Outward – Crafting Many Recipes

Crafting Many Recipes

Craft Anywhere

Recipes from your survival menu, no Cooking Pot or Alchemy Kit needed.

  • Arrow (x3) = wood + iron scrap
  • Bullet (x3) = iron scrap + thick oil
  • Ice-Flame torch = Makeshift torch + cold stone + iron scrap
  • Old lantern – 2 Iron Scraps + 1 Thick Oil + 1 Linen Cloth
  • Rag, Fire – 1x Thick oil + 1x linen Cloth
  • Rag, Ice – 1x seaweed + 1 Linen Cloth
  • Rag, Poison = 1x Grilled Crabeye Seed + Linen Cloth
  • Spikes-Iron = 4 iron scraps
  • Spikes-Palladium = 4 Palladium Scraps
  • Travel Rations – 1x Any Food + 1x Any Food + 1x Salt (get 3 from cooking at a pot)
  • Trip Wire Trap – 1x Wood + 1x Linen Cloth + 2x Iron Scrap

Craft Anywhere Weapons

  • Assassin’s Sword – Steel Saber + Assassin Tongue + Palladium Scrap
  • Beast Golem Axe = Beast golem scraps + Iron Axe + Spikes-Palladium
  • Beast Golem Halbred = 2 Beast golem scraps + Iron Halbred + Spikes-Palladium
  • Bone Pistol – 1x Flintlock Pistol + 2x Occult Remains + 1x Crystal Powder
  • Brand = strange rusted sword + chemists broken flask + mage’s poking stick + blacksmith vintage hammer
  • Crescent Greataxe = 2x Shark cartilage + Palladium Scrap + felling Axe
  • Coralhorn Bow – Recurve Bow + 2x Coralhorn Antler + Crystal Powder
  • Fang Axe – Iron Axe – 1x Predator Bones – 1x Linen Scrap
  • Fang greataxe- Iron Greatax + 2 predator bones + 1 linen scrap
  • Fang greatclub- Iron Greathammer + 2 predator bones + 1 linen scrap
  • Fang halbred – Iron Halbred + 2 predator bones + 1 linen scrap
  • Fang greatsword – Iron Claymore + 2 predator bones + 1 linen scrap
  • Fang shield – Round Shield + 1 predator bones + 1 linen scrap
  • Fang Club – Iron Mace + 1x Predator Bones + 1x Linen Scrap
  • Fang Sword – 1x iron sword + 1x predator bones + 1x linen scrap
  • Fang Trident – Iron Spear + 2x Predator Bones + 1x Linen Scrap
  • Gold-lich Claymore – 2 Gold-lich mechanism + Iron Claymore + firefly powder
  • Gold-lice Mace = 1 Gold-Lice mechanism + iron mace + firefly powder
  • Gold-lice shield = 1 Gold-Lice mechanism + round shield + firefly powder
  • Gold-lice spear = 2 Gold-lich mechanism + Iron Claymore + firefly powder
  • Gold-lice sword = 1 Gold-lich mechanism + iron sword + firefly powder
  • Horror Axe = Horror Chitan + Fang Axe + Palladium Scrap + Occult Remains
  • Horror Bow – 2x Horror Chitan + War Bow + Occult Remains
  • Horror Shield = Horror Chitan + Fang Shield + Palladium Scrap + Occult Remains
  • Long bone sword – 1 claymore + 2 bones + 1 cloth (might be the fang weapon)
  • Mantis Greatpick – 1 palladium + 2 mantis granite
  • Phytosaur spear: Phytosaur Horn + Fishing harpoon + 1 Miasmapod
  • Thorny Claymore = 2 Thorny Cartilage + Iron Claymore + Palladium Scrap
  • Thorny Spear = 2 Thorny Cartilage + Iron Spear + Palladium Scrap
  • Tuanosaur Axe = Alpha Tuanosaur tail + Brutal Axe + Palladium scrap
  • Tuanosaur Greataxe = 2 Alpha Tuanosaur tail + Brutal Greataxe + Palladium scrap

