Helldivers 2 Tier List: Best Primary Weapons & Stratagems

If you want to be the best in Helldivers 2, you need to take the tier lists seriously. This guide has everything you need to dominate Helldivers 2. From the best weapons to the best stratagems, we have your back. Choose the best equipment that will help you become a true hero of the Federation.

Helldivers 2 Primary Weapon Tier List

Helldivers 2 Weapon Tier List

In the newly released Helldivers 2, players are eagerly diving into intergalactic warfare armed with an array of weapons. While the meta is still evolving, early insights allow us to speculate on the best guns available. Here’s a breakdown of the current tier list:

S Tier Weapons

  1. LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle: Renowned for pinpoint accuracy and high damage, perfect for precision shots and sustained firefights.
  2. JAR-5 Dominator Rifle: Offers balanced accuracy and damage, suitable for various combat scenarios.
  3. MG-43 Machine Gun: Exceptional rate of fire, ideal for crowd control.
  4. RS-422 Railgun: High damage potential with precise, long-range capabilities.

A Tier Weapons

  1. R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle: Excellent for long-range engagements with high accuracy and damage.
  2. AR-23P Liberator Assault Rifle: Versatile and well-balanced for different combat scenarios.
  3. PLAS-1 Scorcher Plasma Rifle: High damage output with potential for area-of-effect damage.
  4. FAF-14 Spear Missile Launcher: Powerful explosive damage against tough enemies or groups.

B Tier Weapons

  1. SG-8 Punisher Shotgun: Ideal for close-quarters combat.
  2. SMG-37 Defender: Versatile SMG with balanced rate of fire and accuracy.
  3. SG-225 Breaker Shotgun: Mix of power and range for mid-range engagements.
  4. SG225SP Breaker Spray & Pray Shotgun: High fire rate effective in close quarters.
  5. ARC-3 Arc Thrower: Utility weapon with the ability to shock enemies.

C Tier Weapons

  1. P-19 Redeemer Machine Pistol: Basic machine pistol with average performance.
  2. G-16 Impact Grenade: Standard grenade for explosive damage.
  3. G-3 Smoke Grenade: Provides smoke cover with limited offensive capabilities.
  4. P-4 Senator Revolver: Basic revolver with moderate damage.
  5. AR-23E Liberator Explosive: Explosive weapon with limited range.
  6. G-10 Incendiary Grenade: Incendiary grenade for area denial.

D Tier Weapons

  1. G-6 Frag Grenade: Standard fragmentation grenade.
  2. R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper Marksman Rifle: Specialized but lacking versatility.
  3. SG8S Slugger Shotgun: Limited range and power.
  4. SG-225IE Incendiary Shotgun: Limited effectiveness in certain scenarios.

Understanding the tier list helps players navigate the diverse arsenal of Helldivers 2. However, it’s important to note that personal preferences and mission objectives play a significant role in weapon selection. As the game evolves with updates and player strategies, the meta may shift, requiring continual adaptation and experimentation.

Helldivers 2 Stratagems Tier List

Here’s a tier list for the stratagems in Helldivers 2:

S Tier Stratagems

  • Stalwart
  • Flamethrower
  • Jump Pack

A Tier Stratagems

  • Orbital 380MM HE Barrage
  • Eagle Strafing Run
  • HMG Emplacement
  • Shield Generator Relay

B Tier Stratagems

  • Guard Dog Rover
  • Rocket Sentry

These rankings are based on factors such as versatility, effectiveness against different enemy types, and overall utility in various situations. Keep in mind that individual playstyles and team compositions may influence the effectiveness of each stratagem.

Helldivers 2 Stratagems Tier List

Best Stratagems in Helldivers 2

Selecting the most effective stratagems in Helldivers 2 can be challenging due to the diverse range of enemies encountered. However, certain options shine brighter than others. Also, unlocking stratagems is a difficult process, so you don’t want to unlock a stratagem that won’t be useful to you. Here are our top picks for the best stratagems:

  1. Stalwart (Patriotic Administration Center): This machine gun excels at dealing with swarms of weaker enemies, thanks to its substantial magazine capacity.
  2. Flamethrower (Patriotic Administration Center): Capable of creating damaging zones for enemies, but exercise caution to avoid trapping yourself with its fire.
  3. Orbital 380MM HE Barrage (Orbital Cannons): Exercise caution to prevent friendly fire, as this stratagem unleashes a massive radius of multiple airstrikes.
  4. Eagle Strafing Run (Hangar): Clear out lesser foes swiftly with this rapid artillery attack.
  5. Jump Pack (Hangar): Leap over encroaching enemies, particularly effective against larger armored adversaries.
  6. HMG Emplacement (Bridge): Despite requiring a manned operator, this turret delivers a significant punch against all manner of adversaries.
  7. Shield Generator Relay (Bridge): Utilize this energy shield to provide valuable protection for your squad.
  8. “Guard Dog” Rover (Engineering Bay): A drone armed with a laser rifle, offering additional firepower and support.
  9. Rocket Sentry (Robotics Workshop): Dispatch armored foes efficiently with this automated weapon system.

