Planet Zoo – All Animals List

All Animals List


  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Large barrel feeder, termite mound, herb scent marker, rubbing pad
  • Food: Meat gruel, live termites, aardvark cucumber

African Buffalo

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Barrel feeder, mud bath, rubbing pillar, skittle
  • Food: Hay, herbivore pellets, fruit and vegetables

African Elephant

  • Biome: Desert, grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Barrel feeder, large fixed roller feeder, mud bath, skittle
  • Food: Hay, kibble, fruit and vegetables

African Wild Dog

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Dog ball, chew toy, prey-scented sack, sprinkler
  • Food: Processed meat, whole carcass

Aldabra Giant Tortoise

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Dog ball, small ball, sprinkler
  • Food: Hay, root vegetables, fruit

Amazonian Giant Centipede

  • Biome: Temperate, tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

American Bison

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: North America
  • Enrichment: Large barrel feeder, ice block, rubbing pillar, skittle
  • Food: Hay

Bactrian Camel

  • Biome: Desert, temperate
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Rubbing pillar, ice block
  • Food: Hay

Baird’s Tapier

  • Biome: Grasslands, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Central America, South America
  • Enrichment: Cardboard box, herb scent marker, large barrel feeder, fruit spike tree
  • Food: Hay, fruit, root vegetables and salt licks

Bengal Tiger

  • Biome: Grassland, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, cardboard box, frozen blood pumpkin, scratching post
  • Food: Processed meat, whole carcass, fish

Black Wildebeest

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Grab ball, herb scent marker
  • Food: Hay

Boa Constictor

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Central America, South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A


  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Grab ball, herb scent marker
  • Food: Hay


  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Bobbin, musical keyboard, termite mound, block of frozen fruit
  • Food: Monkey chow, fruit and vegetables, eggs, honey, and small vertebrates

Bornean Oragutan

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Bobbin, musical keyboard, block of frozen fruit, suspended forager
  • Food: Monkey chow, fruit, leaves, and shoots, honey and eggs

Brazilian Salmon Pink Tarantula

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Brazilian Wandering Spider

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A


  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, cardboard box
  • Food: Processed meat

Chinese Pangolin

  • Biome: Temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, herb scent marker, forage box enrichment, termite mound
  • Food: Rice and larvae

Common Death Adder

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Oceania
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Common Ostrich

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, small ball, forage box enrichment,
  • Food: Bird pellets

Common Warthog

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Herb scent marker, rubbing pillar, forage box enrichment, fruit spike tree
  • Food: Hay

Eastern Brown Snake

  • Biome: Desert, grassland, temperate
  • Continent: Oceania
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Formosan Black Bear

  • Biome: Temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Cardboard box, bobbin, block of frozen fruit, tree forager
  • Food: Leaves, nuts, and meat

Galapagos Giant Tortoise

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, small ball, block of frozen fruit, fruit tree spike
  • Food: Hay


  • Biome: Desert
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Grab ball, rubbing pillar
  • Food: Hay


  • Biome: Aquatic, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, small ball
  • Food: Fish

Giant Burrowing Cockroach

  • Biome: Grassland, temperate
  • Continent: Oceania
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion

Biome: Desert
Continent: North America
Enrichment: N/A
Food: N/A

Giant Forest Scorpion

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Giant Panda

  • Biome: Temperate
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Ice block, rubbing pillar, small fixed rolling feeder
  • Food: Bamboo

Giant Tiger Land Snail

  • Biome: Grassland, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Gila Monster

  • Biome: Desert
  • Continent: North America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Golden Poison Frog

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Goliath Beetle

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Goliath Birdeater

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Goliath Frog

  • Biome: Aquatic, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Greater Flamingo

  • Biome: Aquatic, grassland, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Africa, Asia, Europe
  • Enrichment: Waterfall and metal frame, herb scent market, mirror mobile,
  • Food: Bird pellets

Green Iguana

  • Biome: Temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Central America, South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Grizzly Bear

  • Biome: Taiga, temperate, tundra
  • Continent: North America
  • Enrichment: Rubbing pillar, robbin, large fixed roller feeder, tree forager
  • Food: Leaves, nuts, and meat

Himalayan Brown Bear

  • Biome: Taiga, tundra
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Bobbin, herb scent marker, large fixed roller feeder, tree forager
  • Food: Leaves, nuts, and meat


