Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement

Welcome to our Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement guide. This guide will show you where the cats are for the Cat Fancy success. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Shadows Over Loathing game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Shadows Over Loathing guide.

Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement

This guide will show you where the cats are for the Cat Fancy success.

Ocean City

  • Calliope
    Location: Antique Shop
    Solution:Buy a can of government-issued sardines from the Cola Wars Surplus store next door and give it to Calliope.
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Calliope’s Boon: +1 Physical Armor

  • Ishmael
    Location: Captain Durch’s House
    Solution:You first need to speak to the guy at St. Polycarp’s and accept the side quest. Go into the church catacomb and read the guest book, which gives you the Durch’s House location. Go there.
    Write down the date on the rock outside his house, then read the news from that date at the Watchful Eye. Back at Durch’s House, ask him about the Porquod.
    Once you’re in his house, talk to him for a bit. Speak to the fifth urn, who will request cigarettes. You can purchase cigarettes from the Cola Wars Surplus. Leave the cigarettes on the tray next to the urn, and then after the small cutscene investigate the bookcase.
    After talking to the man in the hidden room, go to St. Polycarp’s. Take a spare urn from the catacomb.
    Take the urn back to Durch’s House and replace the fifth urn. Speak to the man in the hidden room again. Once you do that, you can now pet Ishmael.Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Ishmael’s Boon: +1 Mysticality

Crystaldream Lake – Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement

  • Dottie
    Location: Greta’s Pet Store
    Solution:You need to first go into the past at the hardware store and purchase the rights to an outhouse. Request that he put the outhouse at the pet store.
    Go into the past at the pet store, and go inside. Attempt to disarm the mousetrap once. You’ll need 5 Moxie to actually disarm it the second time. Once you’ve done that, you can pet Dottie in the present.
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Dottie’s Boon: +1 Moxie
    Personal side note:I recently had my cat pass away. Her name was Dottie. Finishing this side thing for Dottie in the game and seeing the quote of “Dottie lounges, fat and happy.” made me think of her, and remembering her as always doing exactly that. She was an elegant old lady, a pastel tortiseshell, who took nonsense from nobody, but would lie right on your chest and purr as loud as she could once she trusted you. Miss you, Dottie.

  • Hecate
    Location: Sandwich Museum
    Solution: Right in the first building in the town. All you have to do is buy and give Hecate some Sandwich cream.
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Hecate’s Boon: +3 Hot Armor

S.I.T. Campus

  • Stinky
    Location: A Fishman…Restaurant
    Solution:After you start the side quest for Rufus and you’re able to open manholes, open the one in the hidden restaurant that is also located in the Steam Tunnels. You need 2 Stench Armor to pet Stinky the first time.
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Stinky’s Boon: +3 Sleaze Armor

  • Sprig
    Location: Phi Upsilon Tau, in the backyard
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Sprig’s Boon: +1 Muscle

The Big Moist

  • Boris
    Location: Monster Shack
    Solution:You need to complete the side quests for all the children in the shack. You also need to be wearing the completed sash to pet Boris for the first time.Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Boris’s Boon: +3 Spooky Armor

  • Charybdis
    Location: Largemouth Bass & Sons, inside Chapman House
    Solution:Complete the questline for Largemouth Bass & Sons. (In this run I’ve let the two people leave, so I’m not sure if it changes depending on your choice)
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Charybdis’s Boon: +20% loot drops

Gray County

  • Abby Abbey
    Location: Jasper’s Feed and Tack, in the back room
    Solution:Finish the questline for the heist. (in this run I did a perfect heist, I’m not sure if you cannot pet Abby Abbey if you do not perform a perfect heist)
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Abby Abbey’s Boon: +1 to Maximum AP

  • Ghost
    Location: Drexel Stead, in the Maize Maze
    Solution:You need to speak to Sissy in the Maze and ask her about what she needs. Buy a saucer of milk from the milkman (you can reduce the prices by doing tasks for him). Return to Sissy and give her the saucer of milk. Ghost will appear, and you may pet them.
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Ghost’s Boon: +3 Cold Armor

  • Maraschino
    Location: Grode Valley Orchard
    Solution:Finish the side quest for Maggie, and Maraschino will be in the cellar right down the ladder.
    Cat Fancy(WIP)

    Maraschino’s Boon: +3 Stench Armor

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