Trainer Locations
Trainers by Class
- Balancer: Fantlin
- Bat Handler: Eyrerock
- Berserker: Port Alphe
- Blade: Fivili
- Bombadier: Runewald
- Breaker: Wraele
- Defiler: Condra
- Elementalist: Nordock
- Enchanter: Dunning-Mars (West area of map, in the shredded lands)
- Gatekeeper: Searth (you can wait 9 months and pay nothing, or pay 5000g)
- Gatewarder: Bellrique (NW corner of map)
- Guardian: Searth
- Ignis Knight: Ash Port (SW corner of map, will need to pay a small bribe to get in)
- Krakenslayer: Crubtown (Eastern edge of the map, near the middle)
- Minstrel: Bilibas (East of Ralkhome, turn north after the river)
- Ravager: Redens
- Shiftcloak: Bagu’s Rest (SE of Bellrique and N of Jasce, trainer may be hard to spot)
- Spell Archon: Gunhaldr (near Dominio, on the SW coast of the australia-like island continent)
- Stormshot: Towerwall
- Swashbuckler: Bette Sands
- Tactician: Jascias
- Unmaker: Ravitus
- Warden: Granserf
- Warpblade: Tsavor (East of Condra, cast Gate to reach the trainer)