Indies’ Lies Camp Achievement Reference

A full camp achievement reference for use when starting a new run in Indies Lies. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Indies’ Lies game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Indies’ Lies wiki.

Indies’ Lies Camp Achievement Reference

Welcome to our Indies’ Lies Camp Achievement Reference guide. This is a rough port of the reference I created when i started working through the camp system.

Each achievement can only be completed during a run in which you have joined that camp.

The camp system unlocks cards and talents for future runs. You can redeem completed achievements in the camp screen:

Camp Achievement Reference

You select your camp as your first action on the campaign map. Match the symbols next to each option with the images in this guide to find which camps you have been offered.

Indies' Lies Camp Achievement Reference
Indies’ Lies Camp Achievement Reference

This run I am choosing between Liberty Guild, Goddess Hope Squad, and Scorched Squires.

Camp Flag Quick Lookup

Canidates of Akeem
Camp Achievement Reference
Tamara Guild
Camp Achievement Reference
Sivias Heirs
Camp Achievement Reference
St Rocks of Alrayan
Camp Achievement Reference
Scorched Squires
Camp Achievement Reference
Royal Knights of Grayrock
Camp Achievement Reference
Ritual Chapel
Camp Achievement Reference
Redhammer Church
Camp Achievement Reference
Oath of Blaze
Camp Achievement Reference
Liberty Guild
Camp Achievement Reference
Knights of the Foundry
Camp Achievement Reference
Goldwater Chamber of Commerce
Camp Achievement Reference
Goddess Hope Squad
Camp Achievement Reference
Flame Blessing Academy
Camp Achievement Reference
Exiles of Koor
Camp Achievement Reference
Dock of Ashes
Camp Achievement Reference

Svia’s Heirs

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Exit a shop without buying anything
  • Finish Riverbank Reminiscence Level 8
  • Join Svia’s Heirs
  • Use a Ranger “strike” card to kill any enemy

Tamara Guild – Indies Lies Camp Achievement Reference

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 11
  • Join the Tamara Guild
  • Trigger a random event on the map
  • With any battle within one turn

Scorched Squires

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Join the Scorched Squires
  • Obtain 20 or more block during a battle
  • Have two partners
  • Finish Tide of Steel level 9

St Rocks of Alrayan

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Obtain the card “Stonewall”
  • Finish a game without attaching runes to any cards
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 8
  • Join St. Rocks of Alrayan

Ritual Chapel

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Be defeated by one of the three level bosses
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 8
  • Join the Ritual Chapel camp
  • Obtain the talent “tough”

Royal Knights of Grayrock

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Finish any Ashes of Sorrow level
  • Gain the card “Temporary Brake”
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 3
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 7

Oath of Blaze – Indies Lies Camp Achievement Reference

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Be defeated by any enemy
  • Obtain the card “Scorched Barrier”
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 9
  • Join the Oath of Blaze camp

Redhammer Church

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Use a wizard “strike” card to kill any enemy
  • Finish with 15 or fewer cards in your deck
  • Win a battle without playing an attack card
  • Finish Tide of Steel level 6

Knights of the Foundry

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Finish Tide of Steel Level 7
  • Join the Knights of the Foundry camp
  • Attach one rune to a card
  • Obtain the “durable armor” effect

Liberty Guild – Tamara Guild – Indies Lies Camp Achievement Reference

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Be defeated by any enemy
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 3
  • Finish a game with only one character
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 7

Goddess Hope Squad – Indies’ Lies Camp Achievement Reference

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 2 while engaging in no more than 15 fights
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow Level 11
  • Join the Goddess of Hope Squad camp
  • Win a battle after shuffling your discard pile into your draw pile exactly once

Goldwater Chamber of Commerce

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Use the card “Fundraiser” to kill any enemy
  • Use the card “Cash Dash” to kill any enemy
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 6
  • Join the Goldwater Chamber of Commerce camp

Exiles of Knoor

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Join the Exiles of Knoor
  • Invite one partner (I don’t believe I had to beat the run with only one partner, adding first one completed the achievment)
  • Replace all strike cards in your deck
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 4 while engaging in at least 13 fights

Dock of Ashes – Indies Lies Camp Achievement Reference

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Finish Tide of Steel level 5
  • Finish Tide of Steel level 10
  • Join the Dock of Ashes camp
  • Obtain the item”Guilded Mask” (one time resurrection)

Flame Blessing Academy

Camp Achievement Reference


  • During a single turn, play one of each of “power”, “attack”, and “defense” (skill) type cards.
  • Defeat any enemy without taking damage
  • Finish Ashes of Sorrow level 13
  • Join the Flame Blessing Academy camp

Candidates of Akeem

Camp Achievement Reference


  • Join the Candidates of Akeem camp
  • Be defeated by any enemy
  • Obtain the item”Spirit Scroll” (discard any number of cards and draw that many)
  • Learn at least 13 talents
Written by Hes.Dead.Jim

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