Nelo How to Beat Gorgon Skull

Hello from our Nelo How to Beat the Gorgon Skull guide! Nelo is an out-of-this-world, genre-blending, bullet-hell, character-action epic meticulously crafted by the loving couple at Magic & Mirrors. In this adventure you will learn how to beat the Gorgon Skull in details in our guide!

Nelo How to Beat the Gorgon Skull

Welcome to our Nelo How to Beat the Gorgon Skull guide. This guide may help you on how to defeat the Gorgon Skull boss from Chapter 4.


Before entering the boss area, you’ll find yourself in a section full of weapons. There are:

1. MGs
2. SMGs
3. Shotguns
4. Rocket Launchers

Nelo How to Beat the Gorgon Skull
Nelo How to Beat the Gorgon Skull

Pick accordingly to your playstyle, but the cheesiest method to is to go rockets or snipers (it’s not in this section, but you can find them from enemy drops before you entered here)

How to beat the Gorgon Skull
How to Beat the Gorgon Skull

Just before you start the fight, you can see there are 6 power ups, 3 rows of 2 of them.

From the front, you will have AimBuff, Armor, and DamageBuff. Plan when to pick them up accordingly.

The Fight

This boss has 2 phases:

1. The first phase where it shoots
2. The second phase where it summons enemies

The First Phase

The first phase consists of the boss shooting a variety of projectiles that are very hard to dodge at close range.

How to beat the Gorgon Skull
How to Beat the Gorgon Skull
How to beat the Gorgon Skull
How to Beat the Gorgon Skull

Best thing to do is wait for an opening (ie, when it’s shooting the big projectiles that are few or the laser beam one) and go in to deal damage. But if you insist on fighting close range, be sure to use shield and dashes alot.

The Second Phase

The second phase will have the boss using its camo, invulnerable to damage. It will summon waves of mobs for you fight which is pretty straightforward.

How to beat the Gorgon Skull
How to Beat the Gorgon Skull

After the waves are cleared, the boss will deactivate its camo and you can damage it again. This goes on for every quarter of health the boss loses, just rinse-repeat.

Written by Condrador

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