Meet Your Maker Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed FIX

When you start Meet Your Maker, you can find the Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed solution, which is one of the problems faced by many people.

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed FIX

Many players when starting this game will run into this error, and tear their hair out trying to find a solution on the vast interwebs. This guide aims to provide a quick and relatively painless solution to this problem. No more reinstalling required!

The Problem Statement

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

If you have seen the dreaded image above, you are not alone.

If you got this message, it is because Easy Anti-Cheat did not get installed properly on installing the game itself. Fortunately, this is fairly simple to resolve with some minor tinkering.

The Solution

All you need to do to get past this is manually install Easy Anti-Cheat yourself. First, you need to open the game’s folder, typically located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonMeetYourMaker.

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

Once there, you are going to want to go into the folder labeled EasyAntiCheat, highlighted above. Sadly, it is not as simple as running the beautifully convenient-looking EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe in this folder, as it needs to be run with some parameters. To accomplish this, you need to create a batch file.

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

To do this, create a new text file and rename it to something akin to setup.bat, replacing the default .txt extension. For this it is helpful to have extensions shown in Windows Explorer. Open this file in Notepad or another text editor, and paste in the following line exactly as shown:

EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe install eb14dadbf5944cb188af72e945f728ed

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

Once you are done with that, save the batch file and double-click to run it. It will ask for admin privileges to install EAC, you will need to allow this.

There you go! With that, you should be able to play the game without any additional hassle.

“Where Did That String Come From?”

This section is really only relevant if you are having this issue in a different game that also has Easy Anti-Cheat-related issues. The string “eb14dadbf5944cb188af72e945f728ed” is a product identifier for Meet Your Maker. To get the product ID for another game, it is fortunately quite simple. In the EasyAntiCheat folder, open the file named Settings.json.

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

Every program that uses EAC in this configuration should have this file. The “productid” for Meet Your Maker is highlighted here, the same for other games will be in the same location. Once you have that, you can follow these same steps for the other game.

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

Bonus Round!

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

If you happen to get this error on startup after all this, it is probably because you are running the game in Admin mode. Turn this off in the compatibility settings for start_protected_game.exe and/or MeetYourMaker.exe to resolve it, and make sure to start the game through Steam.

Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed: How to Fix

Here’s hoping that this guide was helpful for y’all!

Written by Fitzgibbon

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