Outward – Cierzo Walkthrough

Cierzo Side Walkthrough

In the first location in Outward you will receive several side missions. You can get them by talking to other heroes. Some of them will send you to search for new items, resources or weapons. As a reward for completing the quests you will usually get money or potions that can regen your health points.

Need: Cierzo Ceviche

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Master Chef Argo will give you side quests – to complete them, you need to create Cierzo Ceviche. You can cook it using the Raw Rainbow Trout, Seaweed and salt.

In exchange for the dish, you get 4 Miner Omelettes.

Helen’s Fungus

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You will get this mission from Hellena Turnbull. You will have an opportunity to chat while completing the third quest of main story – Looking to the Future

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She will ask you to get a Mushroom Shield. It’s located in Blister Burrows. To reach the cave you have to move west of the city gates.

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This shield is easily visible because it is based on a light pillar. All you have to do is pick it up and bring it to the woman in order to get the reward.

You will receive 70 coins for the task. This way you can buy more items or train your character.

Ledger to Berg

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Shopkeeper Doran will give you a side quest. To do it you have to go to Berg and talk to the seller. This will complete the mission.

Alchemy: Crystal Powder

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Helmi the Alchemist will ask you to prepare a crystal powder. Create it with the Alchemy Kit.

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To create a crystal powder you must have Mana Stones. You will get these in the Blister Burrows.

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