Craft Anywhere Armor

  • Ammolite Helm – 1x Ammolite + Padded Helm + 1x Palladium Scrap
  • Ammolite Armor – 1x Ammolite + Padded Armor + 1x Palladium Scrap
  • Ammolite Boots – 1x Ammolite + Padded Boots + 1x Palladium Scrap
  • Makeshift Helmet – Any hat + 1 hide
  • Makeshift Attire? (will check soon) – Any attire + 2 hide
  • Makeshift Boots – Any boot + 1 hide
  • Scaled leather armor = Makeshift leather armor + 2 Scaled leather + 1 Predator bone
  • Scaled leather boots = Makeshift leather boots + 2 Scaled leather + 1 Predator bone
  • Scaled leather hat = Makeshift leather hat + 2 Scaled leather + 1 Predator bone
  • Scaled Backpack = 1 improvised back pack + 3 scaled leather

Cooking Pot/Kitchen

Food and drink for the masses

  • Alpha Jerky = 2 Alpha Meat + 2 Salt
  • Alpha Sandwhich = Alpha Meat + Bread
  • bread of the wild = smoke root + alpha meat + woolshroom + bread
  • Cierzo Ceviche = Rainbow Trout + Seaweed + Salt
  • Diademe de Gibier = raw jewel meat + meat + cactus fruit + salt
  • Dry Mushroom Bar = Common Mushroom × 4
  • Fungal Cleanser = woolshroom + Blood mushroom + Ochre Spice Beetle
  • Gaberry Jam – 4x Gaberries
  • Gaberry Tartine = Bread + Gaberry Jam
  • Jerky – 2x meat + 2x salt
  • Luxe Lichette = Azure Shrimp + Raw Rainbow Trout + Larva Egg + Seaweed
  • Marshmelon jelly = 3 marshmelons + gaberry jam
  • Marshmelon tartine = 1 marshmelon jelly + bread
  • Meat Stew = Meat + Gaberries x1 + Salt
  • Miner’s Omelet = Egg + Egg + Common Mushroom
  • Ocean Fricassee = Larva Egg + Fish + Seaweed
  • Pot-au-Dey du Pirate = Fish x3 + Salt
  • Pungent Paste = Egg + Ochre Spice Beetle + Fish
  • Ragout da Marais = miasmapod + meat + marshmelon + salt
  • Stringy Salad = 2 woolshroom + 2 vegetable
  • Tea, Mineral = clean water + gravel beetle
  • Tea, Needle = water + cactus fruit
  • Tea, Spicy Bitter = Clean water + Ochre Spice Beetle
  • Tea, Soothing = Clean water + seaweed
  • Turmmip Potage = Turmmip × 3 + Salt

Alchemist Kit

Magic and that dank kush potions.

  • Assassin Elixir = water + raw jewel meat + firefly powder + crystal powder
  • Astral Potion – 1x Star Mushroom + 1x Turmmip + Clean Water
  • Astral Potion (Great) – 1x Astral Potion + 1x Ghost Eyes
  • Blessed Potion = firefly powder + water
  • Charge – incendiary = oil + iron scrap + salt
  • Charge- Nerve gas = Bloodshroom + Livweedi + Salt
  • Charge- Toxic = 2x Grilled Crabeye seed + salt
  • Cool Potion = water + gravel beetle
  • Crystal Powder – 4x Mana Stone
  • Discipline potion – 1 water + 1 Ochre Spice beetle + Livweedi
  • Endurance Potion = Clean Water + Krimp Nut + Egg
  • Endurance Potion (Great) = Endurance Potion + Krimp Nut
  • Hex Cleaner = Clean Water + Greasy Fern + 1x Livweedi + Salt
  • Life Potion – 1x Gravel Beetle + 1x Blood Mushroom + Clean Water
  • Mist Potion = River Water + Ghost’s Eye
  • Poison Antidote = Clean Water + Thick Oil + Common Mushroom
  • Possessed Potion = water + occult bones
  • Rage Potion – Clean Water + Gravel Beetle + Smoke Weed
  • Stability Potion = Water + Insect Husk + Livweedi
  • Stone, Cold (x3) = Mana Stone + Blue Sand
  • Stone, Fire = 1x Mana Stone + 1 Thick Oil
  • Survivor Elixir = water +livweedi + ochre spice beetle + crystal powder
  • Varnish, Ice = Gaberry Wine + Livweedi + Salt
  • Varnish, Poison – 1x Gaberry Wine + 1x Occult Remains + 1x Miasmapod + 1x Grilled Crabeye Seed
  • Varnish, Spiritual – 1x Gaberry Wine + 1x Ghost Eye + 1x Mana Stone

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