Pokemon Let’s Go – How Will Pokemon Go Connect To Switch?

Pokemon Let’s Go on Nintendo Switch

1. To start, make sure your phone has Bluetooth turned on — you’ll need it!

2. Open Pokemon Go and jump into Settings, then scroll down to the Nintendo Switch option. Tap on Nintendo Switch and your phone will start looking for a console to pair to.

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3. Next, from your Nintendo Switch, go to Settings and select Pokemon Go Settings and select “Pair an Account.” It should soon discover your phone and pair! Your devices are now linked, which means it’s time to send over some Pokemon.

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4. In Let’s Go, fly to Fuchsia City and enter the Go Park complex (where the Safari was in Pokemon Yellow), but don’t talk to the front desk attendant just yet – transfers are initiated from your phone, not from the Nintendo Switch.

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5. Back on your phone, go into your Pokemon storage box and you should now see a Switch icon in the top right. Hit that and your Pokemon list will be truncated to only Pokemon that are eligible for transfer. Favorited Pokemon won’t show up here, so you may need to back out and un-favorite that shiny Charizard if you’re hoping to send it to Switch.

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6. Once you’ve selected your Pokemon (up to 50 at a time), hit the Send to Nintendo Switch button, press Yes, and your phone will start looking for a Switch to connect to.
7. Now, back on your Switch, speak to the Go Park attendant and select Bring Pokemon. You can choose between 20 different parks to send your Pokemon to (and each can hold fifty Pokemon total).

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8. Select one with room and then press A until you see a button that says Start Communication. Press that, and your Pokemon should make its way over!

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9. The Pokemon Go game that transfers the Pokemon to Let’s Go will, in turn, receive candy for the type of Pokemon that is transferred.
10. You can now visit Go Park in Pokemon Let’s Go on your Switch to see all the Pokemon you’ve transferred over. You’ll need to find them and interact with them, then choose Catch in order to get the opportunity to add them to your Pokemon collection.

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11. Be careful – you’ll still need enough berries and balls in your inventory to capture them, and if you’ve brought over high level Pokemon, they can be tough to catch!

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