Teamfight Tactics All Item Combinations & Cheat Sheet

TFT Items cheat sheet and all item combinations.

Items are of pretty big important in Teamfight Tactics, and the game allows you to combine items together to make even more powerful options! We’ve got a full list of all of the items with cheat sheets below.

TFT Items Cheat Sheet

Here’s a full cheat sheet, I’ve broken down the items further below. You can click the image to enlarge.

B.F Sword

B.F Sword Combinations

  • B.F. Sword+B.F. Sword = Infinity Edge: Critical Strikes deal +100% damage.
  • B.F. Sword+Needlessly Large Rod = Hextech Gunblade: Heal for 25% of all damage dealt.
  • B.F. Sword+Chain Vest = Guardian Angel: Revives champ with 500 HP.
  • B.F. Sword+Tear of the Goddess = Spear of Shojin: After casting, gain 15% of max mana per attack.
  • B.F. Sword+Recurve Bow + Sword of the Divine: Every 1s gain a 5% chance to gain 100% Critical Strike.
  • B.F. Sword+Spatula = Youmuu’s Ghostblade: Wearer is also an Assassin.
  • B.F. Sword+Negatron Cloak = The Bloodthirster: Attacks heal for 35% of damage.
  • B.F. Sword+Giant’s Belt = Zeke’s Herald: Adjacent allies gain +10% Attack Speed.

Chain Vest

Chain Vest Combinations

  • Chain Vest+Needlessly Large Rod = Locket of the Iron Solari: On start of combat, adjacent allies get 200 shield.
  • Chain Vest+B.F Sword = Guardian Angel: Revives champ with 500 HP.
  • Chain Vest+Chain Vest = Thornmail: Reflect 35% of damage taken from attacks.
  • Chain Vest+Recurve Bow = Phantom Dancer: Wearer dodges all Critical Strikes.
  • Chain Vest+Tear of the Goddess = Frozen Heart: Adjacent enemies lose 20% Attack Speed.
  • Chain Vest+Negatron Cloak = Sword Breaker: Attacks have a chance to disarm.
  • Chain Vest+Giant’s Belt = Red Buff: Attacks burn for 2.5% max HP and disable healing.
  • Chain Vest+Spatula = Knight’s Vow: Wearer is also a Knight.

Giant Belt’s

Giant’s Belt Combinations

  • Giant’s Belt+B.F Sword = Zeke’s Herald: Adjacent allies gain +10% Attack Speed.
  • Giant’s Belt+Recurve Bow = Titanic Hydra: Attacks deal 10% of the wearer’s max HP as splash.
  • Giant’s Belt+Needlessly Large Rod = Morellonomicon: Spells burn 5% of the enemy max HP per second.
  • Giant’s Belt+Tear of the Goddess = Redemption: On death heal all nearby allies for 1000 HP.
  • Giant’s Belt+Chain Vest = Red Buff: Attacks burn for 2.5% max HP and disable healing.
  • Giant’s Belt+Negatron Cloak = Zephyr: On start of combat banish an enemy.
  • Giant’s Belt+Giant’s Belt = Warmog’s Armor: Regenerate 3% max Health per second.
  • Giant’s Belt+Spatula = Frozen Mallet: Wearer is also a Glacial.

Needlessly Large Rod

Needlessly Large Rod Combinations

  • Needlessly Large Rod+Recurve Bow = Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Attacks give 3% Attack Speed. Stacks infinitely.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+Needlessly Large Rod = Rabadon’s Deathcap: Wearer’s Ability Damage increased by 50%.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+B.F Sword = Hextech Gunblade: Heal for 25% of all damage dealt.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+Spatula = Yuumi: Wearer is also a Sorcerer.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+Giant’s Belt = Morellonomicon: Spells burn 5% of the enemy max HP per second.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+Negatron Cloak = Ionic Spark: Whenever an enemy casts a spell they take 200 damage.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+Chain Vest = Locket of the Iron Solari: On start of combat, adjacent allies get 200 shield.
  • Needlessly Large Rod+Tear of the Goddess = Luden’s Echo: Deal 200 splash damage on ability hit.

