Murderous Pursuits – Beginner Guide

Murderous Pursuits is a multiplayer, kill-or-be-killed, stealth-em-up for 1-8 players developed by Blazing Griffin. You must hunt and kill your quarry before your hunters do the same to you, all while avoiding witnesses.

Act like an unassuming passenger to avoid revealing yourself, locate high-scoring weapons, and stalk and kill your targets in a manner that befits your station as a right dodgy villain.

Murderous Pursuits what is the goal of the game?

The goal of the game is to collect the most favour points. There are a few ways to get favour points.

  1. Kill your quarry. The score of every kill depends on your exposure bonus and weapon favour table.

You can get additional points for:

  • another kill in a kill streak
  • a kill from a vignette
  • a kill with an ability
  • a kill of an an exposed quarry.

2. Stun your hunter: Everytime you correctly identify your hunter and stun them, you get extra favour points. It also helps you because they loose you as a target and you don’t have to worry about them anymore.

3. Using your humiliate ability: If you choose this ability at the beginning of the round you may use it after a successful kill. If used you dance on the corpse of your victim which makes you easily identifiable and also uses up your exposure bonus. This means your hunter and your quarry will see an icon above your head, telling them your identity.

Murderous Pursuits Basic Guide and Information

Murderous Pursuits Beginner Guide naguide

The goal of Murderous Pursuits is to obtain more favour points than your enemies. There are quite a number of ways to get favour points which you can see below.

  • Killing your quarry (enemy) grants you Murderous Pursuits favour points. The score of every kill depends on your exposure bonus and a weapon favour table. You can get additional points for: killing in streaks, killing a vignette, killing with an ability and killing an exposed quarry.
  • Finding and stunning your hunters also grants you favour points, it also helps you because they lose you as a target and you don’t have to worry about them anymore.
  • Humiliate skill will also give you some favour points. In case you picked this skill at the beginning of the round you will be able to use it after you kill someone.
  • When humiliate ability is used, you will dance on the corpse of your victim which makes you easily identifiable and also uses up your exposure bonus but you gain favour so it’s a nice trade off if you’re sure nobody is around. This specifically means your hunter and your quarry will be able to see that you’re a real player.

Murderous Pursuits Beginner Guide is completed.

Next is up: Murderous Pursuits Tools Guide

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