Atlas Ghost Ships [Ship of The Damned]

The Damned Ships (Ghost Ships) were introduced among the latest Atlas patches. The Ship of the Damned is an A.I. controlled Ship that hunts down any real player Ships and destroys them, along with killing their crew of course. This guide should give you an idea of what are the Ships of the Damned (Ghost Ships), what’s the best way to beat them and what loot they drop.

In the vast world of Atlas, there are many dangers that sailors must face on the open seas, but none are more terrifying than the ghost ships. These spectral vessels are said to be the remnants of ships lost at sea, cursed to roam the waters forever. They are known to be heavily armed and incredibly dangerous, attacking any ship that comes within their reach. Despite the danger, many adventurers seek out these ghost ships in hopes of finding treasure and valuable loot. However, taking on a ghost ship requires a well-equipped and skilled crew, as well as a solid battle plan. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Atlas ghost ships, including where to find them, how to defeat them, and what treasures they may hold. So batten down the hatches and prepare for a spooky adventure on the high seas with this Atlas ghost ship guide!

Updated on: 3.23.2023

Atlas Ghost Ships Guide

As mentioned before, Ghost Ships are strictly Bots (A.I. controlled ships) which were incredibly strong in the first patch they were introduced because they annihilated 95% of all the current player-made Ships and Vessels in the game. Latest patches nerfed them a lot, and now they’re killable. With that in mind, they drop incredibly good loot and you should definitely destroy Ghost Ships if you can! You will notice the Ghost Ships by their distinctive green color and spooky looking ship. The Ghost Ships will not attack Ships docked near starter islands (freeports) but when you start sailing away towards the deep Sea you will most definitely get attacked by one or more of them so be extremely careful. Once these are aggroed (even one hit is enough) they won’t stop until your Ship sank!

Atlas Ghost Ships Guide
Atlas Ghost Ships Guide
  • Beware: Ghost Ships will RAM into your Ship if they get close, and they will deal a lot of damage, so make sure you destroy them as fast as possible.

The best way to destroy Damned Ships (Ghost Ships) is to have a very strong Ship at least a Brigantine with properly manned cannons and a captain. Do not even think about going on a Ghost Ship hunt with a Raft, Schooner or a Sloop because they will most definitely kill you. If you are on a Ghost Ship hunt (and why wouldn’t you be? It’s so fun.) make sure that your captain steers your boat so that your side cannons are facing the Ghost Ships as you get close.

Atlas Ghost Ships Guide
Atlas Ghost Ships Guide

This is extremely important because you will get the first hits off and be in a huge advantage against the Ships of the Damned, ending the battle as fast as possible. Always have fully maned cannons once you enter the battle because bursting down the enemy ship is important due to the fact more of them can spawn within close distances and flank you from all sides.

Atlas Ghost Ships Guide
Atlas Ghost Ships Guide

Ships of the Damned (Ghost Ships) can drop loot and NPC prisoners which they held as slaves on their ship.

When the Ghost Ship is destroyed, these prisoners will fall in the water and swim around, you can then recruit them with Gold. You can order these slaves to Use Cannons and Sails, Harvest resources and even change their behaviors. The loot drops are distributed via purple boxes (these have a skull on them). The Ghost Ship loot boxes can contain blueprints (for example Mortar structure blueprint for your Ship), Gold and much more!

Atlas Ghost Ships Guide
Atlas Ghost Ships Guide

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