Warframe – Moa Models Guide

Moa Models

The first choice when constructing your MOA. Determines the two mod precepts that will be available to it. Once you’ve built all three they may as well be a cosmetic option, seeing as any two precepts can be equipped on any other model with no conflict.

warframe Users Manual 3Lambeo

This model is built for defense, deploying the Stasis Field and Shockwave Actuator precepts.

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You’ve been on the receiving end of this thing before so you know what to expect. Keeps any pesky melee enemies out of the Stasis Field bubble. Doesn’t go off enough in my opinion even when listed as the first precept in the modding screen. You should not feel bad for exchanging this for a different precept despite the model.


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Projects a great big bubble around the Moa, protecting anything within it. The damage reduction is no joke, especially when hugging those squishy Sortie Defense targets. Pair with something like Volt shields and you’ll all be snug and safe in a decently-sized AoE.



warframe Users Manual 6Oloro

This model is built for utility, using the Tractor Beam and Security Override precepts.

warframe Users Manual 7I think this is easily my favorite mod of the bunch. When you’re near your Moa and aim while airborne, you’ll float in place if staying still or move incredibly slow in the direction you were moving. Finally gives some synergy to a bunch of Airborne-based mods, ESPECIALLY the new Pax Soar arcane for Kitguns. Very handy for reaching mining nodes on cave ceilings as well.
Duration stacks with other mods that extend Aim Glide. Any glide movement will cease indefinitely if Zephyr uses the effects of this mod.Makes a complete joke out of Airborne Riven challenges.

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Hacks any console in roughly 5 seconds. Obviously a nice thing to have in Spy and Rescue missions.
No longer bugged!
It can also spawn friendly Moas in Corpus tilesets by hacking Moa Cabinet Spawners, but again, is currently bugged. These Moas can not regenerate shields so Mag is a good partner for them in modes like Survival if you want to amass an army.


warframe Users Manual 10Para

This model is built for offense, utilizing the Whiplash Mine and Anti-Grav Grenade precepts.


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This thing really is a blast. Slurps up all enemies in a good area to the same point, allowing you to blast them with an AoE weapon or effect. It’s so effective, that I’m really surprised they haven’t put a cap on to how many enemies it can affect at a time.



warframe Users Manual 12Pairs very well with the above if used in succession. Lobs out a grenade that lifts everything up and up for several seconds or until they come in contact with a ceiling. Makes enemies an easy target.
It’s pretty neat that they’re finally adding gravity-based fall damage to some degree, and some testing is required to find out if things like Sonicor can amplify the “Impact Damage x Height Achieved” numbers.

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