Knuckle Sandwich Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Find a new job, make new friends and level up in this world with puzzles. You may encounter different things at each chapter. Here in this Knuckle Sandwich Chapter 7 Puzzles guide there is information about how to solve the puzzle in chapter 7.

This is the guide Cris-B it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Knuckle Sandwich Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

In Chapter 7, there are a series of challenging puzzles that require a lot of trial-and-error. They suck. In this Knuckle Sandwich Chapter 7 Puzzles guide the solutions for them as of version 1.1.1.

Green Puzzles

To follow, simply refer to the image and follow its steps. Step on the last ? or number to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #1

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #2

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #3

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #4

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #5

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Red Puzzles

To follow, simply refer to the image and follow its steps. Step on the last ? or number to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #1

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #2

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #3

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #4

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Puzzle #5

Chapter 7 Puzzles Guide

Pink Puzzles

The pink puzzles use randomization, so I cannot provide a visual reference. In order to complete the pink puzzles, you must touch the nodes in the order that they appear in. For example—at the very start when the nodes start appearing—the first one that appears is the first one you touch, the second one that appears is the second one you touch, and so on.

If you’re struggling with memorizing the order, I would recommend taking a video recording of when the nodes appear to use as a reference.

Written by Cris-B

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