Lethal Company All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

In Lethal Company, there are data logs hidden on each planet that will be of many benefits to the player when obtained. When you find them, you will have a lot of information and stories. Here in this Lethal Company All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles) guide there is information about how to find those secret data logs and their locations.

This is the guide pikmin 2 it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Lethal Company All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

This guide will show you all hidden data logs (collectibles) in Lethal Company. This guide will tell you how and where to find them. To access these Logs, go to the computer terminal and type in code “Sigurd”.

First Log: August 22

Moon: Experimentation

Smells Here!: August 24

Make your way to the pipeline, just right of the Main Entrance. Look for the water tower behind a chain link fence. Right next to the first rock, you will find the log.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)
All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Swing of things: August 27

Moon: Experimentation

Head to the right after landing the ship. Look for this water tower:

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

There will be a ladder that you can climb up. Use it, and once you’re up, the data log will be on the other side of the tank.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Shade: August 31

Moon: Experimentation

Make your way to the Fire Exit (to the left of the main entrance). Once at the top, jump over to the pipeline adjacent to the Fire Exit door.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Walk down the pipeline, away from the Fire Exit and back toward the ship, and the log will be there.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Golden Planet: August ??

Not found 🙁

Be dope if there was a golden planet, though

Sound Behind The Wall: September 4

The Company Building/71 Gordion

Take a left as you hop off the ship. There is a floor hatch next one of the shipping containers. Open it, climb down the ladder, and follow the path all the way until you find the log.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Goodbye: September 7

Not found 🙁

Screams: September 13

Moon: Vow AND March

Vow: Take the stone bridge heading towards the Main Entrance. It will be on the railing.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

March: After leaving the ship, head Northwest into the forest for awhile. You will find a stone building with a fire exit. On top of the building the log will be.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Idea: September 19

Not found 🙁

Nonsense: September 27

Moon: Rend

After locating the Fire Exit, climb out of the dig-out and find the stray lantern just above the Fire Exit door.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

After standing next to the lantern, head forward into the Hill/Mountain line, and you will find an outcropping if you hug the right of that Hill line.

Once into the open outcropping, turn left and your log will be laying in the snow.

All Hidden Data Logs (Collectibles)

Hiding: September 30

Not yet found

Presumably on Titan or Dine

Desmond: October 15

Not yet found

Presumably on Titan or Dine

Written by pikmin 2

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