New World Dungeon List

Welcome to our New World Dungeon List guide. All six dungeons were already playable in the beta and will also appear in the finished game. Furthermore, New World is to be supplied with new dungeons even after its release.

New World Dungeon List

  • The Amrhein Excavation (Recommended for level 25)
  • The Destroyed Obelisk (Recommended for Level 35)
  • The Depths (Recommended for Level 45)
  • The Dynasty Shipyard (Recommended for level 55)
  • The Lazarus Instrument Set (Recommended for level 60)
  • The Garden of Origin (Recommended for level 60)

Amrhein Excavation – Dungeon Level 25

It’s in the Amrhein excavation: The dungeon lets you fix puzzles, eliminate monsters and combat bosses. These are the key information:

  • Minimum level: 25
  • Adversary Types : Lost and Ancestral Guardians
  • Location : In the northern part of “Windsward”

You and your group will encounter several typical challengers and an overall of two managers in the excavation. To get to them, you have to fix a bridge puzzle by correctly positioning yourself on the platforms. Then you satisfy the first employer, one of the ghosts.

He has different attacks that you need to avoid. If among your group members dies, they can just stroll back to the one in charge from the beginning of the dungeon. As long as a member is still alive, in charge will not sit back. You should not get used to this tactic, because it doesn’t work with the second employer any longer.

The second and last employer is a heavily armored giant and passes the name of Simon Gray. He strikes heavily and gradually, however hits all the harder when you can’t avoid him.

Thematically, you remain in an old mess up, matching the excavation, and trying to find out what could have taken place there. In the dungeon you can likewise discover journal entries that clarified the history of the place.

The Destroyed Obelisk – Dungeon Level 35 – New World Dungeon List

This remains in the damaged obelisk: This dungeon not only challenges your sword arm, however also your brain cells. Due to the fact that if you mess with the lasers of the obelisk, you are dead quickly.

  • Minimum level: 35
  • Enemy types: skeletons and ancestral guards
  • Location: In the “Everfall” area

Here, too, you can anticipate 2 employers with various mechanics. The exploration is based on Greek mythology and likewise uses the names of in charges. The following rule applies to the entire old ruin in which the exploration takes place: Beware of the light barriers.

These lasers will eliminate you immediately if you touch them. So you absolutely need to prevent them. The very first boss of the dungeon will primarily frustrate you with his adds, i.e. smaller opponents that he can summon. If you keep your distance and evade, in charge Alectos should not be a major challenge.

The second and last employer protests the Greundgul, who brings a huge greatsword into the fight. In its first stage, you simply need to do as much damage as possible rapidly. He likewise conjures adds that you have to look after.

In the second phase, the boss starts leaping around the room and sending out shock waves when he lands. You need to prevent these, which can typically be hard. After a few jumps it stops and splits into two challengers. Kill both of them and after that the includes he summons. Then he jumps again. Repeat the procedure until Geundgul falls and you have mastered the dungeon.

The Depths – Dungeon Level 45

It’s in the depths: Before you enter into the dungeon, you must talk to the alligator named Nekumanesh outside. He offers you a quest that you can complete within the dungeon.

  • Minimum level: 45
  • Opponent Types: Corrupted
  • Location: In the area of ​​the “Restless Shores”

Thematically, the location relies, unsurprisingly, on half-sunken underground ruins. You will find yourself in overcrowded camps, sodden tunnels and rotten hallways as you battle your method through the monsters. You fix the puzzles that lead you to the two employers of the depths, which of course need to be defeated.

This time the bosses are even a familiar face. As the last employer, Captain Thorpe awaits you in the depths, who made your life challenging at the start of the game and wanted to kill you shortly after your shipwreck.

The other manager is Azamela. It is equipped with a staff and makes you hell in 3 stages. In the battles, methods and response are the most crucial elements, due to the fact that Azamela and Thorpe are fast challengers who strike mercilessly when you are too sluggish.

Dynasty Shipyard – Dungeon Level 55 – New World Dungeon List

This is in the shipyard of the dynasty: As the name recommends, the shipyard sends you into an Asian-inspired setting and waits for you with an overall of 9 employers.

  • Minimum level: 55
  • Opponent Types: Dynasty and Corrupt
  • Location: To the west of “Brightwood”, north of the “Monarch’s Bluffs”

The goal in this dungeon is to topple the Empress of Ebonscale, as she is constructing a fleet of warships and wants to assault the island with it. You attack them initially, obviously, and you need to face their fans. In the Asian temple you fight against all sort of opponents and an overall of 9 various managers. 2 of these are defined as main employers and 7 as mini managers.

On the way to the two big employers you battle your method along the coast, through a cavern and over the docks where the warships are built. Through the barracks to the imperial palace, where you will meet Empress Zhou as the last manager.

The main thing in this fight is to avoid damage as much as possible. Due to the fact that the great woman and the dragons she creates really harmed. So you need to make certain that your tank can constantly keep the aggro of the woman on it. It also conjures includes. You ought to kill them as soon as Zhou is in the air. If you follow these guidelines, you are certain of victory.

Lazarus Instruments – Dungeon Level 60

This is in the Lazarus instrument set: The first max-level dungeon winds up in the Lazarus instrument set. We have already played it and concern the conclusion: failure can be so fun.

  • Minimum level: 60
  • Enemy types: skeletons
  • Location: In “Reekwater”, north of the settlement

This dungeon is an old destroy where all type of skeletons wish to make life difficult for you. Even the very first challengers who come running towards you in front of a bridge are tough. Then comes the very first puzzle that you need to solve. You have several efforts to do this, but brand-new skeletons will constantly come towards you if you try an incorrect solution.

It continues versus the first manager, who has the shape of a big snake and snakes agile across the battlefield. If you have defeated the snake Cilla, only the final employer of the dungeon, who passes the name of Chardis, is awaiting you.

Chardis is a great golem who monitors the fountain of Lazarus. It’s sluggish, however it does a lot of damage. If you have actually defeated this effective opponent, you have likewise mastered the first level 60 expeditions.

Garden of Origin – Dungeon Level 60 – New World Dungeon List

This is in the Garden of Origin: The Garden of Origin leads you into an enchanted location that is similar to a kind of temple that was regained by nature.

  • Minimum level: 60
  • Opponent Types: Primitive
  • Location: In “Edengrove” between “Valor Hold” and “Mountrainrise”

In this dungeon you can expect once again challenging puzzles that need to be resolved prior to you can advance. It is mainly about the fires of origin that you must light in order to continue. Numerous mini-bosses and elite opponents make life challenging for you.

Including opponents that explode when they die. So here you have to be two times as cautious when you bludgeon the crowds of monsters. As bosses you will then expect “The Caretaker” and “The Blighted Greenskeeper”. They are amongst the hardest encounters you can experience in New World PvE. A number of phases in addition to various mechanics need to be mastered so that you can dominate the garden of origin.

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