Negatron Cloak

Negatron Cloak Combinations

  • Negatron Cloak+B.F Sword = The Bloodthirster: Attacks heal for 35% of damage.
  • Negatron Cloak+Needlessly Large Rod = Ionic Spark: Whenever an enemy casts a spell they take 200 damage.
  • Negatron Cloak+Tear of the Goddess = Hush: Attacks have a high chance to Silence.
  • Negatron Cloak+Recurve Bow = Cursed Blade: Attacks have a low chance to Shrink (-1 enemy star level 1).
  • Negatron Cloak+Spatula = Runaan’s Hurricane: Attacks hit additional enemies and deal 50% damage.
  • Negatron Cloak+Giant’s Belt = Zephyr: On start of combat banish an enemy.
  • Negatron Cloak+Negatron Cloak = Dragon’s Claw: 83% resistance to magic damage.
  • Negatron Cloak+Chain Vest = Sword Breaker: Attacks have a chance to disarm.

Recurve Bow

Recurve Bow Combinations

  • Recurve Bow+Tear of the Goddess = Stattik Shiv: Every 3rd attack deals 100 splash magical damage.
  • Recurve Bow+Needlessly Large Rod = Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Attacks give 3% Attack Speed. Stacks infinitely.
  • Recurve Bow+B.F. Sword = Sword of the Divine: Every 1s gain a 5% chance to gain 100% Critical Strike.
  • Recurve Bow+Negatron Cloak = Cursed Blade: Attacks have a low chance to Shrink (-1 enemy star level 1).
  • Recurve Bow+Recurve Bow = Rapid Fire Cannon: Attacks cannot be dodged. Attack Range is doubled.
  • Recurve Bow+Chain Vest = Phantom Dancer: Wearer dodges all Critical Strikes.
  • Recurve Bow+Giant’s Belt = Titanic Hydra: Attacks deal 10% of the wearer’s max HP as splash.
  • Recurve Bow+Spatula = Blade of the Ruined King: Wearer is also a Blademaster.


Spatula Combinations

Spatula+Spatula = Force of Nature: Gain + team size.
Spatula+Recurve Bow = Blade of the Ruined King: Wearer is also a Blademaster.
Spatula+B.F Sword = Youmuu’s Ghostblade: Wearer is also an Assassin.
Spatula+Needlessly Large Rod = Yummi: Wearer is also a Sorcerer.
Spatula+Tear of the Goddess = Darkin: Wearer is also a Demon.
Spatula+Chain Vest = Knight’s Vow: Wearer is also a Knight.
Spatula+Negatron Cloak = Runaan’s Hurricane: Attacks hit additional enemies and deal 50% damage.
Spatula+Giant’s Belt = Frozen Mallet: Wearer is also a Glacial.

Tear of the Goddess

Tear of the Goddess Combinations

Tear of the Goddess+Recurve Bow = Stattik Shiv: Every 3rd attack deals 100 splash magical damage.
Tear of the Goddess+Needlessly Large Rod = Luden’s Echo: Deal 200 splash damage on ability hit.
Tear of the Goddess+Tear of the Goddess = Seraph’s Embrace: Regain 20 mana each time a spell is cast.
Tear of the Goddess+B.F Sword = Spear of Shojin: After casting, gain 15% of max mana per attack.
Tear of the Goddess+Chain Vest = Frozen Heart: Adjacent enemies lose 20% Attack Speed.
Tear of the Goddess+Negatron Cloak = Hush: Attacks have a high chance to Silence.
Tear of the Goddess+Giant’s Belt = Redemption: On death heal all nearby allies for 1000 HP.
Tear of the Goddess+Spatula = Darkin: Wearer is also a Demon.

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