Explaining the Helldivers 2 Tier List

Now, let’s dive into the potential meta weapons in Helldivers 2 by categorizing all known guns into different tiers. A tier list is a classic way to classify items, and in our case, it’s the game’s weapons. The criteria for each tier are subjective and may vary based on player preferences, playstyles, and the evolving meta of the game. Let’s break down our tiers and what they signify:

S Tier: Exceptional Weapons in this tier are the pinnacle of effectiveness. They’re more than just good guns; they excel across various situations. Offering high damage output, exceptional versatility, and adaptability to different playstyles, these weapons are the go-to choices for players seeking excellence on the battlefield. Examples include the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle, known for its pinpoint accuracy and potent damage, and the ARC-3 Arc Thrower, which provides unique shock capabilities.

A Tier: Strong A-tier weapons are strong performers with noticeable advantages that define the current Helldivers 2 meta. They shine in specific roles or situations, providing robust and reliable performance. While they may lack the absolute versatility of S-tier choices, they make up for it with specialized strengths. The SG-225 Breaker Shotgun, with its balanced mix of power and range, and the R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle, ideal for long-range engagements, exemplify the strength and effectiveness of A-tier weapons.

B Tier: Solid While not considered top-tier meta guns, B-tier weapons are reliable choices with balanced performance. They may not reach the exceptional heights of higher tiers but offer good all-around selection. Providing versatility and effectiveness without standout features, B-tier weapons include the SMG-37 Defender, offering a well-balanced combination of rate of fire and accuracy, and the AR-23P Liberator Assault Rifle, versatile in various combat scenarios.

C Tier: Average C-tier weapons are decent choices that fulfill their roles adequately. While they may lack the versatility or power of higher-tier options, they still offer reasonable performance. Players opting for C-tier weapons can expect functionality without additional bells and whistles. Examples include the G-6 Frag Grenade, a standard fragmentation option, and the G-16 Impact Grenade, providing basic explosive capabilities.

D Tier: Below Average D-tier weapons come with noticeable drawbacks or limitations, making them less effective compared to higher-tier alternatives. Players using D-tier weapons may find themselves at a disadvantage in certain situations. The P-19 Redeemer Machine Pistol, with its moderate performance, and the G-3 Smoke Grenade, offering limited offensive capabilities through smoke cover, are examples of below-average D-tier weapons.

Best Weapons in Helldivers 2

In Helldivers 2, pinpointing the strongest weapon depends on several factors like your playstyle, mission goals, and personal preferences. Among the arsenal, the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle shines as a top contender. It’s renowned for its accuracy and high damage, making it great for precise shots and intense firefights alike. Its adaptability makes it a dependable choice for engaging enemies in various environments.

However, the best weapon in Helldivers 2 varies depending on the mission context. The JAR-5 Dominator Rifle is also worth considering, offering a balanced blend of accuracy and damage suitable for diverse combat scenarios. As the Galactic War progresses and strategies evolve, different weapons may become more suitable for specific challenges. Experimentation and adaptability are crucial for finding the ultimate weapon tailored to individual preferences and the ever-changing nature of intergalactic conflict.

Here’s a breakdown of Helldivers 2 weapons:

  • LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle: Highly accurate and powerful, versatile for many situations.
  • JAR-5 Dominator Rifle: Balanced accuracy, range, and damage, effective in various scenarios.
  • MG-43 Machine Gun: Exceptional rate of fire and sustained damage, perfect for crowd control.
  • RS-422 Railgun: Precise, long-range scope with high damage potential, ideal for precision shots.
  • R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle: Excellent for long-range engagements, high damage and accuracy.
  • AR-23P Liberator Assault Rifle: Versatile and balanced for different combat scenarios.
  • PLAS-1 Scorcher Plasma Rifle: High damage and area-of-effect potential.
  • FAF-14 Spear Missile Launcher: Powerful explosive damage against tough enemies or groups.
  • SG-8 Punisher Shotgun: Close-quarters combat choice.
  • SMG-37 Defender: Versatile SMG with good rate of fire and accuracy.
  • SG-225 Breaker Shotgun: Power and range for mid-range engagements.
  • SG225SP Breaker Spray & Pray Shotgun: Wide spread for close quarters.
  • ARC-3 Arc Thrower: Utility weapon for shocking enemies.
  • P-19 Redeemer Machine Pistol: Basic machine pistol with average performance.
  • G-16 Impact Grenade: Standard grenade for explosive damage.
  • G-3 Smoke Grenade: Provides smoke cover with limited offensive use.
  • P-4 Senator Revolver: Basic revolver with moderate damage.
  • AR-23E Liberator Explosive: Explosive weapon with limited range.
  • G-10 Incendiary Grenade: Incendiary grenade for area denial.
  • G-6 Frag Grenade: Basic fragmentation grenade.
  • R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper Marksman Rifle: Specialized with limited use for the best sniper.
  • SG8S Slugger Shotgun: Variant with trade-offs in range and power.
  • SG-225IE Incendiary Shotgun: Limited usefulness in certain scenarios.

