The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – Fps Lock FIX

Fps Lock Fixes

Fix Vsync and Other

  • Open: %LOCALAPPDATA%\ManOfMedan\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
  • Found in GameUserSettings.ini: [/script/smgruntime.gamepcsettings]
  • After [/script/smgruntime.gamepcsettings] replace FrameRateLimit=0.000000:

Example GameUserSettings.ini 1:

  • FrameRateLimit=60.000000

Example GameUserSettings.ini 2 :

  • bUseVSync=True

Save changes for GameUserSettings.ini


  • Don’t forget change file GameUserSettings.ini on read only.
  • And hope little hint can help to all, thanks.


  • For me fps was high 189 but on monitor 144 with vsync ON, current fix help to me got 144 fps with vsync on.
  • Other way just lock fps with panel nvidia or amd and fraps for example.

Boost Fps

Look in file GameUserSettings.ini current settings:

  • [ScalabilityGroups]
  • sg.ResolutionQuality=100.000000
  • sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3
  • sg.AntiAliasingQuality=4
  • sg.ShadowQuality=4
  • sg.PostProcessQuality=3
  • sg.TextureQuality=4
  • sg.EffectsQuality=3
  • sg.FoliageQuality=3

There you can change sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 to 1 and it boost fps or tuning to 40.000000 sg.ResolutionQuality=100.000000

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