Lamplight City – All Clues and Documents List

List of all clues and documents that can be found in the game used for the Thorough achievement.


Note that some clues are used or combined during a case and the total number of clues at the end of the case may not match the number here.

PROLOGUE: 5 Clues/0 Documents
CASE 1: 8 Clues/7 Documents
CASE 2: 10 Clues/4 Documents
CASE 3: 6 Clues/6 Documents
CASE 4: 8 Clues/7 Documents
CASE 5: 9 Clues/12 Documents

The above list was provided by the game developer Grundislav in this forum post.


5 Clues

  • Missing Lilies
  • Points of Entry
  • Window Gap
  • Upstairs Window
  • Experiment Results

0 Documents
There are no documents in the prologue.

Case 1

8 Clues

  • Dr. Fellowes’s Testimony
  • Tweezers
  • Dr. Tennyson’s Vigor Pills
  • Home-made Vigor Pills
  • Amelie’s Testimony
  • Bloody Whip
  • Madame DuPree’s Cruelty
  • Juliette’s Testimony

7 Documents

  • Message From Upton
  • Letter To Andrew
  • Landlady’s Note
  • Torn Letter
  • Letter To Jean
  • Guy’s Note
  • Guy’s Confession

Case 2

10 Clues

  • Loose Button
  • Torn Fabric
  • Torn Betting Stubs
  • Mrs Davis’s Testimony
  • LeFay’s Testimony
  • Common Jacket
  • Linda Walker’s Tragic Past
  • Linda’s Notes About Plants
  • Linda Walker’s Journal
  • Linda Walker’s Location

4 Documents

  • Message From Upton
  • Letter From Arthur Devins
  • Handwritten Note
  • Ransom Note

Case 3

6 Clues

  • Pewter Tankard
  • Burned Cloth
  • Desiree’s Ashes
  • Angela Maxwell’s Testimony
  • Lathan’s Changed Will
  • Linseed Oil

6 Documents

  • Message From Upton
  • Half-Written Article
  • Crumpled Letter #1
  • Crumpled Letter #2
  • Letter From Jonas Usher
  • Coroner’s Report – D. Lathan

Case 4

8 Clues

  • Photo of Ronan
  • Small Gold Key
  • Pistol
  • Post-Mortem Results
  • Description of Strange Man
  • Darius’s Testimony
  • Cormac’s Testimony
  • Effects of Opium

7 Documents

  • Letter From Emily
  • Letter From Jimbo
  • Letter From Landlord #1
  • Letter From Landlord #2
  • Letter to Ned
  • Letter From Priscilla
  • “Ned’s” Letter

Case 5

9 Clues

  • Blank Paper
  • Msr. McDonough’s Testimony
  • Linda Walker’s Testimony
  • Mrs. Williamson’s Testimony
  • List of Reddite Activity
  • Gilded Lily Adverisement
  • Ruby’s Testimony
  • Rolled Up Paper
  • Serving Girl’s Testimony

12 Documents

  • Police Report: Hannibal Kirkland
  • Police Report: Reggie Willingham
  • Police Report: Ennis Bowditch
  • Police Report: Burley Cause
  • Percival McDonaugh’s Letter
  • Letter From The Reddites
  • Kirkland’s Combination Reminder
  • Letter From Detective Barnett
  • Bloody Letter Page 1
  • Bloody Letter Page 2
  • Collins Police Report Page 1
  • Collins Police Report Page 2

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