WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide 100%

Welcome to our WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide 100%. Can’t find that 1 collectable you have spent hours looking for? Well this is the guide for you!

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide 100%

As more maps/levels come out we will try to update it ASAP. We hope you enjoy this guide and it helps you on your quest to fully 100% the game! And yes, we did put blue circles using Microsoft Paint to indicate exactly where the collectables are in the picture.

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the WW2 Rebuilder game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our WW2 Rebuilder guide.

Gimbert Collectables

Letter to Mummy and Daddy – on top of the Station-Canopy

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Letter to Children – Bottom Left side of the locomotive

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Letter to Father – Between Start & Bomb. Bottom of the Pipe-Pillar

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Evacuation Poster #1 – On the Wall between the tower and the Build with broken roof

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Soham Disaster Article – up in the Tower, on the table

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Cargo Manifest – below the derailed wagon

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Evacuation Poster #2 – near Construction-Sign, on second platform

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Coffin Ticket #2 – down in the tower, under the crates

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London Necropolis Collectables

Crown Propaganda Poster #1 – at the end of the first hallway, wall on right side

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Crown Propaganda Poster #2 – on wall, opposite side of the containers in second hallway

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Crown Propaganda Poster #3 – Fence-Wall near the rails

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Necropolis Company Flyer – on the ground at the chapel-entrance

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Coffin Ticket – on ledge in front of the last Waiting-Room Window

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Note on the Coffin Order Form – and the end of the first hallway, on floor left side of the door

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Burial Records – on the table in Chapel (key needed to open the door)

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Post Mortem Letter – in coffin, at the end of the rails

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London City Collectables

Recycling Poster #1 – On main-street, near the flag

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Recycling Poster #2 – wall on main-street, opposite side of the smaller construction-site

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Omnibus Tickets #1 – In the Hole, with the Omnibus

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Omnibus Tickets #2 – lowest branch in tree, on main-street (use scaffolding)

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

William’s Diary – on the wooden platform, in the small backyard (use scaffolding)

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Page torn from a Diary – behind the plane, in the bigger contruction-site

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Morrisson Shelter Booklet – In the Blind-Alley, on the small wall/fence near, behind the

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

Safety Instructions – At wall behind the gate, at the end of the back-alley

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Lympne Collectables

Pre-war Flyer #1 – on the wall, near the buildable administration building

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Pre-war Flyer #2 – on roof of the house, near the watertank. Opposite site of the road, where the loadable truck is

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Letter from William’s Father – on the ground at the backwall of the first destroyed hangar

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Orders from Wing Commander – on table in mansion

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Pilot’s Journal – on table in tower

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User Manual – at the end of the bunker (up the ladder)

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RAF Poster – In Hangar with the Spitfire, upper floor, left side
NOTE: Hard to See but it is Left Side of Hanger Second Floor

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WAAF Poster – On first barrack-wall

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WW2 Rebuilder Belfast Collectables

Old draft of a Letter

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War Cruiser’s Maintenance Log
NOTE: Inside the Submarine hole

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Letter from the South

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Old Newspaper

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Poster with a Cat

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Shipyard Poster

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Transatlantic Poster

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Military Telegram
NOTE: Second Floor of Main Factory

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WW2 Rebuilder Essen Steelworks Collectables

Labor force Classification

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Decoy Plant Plans

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Hitler Youth Poster

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Reich Eagle Poster

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Hitler Youth Poster #2

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Polish Worker’s ID

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Soldier’s Medical Evaluation

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Ukrainian Worker’s Private Notes

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Hamburg: St. Nicholas Church Collectables

Child’s Drawing

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Red Cross Poster #1

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Bombing Analysis

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Food Stamps

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Response to the Request

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Screening Announcement

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Red Cross Poster #2

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Pre-war Poster

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Dunkirk Beach Collectables

Intimidating Leaflet
NOTE: It is in the sandpile so just use your shovel to find it.

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Evacuation Routes Map

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Your letter to Elise

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Fisherman’s Diary

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De Gaulle’s Appeal

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Resistance Poster

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Allies Poster

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Pre-war Poster

WW2 Rebuilder Collectables Guide (100%)

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