  • Biome: Aquatic, grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Gyro, waterfall and metal frame, hanging barrel feeder, large barrel feeder
  • Food: Hay, herbivore pellets, aquatic plants, and melons

Indian Elephant

  • Biome: Grassland, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Gyro, rubbing pillar, larged fixed roller feeder, hanging barrel feeder
  • Food: Hay

Indian Peafowl

  • Biome: Grassland, temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, mirror mobile, herb scent marker, forage box enrichment
  • Food: Grain and seeds

Indian Rhinoceros

  • Biome: Grassland, temperate
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Gyro, skittle, large barrel feeder, hanging barrel feeder
  • Food: Hay

Japanese Macaque

  • Biome: Taiga, temperate
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Ice block, musical keyboard, block of frozen fruit, forage box enrichment
  • Food: Monkey chow

Komodo Dragon (deluxe only)

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Blood scent marker, water jet, frozen blood pumpkin,
  • Food: Rodents, mealworms, amphibians

Lehmann’s Poison Frog

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Lesser Antillean Iguana

  • Biome: Temperate, tropical
  • Continent: Central America, South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A


  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Bobbin, mirror mobile, block of frozen fruit, fruit spike tree
  • Food: Monkey chow, fruits, and insects

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Mexico
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Nile Monitor

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, small ball
  • Food: Rodents


  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Grab ball, rubbing pillar, herb scent marker
  • Food: Hay


  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, rubbing pillar, hanging barrel feeder
  • Food: Hay

Plains Zebra

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Rubbing pillar, grab ball, herb scent marker
  • Food: Hay

Pronghorn Antelope

  • Biome: Grasslands, temperate
  • Continent: North America
  • Enrichment: Grab Ball, rubbing pillar, herb scent marker
  • Food: Hay

Puff Adder

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Pygmy Hippo (deluxe only)

  • Biome: Aquatic, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Skittle, waterfall and metal frame
  • Food: Hay, herbivore pellets

Red Panda

  • Biome: Taiga, temperate
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Small ball, herb scent marker, forage box enrichment, tree forager
  • Food: Bamboo

Red Ruffed Lemur

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Mirror mobile, musical keyboard, suspended forager, fruit spike tree
  • Food: Monkey chow, leaves and shoots, fruit

Reticulated Giraffe

  • Biome: Grassland, tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, rubbing pillar
  • Food: Leaves and branches

Ring Tailed Lemur

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Mirror mobile, musical keyboard, block of frozen fruit, fruit spike tree
  • Food: Monkey chow, fruit and herbs, insects

Sable Antelope

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Grab ball, herb scent marker, rubbing pillar
  • Food: Hay

Saltwater Crocodile

  • Biome: Aquatic, tropical
  • Continent: Asia, oceania
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler
  • Food: Processed Meat

Siberian Tiger

  • Biome: Taiga, temperate
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, cardboard box
  • Food: Processed meat

Snow Leopard

  • Biome: Taiga
  • Continent: Asia
  • Enrichment: Ice block, cardboard box
  • Food: Processed meat

Spotted Hyena

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Sprinkler, cardboard box
  • Food: Processed meat


  • Biome: Desert, grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Rubbing pillar, grab ball, herb scent marker
  • Food: Hay

Thompson’s Gazelle (deluxe only)

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Herb scent marker, rubbing pillar, small barrel feeder, grazing ball feeder
  • Food: Hay, herbivore pellets

Timber Wolf

  • Biome: Taiga, temperate, tundra
  • Continent: Asia, Europe, North America
  • Enrichment: Ice block, small ball, bobbin, sprinkler
  • Food: Processed meat

Titan Beetle

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

West African Lion

  • Biome: Grassland
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Cardboard box, sprinkler
  • Food: Processed meat

Western Chimpanzee

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Bobbin, musical keyboard, termite mound, block of frozen fruit
  • Food: Monkey chow, fruit, and vetetables

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

  • Biome: Desert, grassland
  • Continent: Central America, North America,
  • Enrichment: N/A
  • Food: N/A

Western Lowland Gorilla

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: Africa
  • Enrichment: Ice block, musical keyboard suspended forager, forage box enrichment
  • Food: Monkey chow

Yellow Anaconda

  • Biome: Tropical
  • Continent: South America
  • Enrichment: N/A

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