We Were Here Forever How to Solve Graveyard Tokens

Welcome to our We Were Here Forever How to Solve Graveyard Tokens guide. This guide will show you how to do the graveyard tokens.

We Were Here Forever How to Solve Graveyard Tokens

This guide will show you how to do the graveyard tokens.

The Order of Exchange

  • Chainlink <–> Book
  • Book <–> Potion
  • Sword <–> Clock
  • Shield <–> Sword
  • Queen <–> King
  • Clock <–> Queen
  • Sword <–> Clock
  • King <–> Chainlink
  • Chainlink <–> Book
  • Queen <–> King
  • Clock <–> Queen
  • King <–> Chainlink

About We Were Here Forever

You open your eyes to the land of Rock Castle, along with a prisoner who shares the same fate as you. Has your intelligence deceived you or have you been betrayed? To escape from here, you must explore the evil castle, solve puzzles and create an escape plan together. All sorts of secrets and riddles lurk in the shadows. But remember, nothing is as it seems in this Antarctic adventure. Will you be able to escape together or will you be held captive forever?

You must find a way to escape from the dungeons deep inside the Rock Fortress and freely look up at the sky. But leave the castle aside, it will not be easy to get rid of this nightmare. Getting out of the cell and the Citadel is just the beginning. Is it possible to “really” get rid of the Rock Fortress? You will have to make decisions about how to proceed as you encounter the mysteries that await you. You will embark on a journey towards freedom from a dark dungeon room. Outside the castle, you will learn the story of Rockbury and its natives and meet a group of rebels who are planning a revolt against the King to escape this icy place. Hope will guide you to a spooky Graveyard and then to the dark waters of the Foundry.

There’s a reason you came here. It is even possible that you are the missing piece of a puzzle that started a long time ago and was forgotten over time. Someone, maybe something, is desperately trying to solve this puzzle by any means necessary. In the face of such a terrible desire, only your unwavering trust in your partner and in each other can give you hope for survival.

Is it possible to “really” escape from the Rock Fortress?

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