in the head. Keep in mind that for the warrior bug, it will still attempt to attack even after having its head blown off, so double tap it, give it a melee to knock it back, or strafe to avoid its swan song. NOTE: Depending on planet and biome, the colors of the bugs can change! However general rule of thumb is if its the size of mans best friend, the dog, it can be taken down with almost any weapon!

Terminids that are weak to headshots from medium armor penetrating weapons:

Brood Commander

Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

Hive Guard

Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

In Depth:

These bugs can be damaged from behind using light armor penetrating weapons, but in order to effectively kill them from the front you need a medium armor penetrating weapon, like the Jar-5 Dominator or the AR-23P, or a call in stratagem weapon like the machine gun or railgun. These both can punch through the heavier armor of the heads on these two bugs. Just like the warrior bug, its head can be destroyed but they will still attempt an attack, so do the same as above as you would the warrior: double tap it, give it a melee to knock it back, or strafe to avoid its swan song.

Special Cases


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

The Stalker bug is essentially a larger Hunter bug, BUT the trick is that it uses camouflage to mask itself until its right up close to 3 hit combo you. It can be killed using any weapon, but it takes a lot of punishment and when its at half/low on health it’ll jump backwards to retreat, likely reengaging optical camouflage. Press the attack and kill it before it disengages!

Bile Spewer

Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

The big brother of the smaller Spewers, these guys can be deceiving; you’ve likely been conditioned for years in other games to “shoot the giant glowing bulb.” DO NOT UNLESS ITS THE ONLY OPTION! This spot is incredibly tanky, and on the armored variant of it, it can’t even be penned by light armor penetrating weapons! Shoot DIRECTLY for the head to take them down fast or else youll get dissolved in acid!


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

This is the bug that is giving all of Super Earth Armed Forces trouble. Heavy armor on pretty much all parts of its body, with only its backside exposed, its a tough beast that seems to spawn very often. The trick to killing these guys is to use a railgun, recoilless rifle, or EAT and hit one of its legs until the armor is off: 2 railgun shots, or 1 rocket will strip off its armor, leaving its fleshy and exposed bits open. Unload into its exposed limb with any gun and it’ll die quickly! If you can’t get a shot off onto its leg, the side with its armor can also be exposed in the same way.

Bile Titan

Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

The ONLY way to take these guys out is with heavy weapons, like the railgun, recoilless rifle, EAT, or call in stratagems like orbitals or eagle runs and even sentries. Shooting its exposed underside is a good option but I’ve found shooting its head over and over with a railgun will not only stun them, preventing chase, but also stop its bile spewing attack to. Do this over and over until its dead. Alternatively, die and smash a drop pod through.

Automatons (The Bots)

Automatons that are weak to light armor penetrating weapons:


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

In Depth:

When in doubt, just remember that if its around the same height as a human, it can be killed effectively with a headshot from any of your weapons. 1-2 shots to the head will put these bots out of action quickly, but if in a pinch you can put 4-5 into center mass to put them down no fuss as well.

Automatons that are weak to medium armor penetrating weapons:


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

In Depth:

Standing head and shoulders above the rest of the bots, are the Berserkers and Devestators. The Berserker is armed with dual chainsaws and will chase you down to rip you to shreds, while the Devastators can be armed with miniguns, rocket pods, or even their fists. You can take these guys out with almost a full mag of any weapon to the head, but if you want to truly have a good chance against these guys, bring a medium armor penetrating weapon like the JAR-5 Dominator or AR-23P. You can of course always use a railgun, autocannon, or rocket against them to finish them off in 1-2 shots.

Special Cases

Scout Strider

Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

While it can be killed easily by headshotting the operator from the back or the side, using a railgun, autocannon or rocket will put these out of commission rather easily.


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

The scorcher hulk and the bruiser hulk are both heavily armored from almost every angle; the key to killing these behemoth bots is to flank it and hit the glowing red heatsink on its back. Any weapon can harm them if this is hit, but to quickly put them down, use a rocket, railgun, autocannon, etc. If that is not an option, you can aim center mass with those same options until it goes down, or to slowly make it combat ineffective, shoot off its limbs, it even has an achievement!


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

The traditional cannon tank has a massive heatsink on the back of the turret, making for an easy way to put these armored vehicles down. Luckily, the rotation speed of the tank is slow, making this easy if the tank is without infantry support. If that isnt any option, laying into it with grenades, stratagem strikes, railgun, autocannon, or rockets will do the trick. The anti-air tank however (noticeable from its quad mount flak guns) is a tougher beast: the same rules apply of hammering it with heavy weapons and stratagems until its dead, but getting close enough to hit its weakspot may be a problem from the suppression it can give out.


Democracy Effectively Delivered: Enemy Weakspots

You’ve likely noticed these when the Bots patrols call in reinforcements. They appear to be nigh unkillable, but did you know if you hit any of the 4 engines on it with a rocket, it’ll lose control and crash? Great way to stop enemy reinforcements and give yourself some breathing room!

Written by Hijinks

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