Yakuza Kiwami 2 – Remove Letterbox Artworks Mod

Remove Letterbox Artworks Mod

This small mod allows people with non 16:9 displays enjoy the game without distracting images on letterbox bars.

There are two versions of this mod available:
One that makes borders black and another that removes them completely:

yakuza kiwami 2 remove letterbox artworks mod 1

yakuza kiwami 2 remove letterbox artworks mod 2

yakuza kiwami 2 remove letterbox artworks mod 3

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Be aware, that cutscenes were made with 16:9 aspect ratio in mind, so removing bars can reveal things that were not supposed to be seen, sometimes making background in pre-rendered cutscenes bright:

yakuza kiwami 2 remove letterbox artworks mod 5

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  • Download this archive
  • Rename “ui.par” to “ui_backup.par”
  • Run XdeltaUI.exe;
  • In “Patch” field select your desired version of this mod:
  • -BlackBars.xdelta – will remove patterns from letterbox bars, making them plain black;
  • -NoBars.xdelta – will remove bars completely, potentially revealing things that you weren’t supposed to see.
  • In “Source File” field select “ui_backup.par” file;
  • Press “…” near “Output File”, pick a “\Yakuza Kiwami 2\data” folder and write “ui.par” as a filename;
  • Press “Patch” button.

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