Red Dead Redemption 2 – Catch the Escaping O’Driscoll Mission

Catch the Escaping O’Driscoll Mission

  • Chase down the O’Driscoll trying to escape.
  • Lasso Kieran off his horse.
  • Hogtie Kieran then pick him up to put on the horse.
  • Ride back to camp.
  • Hitch your horse and carry Kieran.

1. Keep Your Horse at a Fast Pace

To catch up with Kieran, you will have to keep pace with him. Push your horse to go faster, but make sure to keep an eye on your horse’s stamina so you won’t get thrown off.

 Catch the Escaping O’Driscoll Mission is done.

How to get the gold medal in the Old Friends mission?

You must catch and tie up Kieran in less than 45 seconds – Start gallop as soon as you receive the objective of catching the bandits. Use the lasso as soon as you approach the fugitive and quickly dismount your horse to tie him up. If you make a mistake (e.g. such as stopping on an obstacle) let the mission end in failure. A checkpoint shall be loaded just before the start of the chase.

Kill 3 O’Driscolls with a single Dead Eye use – launch the Dead Eye mode once you have three enemies in sight. If you can’t activate this mode, use an item that fully renews it.

Complete the mission in less than 15 minutes and 30 seconds – try not to lose too much time during the main fights in the enemy camp. Also, rely on galloping whenever possible.

Get 15 headshots – try to eliminate each opponent from the camp in this way. Use the Dead Eye to get more headshots easily.

Complete the mission without using health-replenishing items – this is the simplest challenge. Just don’t regenerate your health You have to be careful and do the entire mission on a single health bar.


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