The Leviathan’s Fantasy Increasing Adventurer’s Power

There are some mechanics in The Leviathan’s Fantasy that increase your adventurer’s combat power. You can find detailed information about those mechanics in this guide.

The Leviathan’s Fantasy Increasing Adventurer’s Power

Adventurers management is a core part of the game experience yet not very well explained, so in this short guide we’ll try to go through some of the mechanics tied to them and how to increase their performance on the field.


Manuals/Cultivation Method is a collection of Active/Passive Skills that an Adventurer can use. Each Adventurer will always have at least one manual learned when visiting the island.

Manual UI

To access the manual UI, open Adventurer Details (click on the View Status button if you’re on the equipment UI) and navigate to ‘Manual‘ tab

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

In this UI you can see all the manuals an adventurer has learned (not equipped) and the XP pool.
When adventurer gain experience, the XP goes to 2 place: The shared XP pool, and the core skill of all equipped manuals. So only manuals that you have equipped can level up.

Clicking on the learned manual will open up another interface.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Here you can see all the skill of the manual, hovering over a skill will show you the effect, trigger condition (if it’s weapon dependent) and learning condition. Clicking on any of the sub-skill will level it up provided you have enough XP in the Pool and level of core skill. You can also click the Auto button and it’ll automatically level up all upgradable skills (recommended because XP pool is not a problem in the game)

Equipping Manual and Active Skill

  • I’ve mentioned that you need to equip an manual on an adventurer for it to level up. Here’s how to do that.
  • Open an Adventurer Details and navigate to their ‘Status‘ tab. Click on one of the circle and select any learned manual.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Similarly, click on the square icon to equip any active skills you’ve learned.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

This is especially important because adventurer will only use skill if you’ve equipped them here, and this is only available to Settled Adventurer (Non-settled adventurer can still level up passive skill to gain some stat but won’t be able to use any other active skills)

Your adventurer will unlock more equip-able manual slot as they go through reincarnation (which will be explained later)

One final thing to note here is your adventurer’s level is the sum of all equipped manual’s level. For example if my adventurer have equipped two Level 30 manuals, then their level on Status screen would be 60. Consequently if I swap out one of the manual for a Level 1, then the adventurer’s level will be reduced to 31 (their base stat won’t change but they’ll lose the stat bonus from the unequipped manual)


Bloodline is a set of unique passive effects inherent to all adventurer. Each adventurer will start with a main bloodline and can learn another by using the Mystic Fusion building. The grade of an adventurer is corresponding to the grade of their main bloodline.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

The main bloodline of each adventurer is completely randomized except for some starting adventurers you get using Godsent points. So if you’re trying to recruit a purple adventurer from an island through their quest line, save and reload before you turn in the final quest will allow you to “reroll” their bloodline.

Each bloodline will have a main permanent effect and 6 unlockable passive effects (which is visible in the Bloodline UI)

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Bloodline UI

To access Bloodline UI, open up the Adventurer Details and navigate to ‘Bloodline‘ tab
Here you’ll be able to view all the passive effect from the main and sub bloodline, all fusion item that have been used so far as well as a log of when the adventurer used fusion item to strengthened their bloodline.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

To check the passive effect of a bloodline, you can hover over it

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

In this instance, the passive effect is not active. In order to activate the effect, adventurers will have to go through a process call bloodline fusion to add level to it.

Bloodline Fusion

Various activities will reward both player and adventurer with Fusion Items that can be used to strengthened bloodline by adding stat/secondary effect to it.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Here’s a short list of activities that can give out these materials:

  • Reward from auto-bounty
  • Killing bosses
  • Perform training using high-grade material at Academy-type building
  • Opening Bloodline material chest (bought from Airship)
  • Buy it directly from adventurer ( They won’t sell it on the Trading House so you’ll need to click it directly in their inventory)

To give an adventurer a fusion item, click on them and open their inventory UI:

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Select the Donate button then the fusion items you want to gift, if you don’t want to give them all you can untick the Max checkbox in the corner

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

When the item is in an adventurer’s inventory (either by obtaining it themselves or gifted by the player), they will occasionally try to incorporate it into their bloodline with various degree of success.

By incorporating the same item over and over, they’ll raise that particular fusion effect level which can be seen when hovering over the item in the Bloodline UI.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

The total level of all incorporated fusion item will be counted toward activating passive effect of the bloodline (for both main and sub bloodline)

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Activating sub-bloodline for adventurers

Once you’ve unlocked the Bloodline Breeding tech (Tier 4 – City Foundation) and build a Mystic Fusion. You can give adventurer a 2nd bloodline in addition to their inherent one:

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

The Fusion tab allow player to choose a bloodline to give, you can do this repeatedly to an adventurer to change their sub bloodline if you don’t like the unlockable passive effects. Main blood line however cannot be changed at all.

The Advance tab is only available to bloodline that has unlocked all passive effect (level 200 fusion). Unfortunately I have no idea what this does as it takes a very long time for the adventurers to up their fusion level.

These items are obtainable mostly through auction and rarely dropped from bosses. They can also be obtained by opening chest sold by high level airship, or from island completion rewards.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's powerShort guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Collection Effect

Perhaps the most under-explained mechanic in the game, collection effect is buff granted to your adventurer when they move from town to field. This buff is unlocked by adding various item, buildings to the collection UI and account for nearly half of your adventurer’s power.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

If you think your unsettled, green grade adventurers are useless mid-late game then you’re probably missing out on the collection buff

Collection UI

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

To access the collection UI, select your Leviathan Palace and click on the Collection button

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Alternatively, you can hit the Function button in bottom right corner and select the Collection button

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

In the collection UI you’ll be able to see all the effect obtainable and the item required to unlock it, with different categories (although the categorization for some effect is not correct imo)

You can also tick on the Star icon and favorite the effect, it’ll then show up on the first page of the category and in the Favorite tab.

To submit an item, just click on its icon in the list

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Some effects are only unlockable using Godsend points before you start your playthrough.

It’s important to note however that this buff is not permanent (except for effects in the Forever tab) and will eventually runs out, adventurer will need to return to town occasionally to refresh the buff (this is relevant if you’re giving them lengthy bounties like S-Rank Guard Area).

The buff duration is around 10 minutes from my experience and can be extended with Title (next section)

With the majority of the collection effect unlocked, your green adventurers can easily defend your field resource building for a very long time if you put them near the portal.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Title Buff

Title Buff is another obscure mechanic that give various buff to both adventurers and tourist, however its effect is less impactful compared to Collection Effect (with the exception of one Title). Title Buff is unlocked by placing various structure on the island and then enabled by the player.

Title UI

To access Title UI, simply hit shortcut key ‘J‘, or click on the Data button on the bottom right corner.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Here you’ll see all the Titles in the game, to view further details about the Title effect and unlock requirement, click on the expand button at the bottom of a Tile. To enable it, click on the toggle button next to its name.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

Each Title Details UI will have 2 tabs, Needs which show you which building to place to unlock it in the first place, and Effect which is activated when you enable it.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power
Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

You’ll also see next to the Title’s name a text says (2 steps), this is to indicate that the Title can be already be unlocked if you’ve only placed half of the required buildings but the effects will be weaker than having all buildings.

The buff given here is mostly stat buff and some niche effect like tourist carrying more money or discount from trading house. However there’s one title that’s give an extra 2 minutes to your collection buff duration which is very good imo.

Short guide to increasing your adventurer's power

There’s a limit to how many Title you can enable, this limit is increased as your Leviathan level up. (Currently at Leviathan level 15 I can enable 7 of them).

Written by kidnapdoor

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