Shadows Over Loathing Borges House Guide

This guide will explore all the different ways to explore the Borges House, as well as ways to get every possible item up for grabs in Shadows Over Loathing.

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Shadows Over Loathing game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Shadows Over Loathing guide.

Shadows Over Loathing Borges House Guide

Welcome to our Shadows Over Loathing Borges House Guide. One of the toughest positions in SoL! This place is notorious for disappearing entirely for the rest of the game once you look at Mr. Borge’s daughter. You’ll randomly find this location while wandering in Grey County.

This guide explores all the potential ways to navigate through the house as well as the potential rewards available in each route.

Borge House Guide
Borge House Guide


Before you enter the house, you should know that it is not possible to get every single item in the house in a single play-through. Each route provides greatly different rewards and it is important that you know what options you have before you dive in, especially considering you only have one shot per game.

It is important to note that looking at the daughter at any point (except for a really specific moment) will result in you being immediately expelled and banished from the house for the rest of the game, regardless of how much progress you made. It is important you choose and follow the directions closely so that you don’t get locked out of whatever rewards you wish to acquire.

Borge House Guide
Path A rewards (getting the towel):
  • 150-lb bag of sugar (quest item)
  • strand of spaghetti (food): +1 Muscle, +5 Cold Armor (sells for 25 Meat)
  • baby bottle (miscellaneous): Just sell it (sells for 20 Meat)
  • farmer’s amaro (potion): +2 Max AP (sells for 20 Meat)
  • 25 XP
  • farm towel(offhand): Heals your character only for (2X Moxie) and cures all negative status effects on your character (once per fight) (sells for 40 Meat)
Borge House Guide
Path B (ignoring the towel, getting the barrels):
  • 150-lb bag of sugar (quest item)
  • strand of spaghetti (food): +1 Muscle, +5 Cold Armor
  • farmer’s amaro (potion): +2 Max AP
  • 45 XP
  • 50 Meat
Path C (ignoring the towel, going for the jewelry):
Borge House Guide
  • 150-lb bag of sugar (quest item)
  • strand of spaghetti (food): +1 Muscle, +5 Cold Armor
  • baby bottle (miscellaneous): Just sell it (sells for Meat)
  • farmer’s amaro (potion): +2 Max AP
  • 25 XP
  • farmer’s daughter’s necklace(accessory): +6 Spooky Armor (sells for 70 meat)

Borge House Guide
To choose your route, complete the next section and as soon as that section finishes, jump to the section that contains the route you wish to choose to complete raiding the house.

Getting started (Paths A, B, and C)

Most of the dialogue choices don’t matter for this initial part, so long as you get inside of the house (with little resistance). If you haven’t already completed the Ocean City baker quest line yes (or just like extra copies of quest items), make sure to choose option [3] and ask for some sugar. Do not worry if you don’t have that option available (or miss it), for you also find the same bag of sugar in Ocean City at any time.

Borge House Guide

Once you enter the house, Mr. Borge will basically explain that you are never allowed to see his daughter.

This means you are essentially locked out from using whatever directional key the daughter is relative to your character so DO NOT PRESS A/Left Arrow or click on the left side of the screen for this particular section until you leave the daughter’s room!

Now that you know, inch your way to the next door on the right, in between the fireplace and the sink, and open the door:

Borge House Guide

Navigate through the bathroom into the girl’s bedroom:

Borge House Guide

You MUST walk towards the bed (so that the girl is covered on-screen) and then inch on the right side just until you can reach the farmoile and interact with it:

Borge House Guide

Most of the dialogue options are pointless (she barely responds to your remarks outside of body language). Obtain the key hidden inside the lamp on the farmoile by choosing the following dialogue options:

  1. [2] Ask if she needs help with the lamp
  2. [2] Light the lamp
  3. [2] Open the lamp
  4. [3] Shut the armorie doors

Borge House Guide

Now the thing about Mr. Borge’s condition is that you’re not allowed to see his daughter’s face, so it’s fine to turn around if you can’t see her at all. Make absolutely sure the girl is hidden behind the frame before you move towards the door in the front. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO FOR THE JEWELRY BOX ON THE RIGHT, SHE WILL INCH OUT AND MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO GO FOR THE DOOR IF YOU DO.

