Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations

Welcome to our Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations guide. A beginner’s guide and overview to the many systems and mechanics you will encounter throughout your journey, with some additional reference material.

Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations

A beginner’s guide and overview to the many systems and mechanics you will encounter throughout your journey, with some additional reference material.

Traversing The Galaxy


Much of your journey will be spent travelling between the various solar systems and planets in the galaxy. These will be important for maintaining your ship and collecting resources and crew to complete your mission.

Travelling between systems and orbiting planets takes Fuel and Oxygen, limiting your ability to travel without maintaining these essential needs. Some locations may also cause damage to the Hull, such as orbiting a Gaseous Planet or landing on a planet with an atmosphere.

Stars and Systems – Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations

The type of system will indicate the type of planets you will be able to find orbiting the system, including Rocky, Garden, and Gaseous planets. Other points of interest like Abandoned Ships, Civilised Planets, and Storage Bays appear rarely in any system and are not tied to specific star types.

Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations 1
Traversing The Galaxy Locations

You can look at the star types of any system within range of your Telescope, and by upgrading the Telescope you can plan ahead for systems you need.

Planets and Ships

Within every system you visit there will be points of interest to visit. Moving to and between these will cost some Fuel and Oxygen but provide a large amount of benefit, particularly in the upkeep of your Fuel, Oxygen, and Hull.

Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations
Out There Oceans of Time Traversing The Galaxy Locations

Rocky, Garden, and Gaseous planets are the most common in systems, and provide the basic necessities you will need on your journey. Civilised planets offer potentially any resource you need, even Omega, but for a price, however it can also be important for maintaining your crew’s Morale. Stars offer similar benefits to a Gas Giant, but require a Hyperprobe to take advantage of.

Abandoned Ships can be potentially easy resources by taking all on-board resources and dismantling its equipment, or a way to upgrade your ship. By boarding on a new ship, you receive its different stats, current Fuel, Oxygen, and Hull; and all equipment currently on-board. Be aware that you cannot transfer equipment from one ship to another, and must rebuild any that you need. Additionally, different ships require different resources to maintain, and may be more difficult with your current resources (See the Ships section for more information).

The Storage Bay is not like other locations, you are able to spend one Omega and your progress will be saved. This means even if you get a Game Over, you will immediately return to your last save point. Your game still auto-saves progress between sessions, even without the use of a Storage Bay

Mission Log

The Mission Log contains a list of objectives given to you throughout your journey, helping you keep track of your goals and what will need to be done.

Each mission is marked by an indicator in the Galaxy View, with an arrow indicating the direction and distance in Light Years from your current position. Hovering over these markers at any time will tell you which location it points towards.

Traversing The Galaxy Locations
Traversing The Galaxy Locations

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