Slime Rancher 2 Flutter Slimes Start Revolution FIX

Welcome to our Slime Rancher 2 Flutter Slimes Start Revolution FIX guide. So, your Flutter Slimes […]

Welcome to our Slime Rancher 2 Flutter Slimes Start Revolution FIX guide. So, your Flutter Slimes have started a revolution and you don’t know what to do? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Slime Rancher 2 Flutter Slimes Start Revolution FIX

So, your Flutter Slimes have decided to rebel against your regime and start a revolution and you don’t know how to regain control? Don’t worry, it’s a very common issue. Here’s what to do!

Diagnosing The Problem

The first step to solving the problem is diagnosing it.

You may notice some odd behaviours in your Flutter Slimes which can suggest a revolution.
Some of these actions may include but are not limited to:

1. Hen Hen Manipulation
What to do if your Flutter Slimes are trying to start a revolution?Here we can see that

The Flutter Slime utilising fear to manipulate Hen Hens into following and taking part in the Flutter Slime Revolution (FSR for short), this is a vital part in their take over and will be seen quite commonly.

2. Deceiving The Public
What to do if your Flutter Slimes are trying to start a revolution?

In this image, we can see the Flutter Slime attempting to gain a reputation and significance on the Ranch through deceiving fellow slimes into thinking that you are mistreating them and that under the rule of the Iron-Fisted Flutter Slimes they would be in much better condition.

3. Assault
What to do if your Flutter Slimes are trying to start a revolution?

  • This is the most obvious and shocking evidence of all.
  • This here is my Flutter Slime named Budders as he was expected to be able to be my buddy and resembles a butterfly, but in a heart-breaking turn of events, I was assaulted by Budders in an attempt to take me out of the picture once and for all.
  • Do not take this attempt lightly! Budders nearly succeeded in taking over the Ranch through an assassination attempt on my life. This could be you.

How To Solve The Issue

The easiest way to take care of the Flutter Slime Revolution is to rid of all the Flutter Slimes on your Ranch, it may be hard but do not fall for their innocence! I have made this mistake in the past and was banished from my Ranch into the vast expanse of the Slime Sea with no hope of return.

How To Rid Of The Flutter Slimes

If you’re still in the position where you can deal with them you cannot do it so carefree.
If you attempt to simply toss all of the Flutter Slimes out of the Ranch, you’re showing the rest of the slimes your fear, you’re showing them that you perceived the FSR as a threat, your showing them that they could revolt against you and take over the Ranch with ease.

Slime Rancher 2 Flutter Slimes Start Revolution FIX
Slime Rancher 2 Flutter Slimes Start Revolution FIX

This is how your slimes will react to you throwing out your Flutter Slimes.

You’re probably asking ‘But how do I get rid of them then?!’
There’s still a way but it will be dangerous.

  1. Firstly, you’ll have to amass a selection of different plorts, this should be easy if you’re already ranching multiple slimes.
  2. Secondly, you’ll need to hide a separate slime just outside of your ranch and shoot all the different plorts at it, this should create a Tarr Slime.
  3. Next, you’ll want to shoot it at your Ranch without any slimes seeing you, if successful, the Tarr should start eating all the Flutter Slimes but there may be a few casualties.
  4. Finally, after waiting a day or so you can return to your Ranch and fend off the Tarr, this will show your remaining slimes that you can be the saviour of them displaying your power as a leader whilst the Flutter Slimes should be taken care of by the Tarr.
    If some Flutter Slimes still remain whilst you take care of the Tarr, simply accidentally toss them into the Slime Sea along with the Tarr. Here’s an example:

What to do if your Flutter Slimes are trying to start a revolution?

You should now have successfully reclaimed rightful ownership of your Ranch and taken down the FSR.

How To Cope With A Successful Takeover

There is a chance you may have discovered the Flutter Slime Revolution too late.

In this situation, there is no recovering the Ranch, the slimes will revolt and the Flutter Slimes will send you out to the Slime Sea, never to be seen again.

What to do if your Flutter Slimes are trying to start a revolution?Here’s me getting sent out to the Slime Sea by Budders after the first successful Flutter Slime Revolution.

As far as I am aware, there is no way to recover after a successful Flutter Slime Revolution. If anyone can find a way to recover after a successful FSR, please let me know and I will update this guide.

Sorry if this has happened to you, I give my condolences.

You can find all Slime Rancher 2 Guides here:

Slime Rancher 2 Guides

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