Borge House Guide

Taking the door will put you back in the room you started in, just on the right side. Carefully inch across the left side, picking up both the spaghetti and baby bottle along the way. DO NOT PRESS D/Right Arrow or click on the right side of the screen until you reach Mr. Borge’s room!:

Borge House Guide

When you pick up the spaghetti, make sure to hit 2 (NEVER HIT 1 UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE):

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

Take the bottle:

Borge House Guide

Re-enter the bathroom door:

Borge House Guide

This time you will have to go left. Inch towards the David bust and break it to get the thin key:

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

Use both the thin key you just got as well as the lamp key you got from the girl’s lamp to unlock Mr. Borge’s room:

Borge House Guide

Inspect the bed to grab the potion:

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

You can reach for the telephone, but it holds no significance (at least what I can tell) and the choices you make don’t matter. Regardless, you must attempt to open the wardrobe.

Borge House Guide

Only then will the daughter will finally speak to you (as well as rewarding you with 25 XP). She will tell you not to believe everything her father says, freeing you from her reality-warping gaze while you’re in this room (i.e. do not leave this room until you have taken/ignored the towel). Your choices in this dialogue don’t really matter so just back away quietly once you’re done talking to her: Interacting with the wardrobe keeps the girl stuck in place, so you’re free to interact with the other objects in this room (in case you missed the bed from earlier).

Borge House Guide

Talk to the girl again and take the key from her (how you do it doesn’t matter since she goes back to being quiet and non-responsive):

Borge House Guide

Use the daughter’s key to open the wardrobe, revealing the towel stash:

Borge House Guide

At this point, there are 3 different routes you can consider taking:

Taking the towel (Path A) – Shadows Over Loathing Borges House Guide

Having unlocked the wardrobe, choose any dialogue option to continue the conversation. She will tell you that taking the towel adds an additional restriction; you are also not allowed to see Mr. Borge in addition to his daughter. This essentially locks you out from the entire house except for the exit. Since you’re here for the towel, choose to [1] Take the towel:

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

With both the daughter and Mr. Borge staring at you, head towards the door and exit the house as you entered:

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

Ignoring the Towel (Path B)

Having unlocked the wardrobe, choose any dialogue option to continue the conversation. She will tell you that taking the towel adds an additional restriction; you are also not allowed to see Mr. Borge in addition to his daughter. This essentially locks you out from the entire house except for the exit. Since you’re here not for the towel but to explore the rest of the house, choose to [2] Don’t take the towel:

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

Unlock the other door and proceed to go back into the main living room. Now that you have left Mr. Borge’s bedroom, the restriction is re-applied and you are now NOT ALLOWED to see his daughter again. NEVER TURN LEFT (press A/Left Arrow/click on the left side of the screen) for the rest of this section!. Continue past Mr. Borge until you reach the three barrels on the right side of the room:

Borge House Guide

The leftmost barrel doesn’t have anything, so proceed to the middle for 20 XP:

Borge House Guide

Examine the rightmost barrel for 50 Meat:

Borge House GuideBorge House GuideFinally backed into the corner, turn around and be banished from the house.

Taking the Jewelry (Path C) – Shadows Over Loathing Borges House Guide

Having unlocked the wardrobe, choose any dialogue option to continue the conversation. She will tell you that taking the towel adds an additional restriction; you are also not allowed to see Mr. Borge in addition to his daughter. This essentially locks you out from the entire house except for the exit. Since you’re here not for the towel but to grab the necklace, choose to [2] Don’t take the towel:

Borge House GuideBorge House Guide

Unlock the other door and proceed to go back into the main living room. Now that you have left Mr. Borge’s bedroom, the restriction is re-applied and you are now NOT ALLOWED to see his daughter again. NEVER TURN LEFT (press A/Left Arrow/click on the left side of the screen) for the rest of this section!. Continue past Mr. Borge until you reach the door to the daughter’s room (it is the right most door next to the portrait):

Borge House Guide

Go straight for the green velvet jewelry box on the bottom right corner of the room:

Borge House Guide

Take the necklace (she doesn’t stop you regardless of your choices):

Borge House Guide

Having trapped yourself to a corner (literally) either look at the girl or move up towards the mirror (for a relatively funny interaction) to be banished from the house:

Borge House Guide


Interestingly enough, if you get the towel and then get banished (by looking at both Mr. Borge and his daughter at the same time), the remains of the house will have two stones rather than one.

After accepting the terms to not look at Mr. Borge:

Borge House Guide

Looking at the daughter at any time before grabbing the towel or after rejecting the towel:

Borge House Guide

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