Monster Hunter World – How Long to Beat

With the release of Monster Hunter: World about a month away, many fans may be clamoring for news on the game. Monster Hunter is a series known for its longevity, and this newest addition is no different. Director Yuya Tokuda revealed that it would take most players between 40 and 50 hours to finish the story mode.

Monster Hunter World How Long to Beat

In an interview, Tokuda revealed that “depending on the type of player, I suppose it will about 40 to 50 hours to complete…It wouldn’t be a Monster Hunter title if there wasn’t content to enjoy post-game. Players can continue to forge and upgrade their favorite weapon and armor after the story is over.” This statement suggests that the time to complete the game is longer than the story mode length, which is expected but nevertheless exciting.

It was also previously confirmed that Monster Hunter: World would receive free DLC. While this news has yet to be explored fully, executive director Kaname Fujioka revealed there will be “weekly event quests and free updates” for the game post-launch. It seems the story may be a small component when compared to the overall life of the game.

monster hunter world how long to beat

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