Black Mesa – Xen When Achievement FIX

Xen When Achievement FIX

Getting Achievement

Enable the developer console in options: [Options -> Game -> Developer console -> Yes]

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Activate the console by pressing the tilde: “~”
Then enter this command: sv_cheats 1

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Wait until the scientist gives the greenlight to jump into the portal:
“It’s ready! You must go! Now!”

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Wait for 5 seconds or a little bit longer, then enter those commands in the console:
ent_fire sequence_timer_portalfail enable
sv_cheats 0

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Save the game and return to main menu (or just Quit the game and Launch it again)

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Make sure that the sv_cheats parameter in the console is set to zero: sv_cheats 0
Then close the console and load last save

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A few moments later the portal is going to blast and you’ll get “xen when” achievement

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If you’re delivering a secret hat and/or a pizza, I recommend to load normal auto-save and throw these things into a stable portal and jump into

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