Yakuza Kiwami 2 – PS4 Button Xinput Controllers

PS4 Button Xinput Controllers

Replace XBOX button prompts with Dualshock 4 ones.

This mod replaces the XBOX button prompts with PS4 ones.

It’s made for the release version. It should also work with all future updates, unless they update something in ui.par. I’ll try to keep this mod updated.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XaKmWTPLWqTvwwqs2DA9Nfhcy9a-8nFV

I’ve also included versions with No Letterbox Bars and with Black Letterbox bars.

This is an xdelta patch, because replacing textures in Kiwami 2 requires editing a big file, so an xdelta patch made more sense.

If you find any issues with this mod, please let me know in the comments.

If you’re looking for the Yakuza 0 version, go here.

For the Yakuza Kiwami version, go here.


1. Download the mod

2. Run the installer.

3. Browse to the installation path of Yakuza Kiwami 2 (default path is Steam/steamapps/common/Yakuza Kiwami 2)

4. Press the start button and wait. Wait a little until it finishes.

And that’s it. Now you should have PS4 button prompts in game.


  • Timo654 for making the mod
  • Slow for PARC Archive Importer and Remove Letterbox Artworks Mod
  • Crowpocalypse for testing
  • Canzah for helping

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