AK-Xolotl All Items List

We have listed all the items and their descriptions in detail in our guide in AK-Xolotl, which contains many items.

This is the guide Chico104 it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

AK-Xolotl All Items List

There are a ton of items in this game, but many of them don’t give a good enough description as to what they really do. This guide aims to inform the average AK-Xolotl player about items that should or should not be picked up in runs.

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

B-Tier Items

Advanced Ammo

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Pretty useful overall. Does not override the shot speed reduction of Glutton Rounds, unfortunately. Also doesn’t seem to increase your range, only affects shot speed.

Big Heart

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Pretty self-explanatory. I usually pick this up early game if I need health, but it is pointless late game, as there is the health cap in this game is pretty low (only 10 hearts). The speed down is negligible, unless your speed is already low.

Crystal Heart

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Amazing item at high curse. Getting hit is inevitable, and with health regeneration as readily available as it is in this game, there really isn’t much of a punishment for taking a hit. This item wipes tough rooms if you get hit a few times.

Duck Egg

Just as useless as the Feather, if not more so. Never pick up, unless you have bomb immunity.

Elven Armor

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Just a slightly better Energy Drink. Doesn’t make much of an effect is most runs.

Empty Can

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Negligible speed up. There’s no downside to picking it up, but it’s definitely not worth taking over most of the other items in this game.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

One of the worst items in this game. You DO NOT gain immunity from your own bombs. Don’t pick up unless you have Helmet.

Heavy Duty Boots

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Traps are almost never placed in inconvenient locations on the map. There are nearly zero situations where this helps you out.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

You can not hurt yourself with your own explosions. With this in mind, enemy explosions are easy enough to dodge to make this item near useless. Can be useful in some room layouts, though (crazy area 4 plants can’t hurt you with this).

Honey Hive

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

So unbelievably useless. The resources can be nice early on, but healing one hp is pathetic.

Lemon Juice

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

A single temporary hit point? The only use for this is if you are using the chaotic Axolotl class. Otherwise, the item is useless.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Ranges from useless to slightly convenient. Oddly enough, the extra bullets in your primary’s magazine count as over 100% full for the weapon. What this means is that as long as you are over the original mag size of the weapon, you can’t reload. Slightly inconvenient but nothing worth abandoning the item over.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Quickly becoming one of my favorite B-Tier items. By “maxed out” they mean infinite pickup range. No more running into danger to pick up doraditos dropped near other enemies!

Normal Bag

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Gives a chest’s worth of doraditos. Useful early on but becomes useless as you progress and outpace the cost of shop items.

Orange Juice

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

SLIGHTLY better Lemon Juice. Still basically useless, only pick up if you’re using chaotic class or are super low on health.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Same as Devil Horns but worse. One of the lesser items in the game.

Slimy pants

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Fulfills the same purpose as Devil Eye, but with goo instead. Not very good.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Self explanatory health up. Can be decently useful early on.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Amazing item! Blocks boss projectiles and beats up unlucky enemies that get close to the orb. No reason not to pick this item up, definitely one of the best B-Tier items.

Zombie Meat

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Worse veggie. Leaves you with 2 empty hearts, but makes up for it by giving you a shield. Worth it if you have health to spare.

A-Tier Items


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Really good item! If you’re feeling courageous enough, you could purposely get your health low to reap those damage benefits.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Pretty good item at times. Does decent damage, and can really help against chasing enemies. It also does pretty good damage to the final boss’ second phase if you hug it, since it does no contact damage.

Big Clip

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

This item’s been reworked since last update. It’s still pretty good, but not quite as swell as it once was.

Big Fungus

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

If it increases your actual hitbox, it is nearly unnoticeable. Worth picking up most of the time. Useless if you’re at the health cap, though.

Black Goo

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

USELESS ITEM! The slowing effect means almost nothing for the majority of the enemies in this game. On top of that, the trail you leave on the ground doesn’t last very long. Should be a B-Tier item.

Boxing Glove

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Ehh. The knockback is quite significant but why would you ever need knockback in the first place?


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Better Butter Knife. Amazing pickup, 20% is delicious. Also gives you a little bullet buddy that circles you kinda like a Guon Stone in Gungeon.

Butter Knife

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

We love damage! One of the few damage ups with no downside, always worth picking up.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Does a decent amount of damage and you’re pretty safe when dashing into most enemies. Be careful when using this on bosses, they can still deal contact damage to you.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

When you get hit, all bullets on the screen disappear! Super useful when it comes to avoiding future hits, works great as a defensive pickup.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Sets your health to one, but gives you a HUGE health up. Risky item, but can be super good. Does not kill you if you are already low on health.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Slightly better than Black Goo. With enemies finally experiencing negative status effects, enemies will slowly burn out for a bit. The damage is pretty negligible, however. Unsure if the status effect’s damage increases as you pick up damage upgrades.

Cowboy Hat

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Cowboy hat buffed as of December 19th! No damage down! Woohoo!!! Still not the best item but it’s way better than it used to be.

Devil Horns

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Cool looking familiars, but not too useful. Doesn’t hurt enemies if the curse that disables negative status effects is active. Good at times, not so good the rest of the time.

Demonic Eye

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Not deserving of A-Tier. It’s a worst version of Crystal Heart. Enemies take no damage if they are immune to status effects, so the item means nothing in high curse runs. Not bad if you’re doing a no curse/ low curse run, though.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Delicious! Super good item early on, worthy of being A-Tier. As with all health up items, becomes less useful later on.

Fairy Wings

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Noticeable speed up. Decent item, but speed isn’t a big problem for the majority of Axolotl classes.