This tier breakdown helps players navigate Helldivers 2’s diverse arsenal, selecting weapons that suit their playstyles and mission objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

What are stratagems in Helldivers 2?

Stratagems are special equipment and support tools that players can call upon during missions in Helldivers 2. They provide various tactical advantages to aid in completing objectives and defeating enemies.

How do I acquire stratagems?

Stratagems can be acquired by unlocking them through different in-game facilities, such as the Patriotic Administration Center, Orbital Cannons, Hangar, Bridge, Engineering Bay, and Robotics Workshop.

What are the best stratagems in Helldivers 2?

While preferences may vary based on playstyle and mission objectives, some standout stratagems include the Stalwart, Flamethrower, Jump Pack, Orbital 380MM HE Barrage, Eagle Strafing Run, HMG Emplacement, and Shield Generator Relay.

How should I use the Stalwart and Flamethrower effectively?

The Stalwart is excellent for dealing with hordes of weaker enemies due to its large magazine capacity, while the Flamethrower creates damaging zones for enemies. Exercise caution with the Flamethrower to avoid trapping yourself with its fire.

What precautions should I take when using the Orbital 380MM HE Barrage?

Be mindful of friendly fire, as this stratagem unleashes a massive radius of multiple airstrikes. Coordinate with your team to minimize the risk of causing harm to fellow players.

Are there any stratagems specifically useful for protection?

Yes, the Shield Generator Relay provides valuable protection for your squad by deploying an energy shield. Additionally, the HMG Emplacement offers strong defensive capabilities against various enemy types.

How do I effectively deploy the Rocket Sentry and “Guard Dog” Rover?

The Rocket Sentry is ideal for dispatching armored foes efficiently with its automated weapon system. The “Guard Dog” Rover provides additional firepower and support with its laser rifle, making it a useful asset in combat scenarios.

Can I customize my loadout with different stratagems?

Yes, players can customize their loadout by selecting the desired stratagems before embarking on missions. Experiment with different combinations to suit your preferred playstyle and mission objectives.

Are there any other tips for using stratagems effectively in Helldivers 2?

Communication and coordination with your team are key. Prioritize strategic deployment of stratagems based on the mission objectives and enemy encounters. Additionally, adapt your tactics based on the evolving battlefield conditions to maximize effectiveness.

Which Gun is Best in Helldivers 2?

The determination of the best gun in Helldivers 2 is subjective and relies on factors such as playstyle and mission objectives. Weapons like the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle and JAR-5 Dominator Rifle are exceptional choices, each excelling in accuracy and damage output.

What is the Best Weapon Combo in Helldivers 2?

The ideal weapon combo in Helldivers 2 depends on individual preferences and the demands of the mission. Combining versatile options like the R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle with close-quarters choices like the SG-8 Punisher Shotgun can create a balanced loadout.

What is the Fastest Killing Gun in Helldivers 2?

Determining the fastest killing gun in Helldivers 2 varies based on the target and situation. High-damage weapons like the MG-43 Machine Gun and RS-422 Railgun are potent options for quickly eliminating foes.

What is the Best Gun to Use in Helldivers 2?

The best gun to use in Helldivers 2 depends on the specific context of the mission and the player’s preferred combat style. The LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle, JAR-5 Dominator Rifle, or other top-tier choices offer versatility for different playstyles.

What Are The Best Guns in Helldivers 2?

The best guns in Helldivers 2 encompass a diverse array, catering to various playstyles and preferences. Exceptional options include the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle, JAR-5 Dominator Rifle, MG-43 Machine Gun, and RS-422 Railgun.

What is the Most Accurate Gun in Helldivers 2?

For pinpoint precision, weapons like the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle are renowned for their accuracy in Helldivers 2. Choosing based on accuracy can enhance performance in long-range engagements.

Is the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle better than the JAR-5 Dominator Rifle?

Determining whether the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle is better than the JAR-5 Dominator Rifle depends on individual preferences and the specific demands of the mission. Both are top-tier choices, excelling in accuracy and damage output.

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