Shardpunk Verminfall Special Occurrences List

In Shardpunk: Verminfall, when selecting the next location on the map you’ll encounter levels that have in their description “special occurrence”. These events are often provide useful rewards that can help you on your journey. This Shardpunk Verminfall Special Occurrences List guide on all of the possible “special occurrences” and what rewards they give.

Shardpunk Verminfall Special Occurrences List

Welcome to our Shardpunk Verminfall Special Occurrences List guide. The purpose of this guide is to make a comprehensive list of all the “special occurrences” in Shardpunk: Verminfall. To clarify as to what they are, when one the level selection screen you’ll see levels that have a star icon, what looks like a skull, and then circle icons. Star icons indicate a “special occurrence” – to which it will say it in its description that there is a “special occurrence” there. Within the level, you’ll come across an orange title with a dotted outline of the same color. That indicates that there is an event there.

“Turn the Valve”


  • In a sewer level you’ll encounter a pipe with steam that has orange titles in front of it. Interacting will result in a character sticking around for 5 turns to see if anything happens. You’ll then have to activate another valve


  • – 5 stress for every charecter

“The 3 Levers”


  • In a factory level you’ll encounter a “manhole” that has an intractable title in front of it. Upon interaction you’ll learn of people trapped behind a gate in the sewers and you have to find a way to raise the gate blocking their way. Nearby are 3 levers which you’ll have to flip until you successfully find the right one. They’ll then get “stuck again”, to which you then most repeat the process and flick the lever you just flipped.

Note: The correct lever is based off of the second lever you flip, regardless of what it is. So if the second lever you flip is the middle one, you’ll have to flip the middle lever twice.


  • -5 stress for all characters

“The Big Door”


  • In one of the indoor levels of chapter 1, you can encounter a large door with a shaded out section behind it. Upon coming into a characters view it’ll prompt you with what you’ll have to do to open the door – have a robot and human interact at 2 separate spots (blue is for the robot, orange is for a human) on the same turn to open the door.

Warning: There will be rats just out of view in this room too. Be on your guard!


  • -3 supply crates!

“Sniper Courtyard”


  • Can occur in chapter 1 outdoor levels, where as a bunch of snipers appear in a courtyard(be on your guard!).

Tip: It’s best to lure the snipers out, that way you can bring them more in range (force them to round corners in order to hit you!)


  • Extra supply crate in the mission



  • You can come across 2 types of corpses in chapter one, that of either scientists or imperial soldiers.
  • Upon coming into a player view, it will prompt a remark.
  • Reward:
  • +3 stress to the first character to interact with either of the bodies
  • Interaction of the other corpse yields a fusion core if its the scientists, or grenades if its the soldiers.
Written by skelematt

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