One armed robber How to Rob Esco Bar

Another spot you’ll rob in the one-armed robber is the Esco Bar. In this guide, we explained what you should pay attention to on the Esco Bar map and how you can successfully carry out the robbery.

How to Rob Esco Bar

In this guide we will step-by-step stealth our way thru the Esco Bar map.

The Bar

Once you load in the first step in our plan is to grab the Basement Keycard!

To do this we’re gonna wanna skip our gear for now

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth.

Just walk on in and right up to the counter.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

In this section the only real threat is the lone security guard that patrols between the back of the bar thru the front and into the hallway between the manager’s office and backroom.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth
Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

From here we can vault right over the counter by holding space.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Now that we’re in the back we are going to wait until the camera looks away

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

From there we can walk right up and take the keycard.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Optionally here you can unlock the door leading out into the hallway for easy access later.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Now you just need to hop the bar and make your way back to the van with the keycard.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

The Basement

Back in the van with our new keycard, now it’s time to gear up.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

We’re gonna wanna bring a lockpick too.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Leaving the van take a left, once you get to this corner you should be able to dash to the marked alley without issue.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Making sure the guard is at the far end from said alley you should be able to run down the stairs to the basement door. So long as you’re moving fast enough you should be fine.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Swipe your card and move on in.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Turning the next corner you’ll find another guard patrolling a small set of stairs.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Wait until he patrols in front of the power box then shut him down.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Take his pager and disable it at the check-in by the door.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Moving on to the next section of the basement you’ll find a camera overlooking the room, go ahead and blast it.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

From that same angle we can see our next victim.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

naptime for him

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Take his i-phone up the stairs to the check in by the door.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

You can go ahead and tie this guy up too.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

If you tie him up go ahead and push him into the corner so nobody wanders by and sees

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Mosey back downstairs to this door which holds the camera room.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Go ahead and pick that lock and you’ll find this sweet boy, he’s a good boy just leave him alone.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Time to start pacifying the back alley, start by shooting this camera here.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Take out this nasty gremlin

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

We’re gonna grab his pager and BOOK IT down to the camera room and scan it in here, gotta be fast for this one.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

The Vault

Back upstairs in the manager room we’re gonna open up that door and cross the hallway (make sure to check in case of guard patrol)

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Thru the door we opened earlier you’re gonna wanna shoot this cam here so you can access the utility room. (At this point you can neutralize the patrolling guard if he’s in the hallway, check his page at the scan by the camera you shot. I usually don’t bother because he’s so blind.)

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Jiggle that lock up.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Shut down the alarm, then head back to the basement.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Go ahead and lockpick the vault door here.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

hardware failure this camera

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Tie up any loose ends

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Make your way back to the managers office and grab the vault keycard.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Crack the door

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Paydirt baby, also worth nothing there are 5 packages in the outer vault on the tables.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Bag it up and run it thru the back alley we pacified earlier

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Just like that we’ve committed morally dubious deeds for great profit but most importantly nobody living knows it was us.

Esco Bar - Solo Stealth
Esco Bar - Solo Stealth

Really not too bad a heist once you get it down. The most annoying part is running the loot and fitting those big packages into the bags, especially since this map lacks those big dolly-carts you can use on Orbital Bank and such. I recommend grabbing some friends to help you run loot if nothing else.

Written by Adept Gay

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