Genie Lamp

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Pushes enemies away if they get too close to you. Can help at times, but can also be quite detrimental. If you are dashing past/through an enemy, the genie will push it backwards and lead you to land right next to it, possibly taking a hit.

I-Frame No Jutsu

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

This item is sorta bugged. At times it feels amazing, but I’ve noticed that if you dodge roll twice in a row, one after another, the second roll won’t reset the invincibility timer. This means that you can be hit during your roll. If this bug is fixed, the item is god tier.

Lucky Roll

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Super useful item. Basically a damage up, and can be extremely useful when paired with guns that have a fast fire rate. One of the better A-Tier items.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Self-explanatory. Unlike most health related items, this gains value over time. It’s best to purposefully avoid this item until area 4-5 when you need it most. Can save runs!


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

I’m not sure if this item’s effect is better than Battery or not. It does the exact same thing, but does varying damage numbers. If you pick this up with Battery, the effect stacks.

Protein Juice

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Can help at times, but is largely useless. Trying to use this item on purpose usually ends in getting hit, so it’s best to only dash towards enemies that don’t shoot anything.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Decent item on its own. This item really shines with Time-Based rounds. For some reason, the explosion covers almost half of the map when combined with Time-Based Rounds. Probably a glitch, but for the time being it can clear maps and is one of the best synergies in the game.

Runic Sword

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Just like Trident, the only damage from the projectile is from the status effect. Avoid if you have the curse disabling enemy status effects.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Doubles the resources you obtain from any source. Great if you’re low on resources, but useless when you have more than enough resources to spare.

Stinky Tail

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

This is the same as Black Goo and Chili, but WORSE. There are multiple enemies/ traps that spew poison, but you DO NOT get poison immunity from this item. I found myself getting hit multiple times by enemy acid pools, thinking they were my own. One of the worst items in this game.

Steady Body

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Very nice quality of life item. Makes shooting during tricky boss patterns easier, allowing you to get more shots in.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Really nice quality of life item! Does wonders for shotguns.

Time-Based Rounds

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Unfortunately, your bullets do not gain damage as they increase in size. Still a very solid item with a lot of synergies, however. The synergy with rocket increases the explosion radius a TON, and is one of the best synergies in this game.

A Tier Items (Continued)


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

The trident shot is an entirely new shot! Similar to Lucky Roll but with a fire effect. Quite good.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Good, but be careful about the accuracy decrease. It’s quite noticeable. This item is much worse for sniper builds than it is for shotgun/AK builds.

Zero_One’s Mask

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Very fun item! Makes the dodge roll quicker and you generally have more control when rolling with this item.

S-Tier Items


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Great item! Not the most consistent damage up, but it really does put work in. A damage up with no downside is always nice.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Pretty useful item. DO NOT PICK UP if you are doing high curse runs and have disabled enemies taking negative status effects. It does not hurt enemies outside of the negative status.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

This item really shines with some of the secondary weapons. Isn’t the best for killing enemies, but bosses get melted with this item.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Another beautiful damage up with no downsides! The damage up doesn’t seem too significant, however. Even at 999 doraditos, you aren’t doing as much damage as you should. By no means a bad item, just not the best item either.

Chad Contract

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Self-explanatory, but doesn’t do what it says at times. From my experience, the damage up only has a chance to go away if you dash. Sometimes it disappears, sometimes it stays. Don’t worry about dodge rolling in cleared rooms. The effect resets every time you enter a new room.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Negligible effects depending on the active you have. Could either be a godsend or an average pickup.

Devil’s Pact

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ITEM! The “price” in question is the item taking all of your health and converting it to shield. You are reset to one available heart, and have to take health ups to recover. Early on this item is amazing, but it can end games if picked up too late.

Doraditos Bag

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

The earlier you get it, the better it is. Not the best item out there, but definitely has its uses.

D-Pad Shots

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Cricket’s body, AK-Xolotl edition. Pretty good S-Tier item with no downside! Synergizes perfectly with some weapons.

Ghost Bullets

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Often acts as a great defensive item. There are many room layouts in which you can hide behind a wall and mow down enemies without them being able to target you. Especially useful in area 5 layouts.

Glutton Rounds

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Be careful with this item. Gives a huge damage up, but really gimps the range of your weapons. Non-melee weapons with an already low range are really screwed over by this item. Otherwise, it’s usually worth taking.

Pea Adapter

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

PVZ, my love… Really fun item! Not as good with semi-automatic weapons, but works amazingly with most of the guns in this game.

Robo Hand

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

This item is bugged. Despite what the description says, it gives a HUGE fire rate up. I’m not sure if it gives a damage down, but it definitely is not a 75% damage down. Not sure if they planned for it to be another Pea Adapter, but that’s what it is at the moment.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Piercing through enemies is great! Helps deal with crowds and can clear rooms with the right weapons. Not very useful for low range weapons, however. Situational.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Super good item. The damage up isn’t really noticeable when you have 5 projectiles hitting an enemy at once. Great at clearing enemy rooms and melts bosses with some weapons. Doesn’t work with some weapons that already have multiple projectiles, though.

SSS-Tier Items

Boony Rounds

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Worthy of the SSS rating. Makes entire runs trivial. Free Win!

Double Trouble

An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Love it! Very risky item, but extremely fun and worth the risk. If enemies crit you, you take 4 damage, though. Be careful!


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Holy Mantle! Immunity once per room is invaluable. Always take this item, it saves runs! Especially useful with the Chaotic Axolotl class.


An AK-Xolotl Item Guide

Contrary to what you might think, your bullets do not pierce through enemy bullets, unless you have an item/ gun that pierces. The item is still very good, you just need to be careful when picking it up. Shotguns/ automatic weapons will do much better with this item than snipers.

Written by Chico104

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