Red Dead Redemption 2 – Head to Sisika Island Walkthrough

The quest Head to Sisika Island is part of Red Dead Redemption 2 Visiting Hours Chapter.

Red Dead Redemption 2 how to earn gold medalGold Medal Check List

  1. Get headshots on both Prison Guards when sniping from the tower
  2. Escape to the boat within 2 minutes 45 seconds
  3. Complete within 9 minutes
  4. Complete with at least 80% accuracy
  5. Complete the mission without taking any health items

Head to Sisika Island Walkthrough

  • Row the boat to Sisika Island.
  • Dock the boat, and hide by the shore.
  • Sneak towards the watch tower.
  • Climb up the watch tower and take out the guard.

1. Use A Sneak Kill To Take Out The Guard

Head To Sisika Island

You will be able to perform a sneak kill to the guard in the watch tower by crouching behind him with a knife equipped. When you are in range, a prompt will appear letting you sneak kill him.

Head to Sisika Island quest is completed.

Next is up: Get John Marston & Escape

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