In the Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered games, activating console commands requires manual input of specific commands, particularly with the Classic Control Scheme (Tank Controls). This guide outlines the cheat codes for each game and provides instructions on how to use them effectively.
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Starring Lara Croft Cheats

It’s essential to use the Classic Control Scheme for entering cheat codes; otherwise, they won’t function. After enabling cheats, you can switch back to the Modern Control Scheme from the settings menu.
Cheat Variations: Each game in the remastered series has unique cheat codes, even for similar cheats like unlocking all weapons.
Tomb Raider 1 Remastered Cheats
- Skip the Whole Level:
- Step Forward (x1)
- Step Backward (x1)
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Forward (x1)
- Unlock All Guns & Unlimited Ammo:
- Step Forward (x1)
- Step Backward (x1)
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Backwards (x1)
Tomb Raider 2 Remastered Cheats
- Skip the Whole Level:
- Equip a Flare
- Step Forward (x1)
- Step Backward (x1)
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Forward (x1)
- Unlock All Guns & Unlimited Ammo:
- Equip a Flare
- Step Forward (x1)
- Step Backward (x1)
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Backwards (x1)
- Make Lara Explode:
- Step Forward (x1)
- Step Backward (x1)
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Backwards (x1)
Tomb Raider 3 Remastered Cheats
- Skip the Whole Level:
- Equip Pistols
- Step Backward (x1)
- Step Forward (x1)
- Crouch and Release
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Forward (x1)
- Unlock All Guns & Unlimited Ammo:
- Equip Pistols
- Step Backward (x1)
- Step Forward (x1)
- Crouch and Release
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Backwards (x1)
- Make Lara Explode:
- Step Forward (x1)
- Step Backward (x1)
- Circle Counter-Clockwise (x3)
- Jump Backwards (x1)
- Unlock Maximum Health: (Note: Requires controller with bottom shoulder buttons)
- R (x2)
- L (x1)
- R (x1)
- L (x6)
- R (x1)
- L (x3)
- R (x1)
- L (x5)
How to Enable Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Cheats
For effective cheat activation, ensure you follow these tips:
- Wait for the completion of each movement animation before entering the next command.
- Use the walk button while entering cheats; do not run.
- Input the jump button and direction in quick succession, not simultaneously.
With these cheat codes and usage tips, you can maximize your nostalgia fun in Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered. If you are looking for a trick to change Lara Croft’s costume, unfortunately there is no cheat for her. But there is a way to change costume. You can take a look at the link here.
Tomb Raider 1-3 Launch Options
To access launch options for your game, follow these steps:
- Go to your Library and select the game.
- Choose Properties > General > Launch Options.
Here are some useful launch options you can set:
- Set exact window size to 1280×720: -width 1280 -height 720
- Pro tip: You can switch between windowed and fullscreen mode by pressing ALT + ENTER.
- Disable all legal notices on boot to speed up the game’s startup: -nolegal
- Disable high-DPI support: -ldpi
- Disable Vsync to potentially improve performance: -novsync
- Enable marketing tools for additional functionality: -dev
- slowmo (R)
- fastmo (T)
- demo record (F6) (Press again to stop the capture)
- demo playback (F7)
- free camera (F8) (works in cutscenes and photo mode)