Idle Spiral Spiral Designs Bonuses

Hello everyone from our Idle Spiral Spiral Designs Bonuses guide! A nice “Idle”, “Incremental” game based on spirals and math. Your goal is to make the helix move further away from the origin. The game is very simple but very deep and playable for a long time! So what are Spiral Designs Bonuses in this adventure? Check out our guide and find out!

Idle Spiral Spiral Designs Bonuses

Welcome to our Idle Spiral Spiral Designs Bonuses guide. Bonuses for the different spiral designs available in the spiral shop. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Idle Spiral game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Idle Spiral guide.


* is menu page.
– is Active bonus (only applicable if you are using that spiral design currently)
= is Passive bonus (available at all times once you unlock it)

Spiral Designs


  • Simple blue -a 10%
  • simple Yellow -b 10%
  • simple red -c 10%
  • simple violet -d 10%
  • simple white -e 10%
  • Blue and Green -HP 50% =HP 10%
  • Violet and Pink -Crit rate 5% =Crit rate 1%
  • White and Cyan -Crit damage 20% =Crit damage 5%
  • Yellow and Red -ATK 50% =ATK 10%
  • Red and Blue -DEF 50% =DEF 10%


  • White circles – Rest Regen 200% =Rest regen 50%
  • Green and pink circles – Rest regen 50% and DEF 30% =Rest regen 10% DEF 5%
  • Cyan and Red circles -ATK% 30 Rest regen 50% =ATK 5% Rest regen 10%
  • Blue Dottered line -Line Number multiplier 100% =Line number multiplier 25%
  • White dottered line – Line number multiplier 25% =A, B, C 5% and Line number multiplier 10%
  • Orange and Blue dottered line -Line number multiplier 25% =D, E, F 5% and Line number multiplier 10%
  • Cyan and pink stripe -V+5 =V+2
  • Blue and Violet stripe -ATK reward +5 =ATK reward +2
  • Green and Orange stripe – DEF reward +5 =DEF reward +2
  • Green Winding – EXP reward +3 =EXP reward +1
  • White and Red winding – EXP reward +10% =EXP reward +3%
  • Orange and Purple winding – ATK DEF and HP +100% =ATK DEF and HP 30%


  • Pi -Ohm 50% =Ohm 20%
  • Diamond -EXP reward 5% =Battle upgrade cost -5%
  • Rainbow -Equation speed 100% =Equation speed 50%
  • Kanji – @+100 =Spiral equation slot +1 (background is light blue now)
Spiral designs and bonuses for designs in Idle Spiral
Spiral designs and bonuses for designs in Idle Spiral

Btw what does line number multiplier do?

We’ve come to the end of our Idle Spiral Spiral Designs Bonuses guide. These are some of the designs we found. We hope we were able to help! If you find more designs, please comment!

Written by Gnarler

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