Welcome to our WW2 Rebuilder Achievements Guide. This guide will show you in detail all achievements for WW2 Rebuilder. (WIP)
WW2 Rebuilder Achievements Guide
This guide will show you in detail all achievements for WW2 Rebuilder. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the WW2 Rebuilder game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our WW2 Rebuilder guide.
General Achievements
“Chatter Box – Drive NPC crazy”
This one is pretty easy: just bother a npc, like there is no tomorrow (talk to him, by pressing F over and over, after a while it should trigger the achievment).
1. Gimbert
ENG – Achievements in Gimbert Trainstation
DEU – Erfolge in Zugstation Gimbert
2. London Necropolis
Achievements in London Necropolis
“Sandvich – Second breatfast”
Have a closer look at the rats in London Necropolis Basement (the room with the containers/coffins). One is looking different. Click on it.
3. London City
Achievements in London City
“Miley – Use a big ball”
Destroy a building with the crane, while the wrecking ball is attached. Should work on any map, with a cran, wrecking ball and a destructable building – but this map is the first where you got all that.
“Worst plumber ever – Fill the hole too early”
Dont do anything within the hole with the crashed omnibus. Just move the omnibus out/away, then get on the bulldozer und push all the scrap around the hole into the hole (the important part is to not fix the waterpipe in it).
4. RAF Lympne
Achievements in RAF Lympne
5. Belfast Shipyard
Achievements in Belfast Shipyard
“Save 4 turtles – Find the turtles”
You can find the turtles in the drydock in Belfast. As soon as you repaired the gate and removed the water, get down to the submarine and head to the gate. The Turtles are on the ground near the gate.
6. Essen Steelworks
Achievements in Essen Steelworks
“A lot to Essen – It’s a pun…”
Find the hidden room/bunker in Essen Steelworks. Its just a hole with a ladder in it. Its located right behind the construction site (the building you can choose to build), close to the collectible (which lies within the concrete-pipes). Fun Fact: Essen means “eat / meal” in german.
7. Hamburg: St. Nicholas Church
Achievements in Hamburg: St. Nicholas Church
“In a healthy body a healthy mind – Eat an apple”
There is an apple, located on the phone in Hamburg. Just to the right, on the wall, where you start the map (in Front of the bridge, which leads to the church). Just eat it.
9. Dunkirk Beach
Achievements in Dunkirk Beach.