Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission – Power Level Battle

Power Level Battle

Once you have determined where to place each Hero on the board, the Power Level Battle begins. As we noted in the previous section, your team’s Power Level is determined by which Heroes are attacking and where they are positioned. If a Hero doesn’t have enough Willpower to be consumed based on where they are positioned, they will not contribute their full Power Level to the team’s total. This is why it is important to allow Heroes will low Willpower a chance to recover in the Support Area if the battle still has a ways to go. Also, Power Level earned through Abilities or elsewhere is maintained from Round to Round.

Another important thing to note is that you’ll earn 1 Hero Energy for every 2000 Power Level that your team generates. So, if your team’s Power Level is 7000, you’ll earn 3 Hero Energy that Round.

One final thing to note in this section is that it is possible to earn a Quick Bonus and an extra 499 Power Level if you choose your team’s formation during the Strategy Phase quicker than the opponent does. This can be enough to push your team up over the opponent, so don’t dawdle!

Battle Phase

During the Battle Phase, each team will have a chance to attack the other team. The order is determined by who wins the Power Level Battle. The winning team will go first, followed by the losing team. The order that the members of the team attack is based off of their Type and a few other factors.

These are the major priorities for combat:

  • Dragon Ball. If a Hero possesses a Dragon Ball, they will attack first.
  • Heroes with a Lock-On Ability. If a Hero has an enemy Locked-On, they will be given more priority in the attacking order.
  • Cooperative Attack. If one or more Heroes of the same Type are attacking, they will generally attack together in a Cooperative Attack, unless Abilities or other factors disable
  • Cooperative Attacks. These are covered later.
  • Solo Attack. If a Hero attacks alone and doesn’t qualify for any other category above, they generally will go last.

Within each of the above categories, priority is given based on the Hero’s Type. The Types are listed below, with a brief description. They are listed in order of priority.

Elite Type: This type will attack first. These Heroes generally have low Power but higher starting Willpower than other Heroes. When they attack, they deal the most Willpower damage of the different Types. It is beneficial for them to attack first so they can Stun enemies before the stronger Types attack.
Hero Type: This type will attack next. These Heroes are the most balanced in terms of stats and in the type of damage that they deal. When they attack, they deal average damage and average Willpower damage.
Berserker Type: This type will attack last. These Heroes are the all-out brawlers with high Power. When they attack, they deal the most damage of the different types and have very weak Willpower damage. If these Heroes attack Stunned enemies, the damage is huge.

Unless you have one or more Heroes with Lock-On abilities, the general combat order will be all of the Cooperative Attack groups going first followed by the solo attackers. This will obviously be switched up a bit if a Hero is holding a Dragon Ball, meaning that hero will attack first, either solo or in a Cooperative Attack.

Charge Impact

Now that we know the order of things, it’s time to actually look at how combat works. Whether attacking solo or in a Cooperative Attack, an attack’s success depends on the result of the Charge Impact clash. When a Hero is about to unleash their attack, two gauges will appear at the bottom of the screen, one on the left and one on the right. The left gauge is your Charge Impact gauge and the right one is the enemy’s. The gauge will fill and empty repeatedly as a timer runs in the bottom right corner. Before the timer is up, you will need to hit a button to stop the gauge’s movement. The goal is to fill the gauge as much as possible.

When attacking, if your gauge is more full than the enemy’s, your Hero will do a stronger attack. If you have enough Hero Energy for your Hero to do their Ultimate Blast, this will happen as well. If your gauge is less full than the enemy’s, the enemy will block your attack, taking less damage and preventing you from using your Ultimate Blast.

When defending, if your gauge is more full than the enemy’s, you will block the enemy’s attack for less damage and prevent the enemy from using their Ultimate Blast if it’s available. If your gauge is less full than the enemy’s, the enemy will successfully attack you and can follow up with an Ultimate Blast if available.

The speed of the gauge is determined by the Heroes involved and by any active Abilities that may have increased or decreased the speed. Obviously, the slower the gauge, the easier it is to time your attack.

It is possible to completely fill the Charge Impact gauge. This is called a Perfect Charge Impact. In this case, the resulting effect will be enhanced. If your are attacking, your attack will deal 10% more damage if you nail a Perfect Charge Impact. If you’re defending, you will prevent 30% of the damage taken with a Perfect Charge Impact, up from the usual 20%.

It is also possible to tie the opponent, in which case you will have to repeat the process with a faster gauge and a shorter timer.

A few more things to note here. If your Hero is attacking alone and does not have enough Hero Energy to perform an Ultimate Blast, it’s possible for them to do a Chase Attack, wherein they will follow the opponent after attacking and deal some extra damage. If this happens, simply move the Hero’s card left and right quickly a few times to activate the Chase Attack.

Finally, if you attack an enemy and their Willpower reaches 0, you will Stun that opponent. An enemy can never be Stunned unless you win the Charge Impact clash. If they defeat you and block your attack, they can’t be Stunned. A Stunned enemy cannot defend against your Charge Impact attack and will takes twice the amount of damage they normally would. Stunned enemies also cannot attack if their team attacks after they are Stunned. Attacking a Stunned enemy will result in the Stun status being removed. Attacking a Stunned enemy with a powerful attacker is the easiest way to turn the tide of battle and destroy your enemy. Just don’t forget that the enemy can Stun your Heroes as well!

Cooperative Attack

If two or more Heroes of the same Type attack together, they will generally engage in a Cooperative Attack unless Abilities or other factors prevent them from doing so. When Heroes perform a Cooperative Attack, they share a single Charge Impact gauge. Success in the Charge Impact clash will result in all members attacking and using their Ultimate Blasts if available. On the flip side of that coin, if they lose the clash, all of their attacks are blocked at once.

When Heroes engage in a Cooperative Attack, they also get bonuses based on their Type and on how many Heroes participate in the Cooperative Attack, as seen below:

Elite Type: When they participate in Cooperative Attacks, they recover (N-1) Willpower units, where “N” is the number of participants.
Hero Type: When they participate in Cooperative Attacks, your team gains (N-1)*500 Power Level, where “N” is the number of participants.
Berserker Type: When they participate in Cooperative Attacks, the enemy team loses (N-1) Hero Energy, where “N” is the number of participants.

As you can see, Cooperative Attacks offer excellent bonuses at the risk of multiple Heroes getting blocked all at once.

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