Lucky Island Walkthrough Guide

Check out the detailed information in our walkthrough guide to learn what to do and how to play in Lucky Island.

Walkthrough Guide for How to play

During the day on Lucky Island, your focus is on maintaining and evaluating the island, attending to essential tasks for its well-being, and engaging in activities crucial for prosperity. Don’t forget to utilize the slot machine for added excitement. As night falls, shift your attention to unleashing your creativity by designing and shaping the island according to your vision. Experiment with various structures and decorations, turning Lucky Island into your personalized paradise under the moonlit sky.

Day – 0 – Daily Roulette

Lucky Island – How to Play – Day – 0 – Daily Roulette

In the morning, the first activity is to spin the Lucky Roulette. Each result is unique, offering a different experience of luck that might influence your strategy.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Day – 1 – Daily Maintain

Lucky Island – How to Play – Day – 1 – Daily Maintain

In the morning, your island requires resources for daily maintenance. The amount of resources consumed is related to the size of your island. Each island resident needs at least one unit of food daily, and different buildings have varying maintenance costs. These requirements are collected at the end of the day. Insufficient resources may lead to residents leaving or buildings being dismantled. There are several ways to check your island’s daily needs:

  • Hover your mouse over the information panel to check if your island has enough resources.

Format: Owned Resources (Required Resources)

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Green checkmark icon and blue text -> Indicates sufficient resources

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Red prohibition icon and red text -> Indicates insufficient resources

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  • Open your bag to confirm resource availability based on your island’s needs.

1.Open your bag

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2.Click Island maintain

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

Day – 2 – Island Evaluation

Lucky Island – How to Play – Day – 2 – Island Evaluation

Every so often, the island undergoes an evaluation, and meeting the evaluation goals is the biggest challenge to continue operating the island. It’s crucial to complete all objectives. There are several ways to check the current evaluation goals of the island.

  • Hover your mouse over the information panel to confirm if the island has met the evaluation challenges and check the countdown time.

Format: Owned Resources (Evaluation Goals + Today’s Island maintain)

Lucky Island - How to Play

Yellow star icon and blue text indicate achievement of evaluation goals.
Hollow star icon and red text indicate insufficient progress toward evaluation goals.

  • Open your bag and check the evaluation to confirm the current evaluation objectives.
Lucky Island - How to Play

Day – 3 – Slot Machine

Lucky Island – How to Play – Day – 3 – Slot Machine

The slot machine is a crucial element to activate your island. You need to arrange your exclusive slot machine cards in your bag, click to start the slot machine, and obtain tool fragments. When the tool fragment count reaches the required amount, it will be converted into the corresponding tool. These tools will be used by the islanders. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide:

1.Click on the bag button to enter the card page, and time will pause, allowing you to organize your bag.

Lucky Island - How to Play

2.Main cards are officially installed on your slot machine, totaling 49 slots. These cards will appear on your slot machine in a fair and random manner. Arrange the cards you want to appear on the slot machine.

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

Example: If you have 1 Axe card, the chance of an Axe card appearing in each slot is 1/49 = 2.04%.
Example: If you have 49 Axe cards filling all main card slots, the chance of an Axe card appearing in each slot is 49/49 = 100%.

3.Spare cards are for those you think you don’t need now but may use in the future.

Lucky Island - How to Play

4.Click on the backpack button to return to the island interface, and time will start flowing.

Lucky Island - How to Play

5.Click on the slot machine button or press the keyboard keys (“Enter” or “Return”) to start the slot machine.

Lucky Island - How to Play

6.The slot machine stops spinning, determining the card you obtain.

Lucky Island - How to Play

7.Each card provides a different quantity of tool fragments, and each tool requires a different number of fragments. This information can be found in the card description.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Reward: Tools obtainable when fully collected (reward).
Quantity: Fragments obtainable when the card appears in the slot machine / fragments needed to complete the tool (reward).

8.Tool fragment results from the slot machine will appear in the tool fragment list.
Number below the tool fragment: Current collected fragments / fragments needed to complete the tool (reward).

Lucky Island - How to Play

9.When the fragments accumulate enough, they will automatically convert into tools and enter the tool list.

Lucky Island - How to Play

10.Island residents will automatically use tools available in the tool list.

Lucky Island - How to Play

11.Click on the slot machine button to start the next lucky challenge.

Lucky Island - How to Play

How to Play – Day – 4 – Shop

Lucky Island – How to Play – Day – 4 – Shop

The shop is a vital part of Lucky Island, and the allocation of resources within it significantly impacts the island’s development.

Open the shop page to engage in various resource exchanges.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Basic Resources: These fulfill most of the island’s needs and serve as the primary resources for constructing buildings. They are primarily obtained through resource trading.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Main Resources: These are mainly used to exchange for basic resources and provide special buildings. They are mostly obtained through the islanders’ work and collection efforts.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Day – 5 – On the Island

Lucky Island – How to Play – Day – 5 – On the Island

There are many hidden treasures waiting for you to discover on the island. Take some time to explore the island between the regular operations of the slot machine.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Clicking on special buildings may trigger different effects, and the bulletin board offers a variety of goods for trading.

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

*The Islnader Billboard is a main source of new islanders, so be sure not to miss it.

Lucky Island - How to Play

Night – 0 – Building

Lucky Island – How to Play – Night – 0 – Building

Island construction is very important. The following is the standard construction process, taking the construction of a new apple orchard as an example.

1. Select the building category to find the building you want more easily.

Lucky Island - How to Play

2. If the current land is not enough, you first need to build a new island territory, move to the land you want to build, and you can see the required resources from the description.

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

3. Click on the building you want to build, and you can see the required resources, required land and related information from the description.

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

4. Finally, the building needs to be connected to the town center by roads so that islanders can enter and exit freely.

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

5. After the construction is completed, click Time Skip to enter the daytime stage of the next day.

Lucky Island - How to PlayLucky Island - How to Play

* The area enclosed by the sea is the area that can be built

Lucky Island - How to Play

*Various tools in Tools to help adjust island configuration

Lucky Island - How to Play

Written by just L Studio

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